Efficiency and Performance of a Reversible Heat Engine

In summary, the efficiency of a reversible heat engine changes with the heat flow. The condition for flow to cease is when T1 = T2.
  • #1
for the following question:

a reversible heat engine, opearting in a cycle, withdraws heat from a high-temperature reservoir(the temperature of which consequentyly decreases), performs work w, and rejects heat into a low-temperature reservoir(the tempertaure of which consequentyly increases). The two reswervoirs are, initially, aht the temperatures T1 and T2 and have constant heat capacities
C1 and C2, respectively. Calculate the final temperature of the system and the maximum amount of work which can be obtained from the engine.

how do you solvethat kind of question?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
asdf1 said:
for the following question:
a reversible heat engine, opearting in a cycle, withdraws heat from a high-temperature reservoir(the temperature of which consequentyly decreases), performs work w, and rejects heat into a low-temperature reservoir(the tempertaure of which consequentyly increases). The two reswervoirs are, initially, aht the temperatures T1 and T2 and have constant heat capacities
C1 and C2, respectively. Calculate the final temperature of the system and the maximum amount of work which can be obtained from the engine.
how do you solvethat kind of question?
What is the expression for efficiency (dW/dQ_h) in terms of T1 and T2. How do T1 and T2 change with the heat flow? As these temperatures change, how does the efficiency change? What is the condition for flow to cease?

  • #3
expression for efficiency (dW/dQ_h) ? what's that?
  • #4
asdf1 said:
expression for efficiency (dW/dQ_h) ? what's that?
What is the efficiency of the Carnot engine (expressed as Work output/heat input)?

  • #5
[q2-q1]/q2 = [T2-T1]/T2?
  • #6
asdf1 said:
[q2-q1]/q2 = [T2-T1]/T2?
Right idea. But I think T1 = hot reservoir and T2 = cold reservoir. So, for the Carnot (reversible) cycle:

[tex]\Eta = \frac{dW}{dQ_H} = \frac{Q_H - Q_C}{Q_H} = \frac{T_1 - T_2}{T_1}[/tex]

[tex]dW = \left(\frac{T_1 - T_2}{T_1}\right)dQ_H[/tex]


[tex]W = \int dW = \int \left(\frac{T_1 - T_2}{T_1}\right)dQ_H[/tex]

Now, T1 and T2 change with heat flow. How are dQ_H and temperatures T1 and T2 related to the change in temperature, dT1 and the heat capacities of the two reservoirs? Find the expression for T1 and T2 with change in temperature dT1 and express the integral in terms of temperature and heat capacities, then integrate. You will have to work out the limits of integration (heat flow stops when T1 = T2).

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  • #7
but this isn't a carnot cycle, right? so does the same thing apply?
  • #8
asdf1 said:
but this isn't a carnot cycle, right? so does the same thing apply?
'Carnot cycle' and 'reversible heat engine cycle' are synonymous.

  • #9
The heat being radiated by the hotter reservoir is m(C1)(T1) INITIALLY , and heat being gained by colder reservoir after the work is done by the engine is m(C2)(T2) initially , this will go on until an equilibrium position is established when no automatic heat flows from hotter to colder temperature.

Let the total amount of work done be W

Therefore at the end of it all:

m(C1)(T1-T) = W + m(C2)(T-T2)

As quoted by Andrew:

(heat flow stops when T1 = T2).

which will not be the case since T1 starts decreasing and T2 starts increasing as soon as the process starts. There will be some equilibrium T , where heat flow stops.
  • #10
thank you very much!
  • #11
Dr.Brain said:
The heat being radiated by the hotter reservoir is m(C1)(T1) INITIALLY , and heat being gained by colder reservoir after the work is done by the engine is m(C2)(T2) initially , this will go on until an equilibrium position is established when no automatic heat flows from hotter to colder temperature.
Let the total amount of work done be W
Therefore at the end of it all:
m(C1)(T1-T) = W + m(C2)(T-T2)
which will not be the case since T1 starts decreasing and T2 starts increasing as soon as the process starts. There will be some equilibrium T , where heat flow stops.
I agree. The question is: what is that temperature T where equilibrium is reached? It depends on how much work is done by the system. If no work is done, it is simple algebra. If work is being done (ie. heat flowing out of the system as work) the final temperature T will be lower. In order to find W you have to use the Carnot efficiency.

  • #12
ok, thanks again!

FAQ: Efficiency and Performance of a Reversible Heat Engine

1. What is a reversible heat engine?

A reversible heat engine is a theoretical concept that describes an ideal engine that can convert all input heat energy into work without any loss or dissipation. It is considered to be the most efficient type of heat engine.

2. How does a reversible heat engine work?

A reversible heat engine operates by using a working substance (such as a gas) to absorb heat from a high temperature source and then convert some of that heat energy into mechanical work. The remaining heat is then expelled to a low temperature sink. This process can be reversed to return the working substance to its original state, making the engine theoretically reversible.

3. What is the Carnot cycle and how does it relate to reversible heat engines?

The Carnot cycle is a theoretical thermodynamic cycle that describes the most efficient way to convert heat energy into work. It consists of four reversible processes: isothermal expansion, adiabatic expansion, isothermal compression, and adiabatic compression. The Carnot cycle is often used as a model for reversible heat engines because it represents the maximum efficiency that can be achieved.

4. What are the limitations of a reversible heat engine?

One of the main limitations of a reversible heat engine is that it is a theoretical concept and cannot be achieved in practice. This is because it requires the engine to operate in a perfectly reversible manner, which is not possible due to friction and other real-world factors. Additionally, reversible heat engines only operate between two fixed temperature points, limiting their practical applications.

5. How is the efficiency of a reversible heat engine calculated?

The efficiency of a reversible heat engine is calculated using the Carnot efficiency formula, which is the ratio of the difference in temperature between the high and low temperature sources to the temperature of the high temperature source. This means that the efficiency of a reversible heat engine increases as the temperature difference between the two sources decreases, making it more efficient at lower temperature differentials.

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