Effective theory of bound states from QCD?

In summary, the effective theory of bound states from QCD is not possible to construct few-particle states from vacuum, quarks and gluons and to study their scattering below Lambda b/c quarks and gluons are "the wrong d.o.f." in this regime. But of course we should try something like Bogoljubov trf., dressing, integrating out d.of.s, ... in order to derive an effective theory.
  • #1
A. Neumaier
Science Advisor
Insights Author
Effective theory of bound states from QCD??

tom.stoer said:
Correct, it is not possible to construct few-particle states from vacuum, quarks and gluons and to study their scattering below Lambda b/c quarks and gluons are "the wrong d.o.f." in this regime. But of course we should try something like Bogoljubov trf., dressing, integrating out d.of.s, ... in order to derive an effective theory.

Do you know any work that actually succeeds in producing the action of an effective
field theory for nucleons and mesons, starting from the QCD action?
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  • #2

Afaik there are no strict derivations of effective degrees of freedom. There are several effective theories "inspired" by QCD, e.g. Chiral Perturbation Theory, Skyrme models and extensions (including vector mesons, ...), Heavy Quark Effective Theories, (old-fashioned) Non-Relativistic Quark Models, ... but I guess this is not what you are asking for.
  • #3

tom.stoer said:
Afaik there are no strict derivations of effective degrees of freedom. There are several effective theories "inspired" by QCD, e.g. Chiral Perturbation Theory, Skyrme models and extensions (including vector mesons, ...), Heavy Quark Effective Theories, (old-fashioned) Non-Relativistic Quark Models, ... but I guess this is not what you are asking for.

It is not clear to me what you mean by ''strict''. I don't ask for a rigorous derivation, but for a derivation that starts with the QCD action, then makes certain transformations and approximations, and from that deduces (heuristically) the effective action of hadrons.

This is different from merely ''inspired'' theories that borrow from QCD some ideas but then build an effective theory from scratch rather than showing why it comes from the QCD action by means of some approximation scheme.

So what I am asking for is whether any of the inspired effective theories have a heuristic derivation in which the basic fields of the effective theory are clearly related to the basic fields of QCD.
  • #4

I think that's what tom meant --- he said "strict" when he meant "any derivation".
  • #5

You derive the chiral / flavor structure of chiral effective theories from QCD. That means upfront you have no idea regarding relevant / irrelevant operators (as you turn a renormalizable theory into a non-renormalizable one), you have no ideas regarding coupling constants, ... but you can derive the chiral / flavor structure of certain operators and translate them into terms of an effective Lagrangian.

I don't know if there is a something like a spacetime renormalization program a la Kadanoff.

I know that in 1+1 dim. QCD one can use a kind of bosonization but I have never seen something like that in the 3+1 dim. theory.
  • #6

tom.stoer said:
You derive the chiral / flavor structure of chiral effective theories from QCD. That means upfront you have no idea regarding relevant / irrelevant operators (as you turn a renormalizable theory into a non-renormalizable one), you have no ideas regarding coupling constants, ... but you can derive the chiral / flavor structure of certain operators and translate them into terms of an effective Lagrangian.

The step I am inquiring about is

-- whether the field operators of the effective Lagrangian are equipped by hand with the properties derived from QCD and the Lagrangian itself is then built just by using these properties but without further reference to the QCD Lagrangian (which I'd regard as an inspired theory only)

-- or whether there exists, say, a renormalization group calculation that relates the effective Lagrangian to the full QCD action via variation of the energy scale (which I'd regard as a derivation, even if nothing quantitative could be said about the numerical relationships).

In the second case, I'd appreciate references.
  • #7

A. Neumaier said:
-- or whether there exists, say, a renormalization group calculation that relates the effective Lagrangian to the full QCD action via variation of the energy scale (which I'd regard as a derivation, even if nothing quantitative could be said about the numerical relationships).
I haven't seen those calculations, but I am out of the business since some years.
  • #8

A. Neumaier said:
The step I am inquiring about is

-- whether the field operators of the effective Lagrangian are equipped by hand with the properties derived from QCD and the Lagrangian itself is then built just by using these properties but without further reference to the QCD Lagrangian (which I'd regard as an inspired theory only)

Disclaimer: I am currently studying this topic so this is all new to me at this point.

As far as I am aware the derivation follows from assuming the up and down quarks to be massless and the heavier quarks to be non-existent. The Lagrangian is one of two massless fermions with the usual SU(3) gauge bosons. Then follows an ad-hoc* introduction of a fermion condensate which breaks chiral symmetry.

Then a state |U> is assumed to exist for which the expectation value of said anti-fermion fermion operator only slowly rotates in flavor space, giving a 2x2 unitary matrix. This is taken to be an effective field. It is written as the exponential of three real scalar fields multiplying the Pauli matrices, these are identified with the pions.

* (i haven't seen a justification for this, although the existence of symmetry breaking is justified by the lack of a parity partner for the proton) see [2]

A mass term is added which contains the quark masses. Because of the fermion condensate this term becomes a mass term for the pions.

This can be expanded to an SU(3) which then gives 8 pseudo-Goldstone bosons.

[1] I learned it from here: Mark Srednicki, Quantum Field Theory, http://www.physics.ucsb.edu/~mark/ms-qft-DRAFT.pdf page 502
[2] http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0108111
  • #9

Nonrelativistic bound states are studied using an effective field theory. Large logarithms in the effective theory can be summed using the velocity renormalization group. For QED, one can determine the structure of the leading and next-to-leading order series for the energy, and compute corrections up to order α8 ln3 α, which are relevant for the present comparison between theory and experiment. For QCD, one can compute the velocity renormalization group improved quark potentials. Using these to compute the renormalization group improved Image t production cross-section near threshold gives a result with scale uncertainties of 2%, a factor of 10 smaller than existing fixed order calculations.
  • #10

A. Neumaier said:
The step I am inquiring about is

-- whether the field operators of the effective Lagrangian are equipped by hand with the properties derived from QCD and the Lagrangian itself is then built just by using these properties but without further reference to the QCD Lagrangian (which I'd regard as an inspired theory only)

-- or whether there exists, say, a renormalization group calculation that relates the effective Lagrangian to the full QCD action via variation of the energy scale (which I'd regard as a derivation, even if nothing quantitative could be said about the numerical relationships).

In the second case, I'd appreciate references.

One example of the second type of effective field theory is NRQCD, for non-relativistic quarks. But the matching of the coefficients in the eft with QCD is made using lattice calculations.

Most low-energy effective lagrangians are of the first type.
  • #11

nrqed said:
One example of the second type of effective field theory is NRQCD, for non-relativistic quarks. But the matching of the coefficients in the eft with QCD is made using lattice calculations.

Could you please give a reference where this is actually done?

Related to Effective theory of bound states from QCD?

1. What is the effective theory of bound states from QCD?

The effective theory of bound states from QCD (Quantum Chromodynamics) is a framework used in particle physics to describe the interactions between quarks and gluons, the fundamental building blocks of protons, neutrons, and other hadrons. It is based on the principles of Quantum Field Theory and is used to calculate the properties of bound states, such as their masses and decay rates.

2. How is the effective theory of bound states from QCD derived?

The effective theory of bound states from QCD is derived through a process called renormalization, which involves separating the short-distance and long-distance interactions between quarks and gluons. This allows for the calculation of observable quantities, such as the masses of hadrons, without needing to consider the underlying microscopic interactions.

3. What is the significance of the effective theory of bound states from QCD?

The effective theory of bound states from QCD is significant because it provides a way to understand the complex interactions between quarks and gluons in a simplified manner. It allows for the prediction of experimental results and the testing of the theory through comparison with data. It also helps bridge the gap between the microscopic world of quarks and gluons and the macroscopic world of protons, neutrons, and other hadrons.

4. How is the effective theory of bound states from QCD used in practical applications?

The effective theory of bound states from QCD is used in a wide range of practical applications, including the study of particle collisions in high-energy accelerators, the understanding of the structure of nuclei, and the prediction of the properties of exotic particles. It is also used in the development of new technologies, such as medical imaging and nuclear energy.

5. Are there any current challenges or limitations in the effective theory of bound states from QCD?

Yes, there are still some challenges and limitations in the effective theory of bound states from QCD. One challenge is the difficulty in calculating certain properties, such as the masses of particles with more than three quarks. Another limitation is the lack of a complete understanding of the strong force, which is responsible for binding quarks together. However, ongoing research and advancements in theoretical and computational techniques are helping to address these challenges and expand our understanding of the effective theory of bound states from QCD.

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