Effectiveness of a Boolean test

  • Thread starter geo101
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In summary, the conversation discusses the use of a Boolean parameter, "SC", to identify accurate and inaccurate data in a data set of 13,174 results. The results show that 4016 out of 5400 accurate results have an SC value of 1, while 4373 out of 7774 inaccurate results also have an SC value of 1. The speaker would like to apply a statistical test to determine the significance of this difference and see if SC is effective at identifying accurate results. A suggestion is made to use a T-test or a binomial distribution test to assess the significance. Further discussion includes the calculation of the probability of selecting accurate results using the SC parameter and how it can be used to determine if the parameter
  • #1
I’m working with a Boolean parameter that has been proposed to identify good data and I want to test if it is effective on a data set where we know what is good (accurate) and bad (inaccurate results).

The theory (sensu amplo!) behind the Boolean parameter, called “SC”, is that a value of “1” should indicate accurate data and a value of “0” should indicate inaccurate data. I have a data set of 13,174 results, where we independently know that 5400 are accurate and 7774 are inaccurate.

Of the accurate results, 4016 (~74%) have an SC value of 1. Of the inaccurate results, 4373 (~56%) have an SC value of 1. What I would like to do is apply a statistical test to assess the significance of the difference between these two proportions and determine if, at some significance level, SC is effective at identifying accurate results.

Any thoughts and advice would be most welcome :smile:
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  • #2
I would be willing to eat a sock if they weren't different statistically - that should count as some sort of significance test rigt there.

More seriously you want to do this T-test:
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

How would the t-test be adapted to this situation? Given that the SC parameter is essentially a yes/no result, would a test based on a binomial distribution not be more appropriate?

I would be willing to eat a sock if they weren't different statistically - that should count as some sort of significance test rigt there.
While that certainly would be significant, I would have to see evidence of the sock devouring :-p
  • #4
OK, what about this...

I have 13,174 results, of which 5400 are accurate. The probability of randomly picking an accurate result is P = 0.4099.
Using the parameter SC = 1, I select a subset of 8389 results (i.e., Nt = 8389).
Of these Nt results 4016 are accurate (i.e., Ns = 4016).
Using the binomial CDF, I can calculate the probability that my realized success rate occurred by chance, using:

[itex]p_r=1- \sum\limits_{i=0}^{N_{s}}{ N_{t} \choose i } P^{i}(1-P)^{N_{t}-i}[/itex]

When I crunch the numbers, I get pr ≈ 0. So I can say that, at better than the 5% significance level, selecting results with SC = 1, will increasing the likelihood of selecting accurate results.

Is this correct??
  • #5

I would recommend conducting a statistical analysis to determine the effectiveness of the Boolean test in identifying accurate data. One approach could be to use a chi-square test to compare the observed proportions of accurate and inaccurate results with an expected proportion of 50% for both groups. This would allow us to determine if there is a significant difference between the two groups and if the Boolean test is effective at distinguishing accurate from inaccurate data.

Additionally, I would suggest considering other factors that may affect the accuracy of the Boolean test, such as sample size and potential biases in the data set. It may also be helpful to compare the results of the Boolean test with other methods of identifying accurate data, such as manual review or other statistical tests.

Overall, it is important to approach this analysis with a critical and objective mindset, considering all potential factors and limitations, in order to accurately assess the effectiveness of the Boolean test.

Related to Effectiveness of a Boolean test

1. What is a Boolean test?

A Boolean test is a type of test used in logic and computer science to determine the truth value of a statement. It involves evaluating a statement as either true or false based on certain conditions or criteria.

2. How is the effectiveness of a Boolean test determined?

The effectiveness of a Boolean test is determined by how accurately it can evaluate a statement as either true or false. This can be measured by comparing the results of the test to a known truth or by analyzing its performance in various scenarios.

3. What factors can affect the effectiveness of a Boolean test?

There are several factors that can affect the effectiveness of a Boolean test, such as the complexity of the statement being evaluated, the criteria used to determine truth value, and the accuracy of the data or information being input into the test.

4. How is a Boolean test different from other types of tests?

Boolean tests are different from other types of tests because they only have two possible outcomes (true or false) and are based on logical operations, rather than numerical or subjective evaluations. They are commonly used in computer programming and mathematical logic.

5. What are some real-world applications of Boolean tests?

Boolean tests have a wide range of applications in various fields, including computer science, engineering, and medicine. They are commonly used in decision-making processes, data analysis, and problem-solving tasks that require logical reasoning and the evaluation of conditions or criteria.

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