Efficiency of heat engine question

In summary, Qin is negative for isobaric processes and for the isobaric, Qin=-Qs. This would happen at step 2 and 3.
  • #1
Homework Statement
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Relevant Equations
So efficiency is W/Qin.

W= 0 for isochoric processes and for the isobaric, P(change in V). So W=Pi(Vi-Vf)+Pf(Vi-Vf)

Qin is negative Qs.This would happen at step 2 and 3. For the isobaric, Q=ncv(change in T) and for isochoric, Q=ncp(change in T).

Now if I put everything in the equation I get (Pi(Vi-Vf)+Pf(Vi-Vf))/(ncv(change in T)+ncp(change in T))

Now my problem obviously is that I don't know what a single one of these variables are. All I know are the changes in temp from other steps. For instance, the change in T from d to a is 17.4K. But this doesn't exactly help me calculate anything since i don't have mol, volume, or anything at all really.


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  • #2
JoeyBob said:
I get (Pi(Vi-Vf)+Pf(Vi-Vf))/(ncv(change in T)+ncp(change in T))
Check your signs. What would you expect if Pi=Pf?

You need to involve the given temperature differences, and you have not used your relevant equation.
  • #3
haruspex said:
Check your signs. What would you expect if Pi=Pf?

You need to involve the given temperature differences, and you have not used your relevant equation.

I think the bottom signs need a negative? Just looking at the graph I know that Pi can't be Pf (they have different height).

The problem with PV=nRT is that I don't know n. Or P. Or V. But let's say I substitute change in T into the equation everywhere.

Pi(nR(change T)/P) + Pf(nR(change T)/P) / -ncv(change T) - ncp(change T)

I know I didn't label everything precisely, but this gives the general idea.

I guess stuff can cancel out? But my problem now is about the (change T). I get (T change) at 4 and 1 in the diagram. But there are two spots in my fraction where change in T is from 2 and 3.

Arent I missing these values?
  • #4
JoeyBob said:
Just looking at the graph I know that Pi can't be Pf (they have different height).
It's a sanity check. What should you get if Pi were equal to Pf? The equation should still be valid.
JoeyBob said:
I don't know n
You know it is constant.
Write out the PV/T expressions for the four states and set them equal.
  • #5
haruspex said:
It's a sanity check. What should you get if Pi were equal to Pf? The equation should still be valid.

You know it is constant.
Write out the PV/T expressions for the four states and set them equal.

What do you mean by set them equal?

I could try to simplify my equation above to get (R(change T1 + change T2))/(-cv(change T1) - cp (change T2)) but i don't think its right.
  • #6
I think you can't come up with a numerical answer without at least one of the temperatures.
  • #7
JoeyBob said:
What do you mean by set them equal?
R and n are constant, so PV/T should be the same at all four points, no? From which ...
vela said:
I think you can't come up with a numerical answer without at least one of the temperatures.
... it is possible to find all the temperatures, no?
  • #8
haruspex said:
it is possible to find all the temperatures, no?
No, I don't think so. Were you able to?
  • #9
You do not need to know anyone of the temperatures to get the efficiency.
  • #10
vela said:
I think you can't come up with a numerical answer without at least one of the temperatures.
Never mind. I didn't see you were given ##T_a = T_c##.
  • #11
From the given data, you know the 4 temperature differences so you know the 4 heats. From the 4 heats, you know the net work. You do not need to use the ideal gas law to solve this problem.
  • #12
Chestermiller said:
From the given data, you know the 4 temperature differences so you know the 4 heats. From the 4 heats, you know the net work. You do not need to use the ideal gas law to solve this problem.

Okay so I think I've gotten somewhere but I am not sure how to use heat to get work.

What I did for each temperature changes was use the equation Q=nc(T change). the c is either (3/2)R or (5/2) R depending on if its isochoric or isobaric. Now I have all the Qs, some positive, some negative. The negative ones would be what work is divided by, right? Sure, n remains, but I am hoping it will be canceled out.

Now I know work = 0 for ischoric systems, so I just need to find the work for the isobaric systems. But work = P(change in volume) for isobaric systems, values I don't have. Now if I think about the units for work (Joules) I can see that its the same unit used for heat.

But I am not sure how to directly relate the two (the Q that I've calculated and the work)

Ive now tried W=nR(T change) for isobaric but when I do W/Q, where Q was the negative heats I got. my answer is too large.
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  • #13
What is the change in internal energy over the entire cycle?
  • #14
Chestermiller said:
What is the change in internal energy over the entire cycle?

It would be the sum of the work minus the sum of the heat. Idk if its because I am calculating it wrong or not, but I get 0. But this seems to be wrong because if the internal energy didnt change, doesn't that mean the efficiency was 100%?
  • #15
Chestermiller said:
What is the change in internal energy over the entire cycle?

Okay I finally figured out how to do but would really appreciate if you could explain why it works and why my earlier method was wrong (I hate this chapter so much).

As you said, I calculated Q using nc(T change). Did this for each step. Some Qs were negative, some were positive. Now I then calculated work using W=nR(T change) for the isobaric processes. Isochoric work is 0.

Method that was wrong:

I summed up the NEGATIVE Qs I got and made them positive. I summed up the work. I divided the work by these Qs. Answer is too big.

Method that got right answer:

I summed up the POSITIVE Qs. I summed up the work. I divided the work by these Qs. Answer was right.

Why is it the Qs that are positive?? I thought it was the ones that were less than 0 that I use for efficiency calculations?

FAQ: Efficiency of heat engine question

What is a heat engine?

A heat engine is a device that converts thermal energy into mechanical work. It operates by taking in heat from a high temperature source, such as burning fuel, and using it to produce work, such as turning a turbine.

What is the efficiency of a heat engine?

The efficiency of a heat engine is a measure of how well it converts thermal energy into mechanical work. It is calculated by dividing the amount of work output by the amount of heat input, and is usually expressed as a percentage.

What factors affect the efficiency of a heat engine?

The efficiency of a heat engine is affected by several factors, including the temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs, the type of working fluid used, and the design and construction of the engine.

How can the efficiency of a heat engine be improved?

The efficiency of a heat engine can be improved by increasing the temperature difference between the hot and cold reservoirs, using a more efficient working fluid, and optimizing the design and construction of the engine.

What is the Carnot efficiency and why is it important?

The Carnot efficiency is the maximum possible efficiency for a heat engine operating between two given temperatures. It is important because it sets a theoretical limit for the efficiency of all real heat engines, and serves as a benchmark for evaluating their performance.

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