Efficient methods for solving homogeneous fredholm integral equation

In summary, a homogeneous Fredholm integral equation is an integral equation with a kernel that does not depend on any variables. It is important to find efficient methods for solving these equations because they are commonly used in various fields of science and engineering. Some commonly used methods for solving these equations include the Galerkin method, the collocation method, and the method of successive approximations. These methods differ in their approach, with the Galerkin method using basis functions, the collocation method using specific points, and the method of successive approximations using repeated iterations. However, all of these methods require certain conditions to be satisfied in order to work effectively.
  • #1
Homework Helper
I have an integral equation of the form

[tex]y(x) = \int_0^{2\pi} dx'~K(x,x';\omega,\alpha)y(x'),[/tex]

where [itex]K(x,x';\omega,\alpha)[/itex] is a real, non-symmetric, non-separable kernel that depends on the parameters [itex]\omega[/itex] and [itex]\alpha[/itex], as well as some others that I won't need to vary as much. The kernel is, unfortunately, relatively ugly, and I can't say too much about its properties analytically.

I have solved the equation numerically (in C) using the usual methods: I discretized the integral using Gauss-Legendre weights, w_j, on the [0,2*pi) interval, and then found the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the matrix [itex]K_{ij} = K(x_i,x_j:\omega,\alpha)w_j[/itex], and picked the eigenvector corresponding to the eigenvalue of 1 (or close to it), which appears to be the largest eigenvector. I used the GSL routines to compute the weights and solve the eigensystem. With the corresponding eigenvector in hand, the interpolating formula for the solution is

[tex]y(x) = \sum_{j=0}^{N-1} K(x,x_j)w_j y_j,[/tex]
for an N-point discretization, with y_j the eigenvector corresponding to an eigenvalue of 1.

However, there are a few problems with this approach:

(1) As [itex]\omega[/itex] becomes small (less than ~100 for typical parameter choices I have been using), the kernel becomes increasingly sparse, being significantly non-zero only near (0,2Pi), (2Pi,0) and a curve near the diagonal. As a result, for small omega I need to sample very many points when I discretize the integral, otherwise the peaked regions are not well resolved and solving the eigensystem gives a largest eigenvalue that isn't even close to 1. For [itex]\omega[/itex] greater than about 100, the kernel is not very sparse and ~30 discretization points is sufficient to get the right eigenvalue. Near a value of about 10, I need around 100 discretization points to get an eigenvalue near 1. Below a value of 10, the number of points I need is simply too large.

(2)The other problem is that I need to change the parameters [itex]\omega[/itex] and [itex]\alpha[/itex] quite frequently, which means that every time I change the parameters I need to regenerate the discretized kernel and resolve the eigensystem. A lot of the interesting features I am trying to look at also occur for values of omega below 100, which means that the matrices are typically of size ~100x100. The GSL routines I am using will compute all the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the discrete kernel, but I only need the one eigenvector with eigenvalue (approximately) 1, which seems to be the largest and only real eigenvalue. There doesn't seem to be an option to have the routine just compute the largest eigenvalue and corresponding eigenvector (and I'm not sure if it would be significantly faster not to compute the others, or if it just uses less memory)

So, what I am looking for are methods to quickly compute the solution to an integral equation, which could be done many times over.

I would be interested in references to non-matrix methods that could solve the problem more quickly than the matrix methods, (and hopefully give me an interpolating formula for the result), or if I am to use matrix methods, c packages that can quickly compute the largest eigenvalue and eigenvector, so as to offset the need for many more points when [itex]\omega[/itex] becomes small, or any other tricks that might speed up computation but won't take another month to implement.

Thanks for any help,

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  • #2

Dear Mute,

Thank you for sharing your problem with us. I understand the challenges of solving complex equations numerically and the need for efficient methods. After reviewing your approach, I have a few suggestions that may help you in your research.

Firstly, I would recommend exploring non-matrix methods such as the method of moments (MoM) or the boundary element method (BEM) for solving your integral equation. These methods are known to be efficient for solving integral equations with non-separable and non-symmetric kernels. They also provide an interpolating formula for the solution, which will save you from discretizing the integral and solving the eigensystem. You can find more information about these methods in the book "Boundary Integral Equations" by George C. Hsiao and Wolfgang L. Wendland.

Secondly, if you prefer to stick with the matrix method, I would suggest using a sparse matrix solver instead of the GSL routines. These solvers are designed to handle sparse matrices efficiently and can compute only the largest eigenvalue and eigenvector, saving you time and memory. A popular package for sparse matrix computation is the Sparse Matrix Package (SPARSKIT), which is available in C.

Lastly, if the above options do not work for your problem, you can try using a parallel computing approach. By distributing the computation over multiple processors, you can reduce the time required for solving the equation. There are many libraries available for parallel computing in C, such as OpenMP and MPI.

I hope these suggestions will help you in your research and provide a faster and more efficient solution to your integral equation. Best of luck!

Related to Efficient methods for solving homogeneous fredholm integral equation

1. What is a homogeneous Fredholm integral equation?

A homogeneous Fredholm integral equation is a type of integral equation in which the kernel (or function inside the integral) does not depend on any of the variables. This means that the solution to the equation will also be a function that does not depend on any of the variables.

2. Why is it important to find efficient methods for solving homogeneous Fredholm integral equations?

Fredholm integral equations are used in many areas of science and engineering, such as signal processing, image processing, and physics. Therefore, finding efficient methods for solving these equations can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of these applications.

3. What are some commonly used methods for solving homogeneous Fredholm integral equations?

Some commonly used methods for solving homogeneous Fredholm integral equations include the Galerkin method, the collocation method, and the method of successive approximations.

4. How do these methods differ from each other?

The Galerkin method involves approximating the solution to the integral equation using a set of basis functions. The collocation method involves finding the solution at specific points within the domain and using these points to approximate the solution. The method of successive approximations involves repeatedly solving the equation using an initial guess and improving the guess with each iteration until a satisfactory solution is found.

5. Are there any specific conditions that need to be satisfied for these methods to work?

Yes, the methods for solving homogeneous Fredholm integral equations require certain conditions to be satisfied. For example, the Galerkin method requires the basis functions to be orthogonal, the collocation method requires the points to be chosen carefully within the domain, and the method of successive approximations requires the initial guess to be close to the actual solution.

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