Eigenstate and real space representation

In summary: HLψ= -tψn-1 +2t+Un.ψn +...This is an expression for the finite difference approximation of the Hamiltonian in real space. The wave function ψ is now a function of the discrete coordinate n, not the continuous coordinate x.
  • #1
Hi All,

I was going through a paper on quantum simulations. Below is an extract from the paper; I would be obliged if anyone can help me to understand it:

We will use eigenstate representation for transverse direction(HT) and real space for longitudinal direction(HL) Hamiltonians.

HL= h^2/2m * d^2/dx^2 + U (makes sense because x is longitudinal direction)

HT= h^2/2m *( d^2/dy^2 + d^2/dz^2) + Uy.z (writing in terms of y,z isn't a real space representation again? This was meant to be eigenstate representaion)


Xk(ρ) = exp(i.k.ρ)/area
where HT.Xk = εk.Xk

k and ρ are both 2D vectors.

Now, k is wave vector, Xk(ρ) is function of ρ, what is ρ? What does it physically corresponds to?

Using finite difference approximation for HL:

HLψ= -tψn-1 +2t+Un.ψn +...

here I can interpret ψ is function of n, which is discretized real space. However I am not able to figure out what is ρ?

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  • #2
I was able to find the article by Googling. Posting a reference would have been helpful. It seems to be written by someone that has little experience in quantum mechanical numerical simulations and uses a very non-standard notation.

Arya_ said:
HL= h^2/2m * d^2/dx^2 + U (makes sense because x is longitudinal direction)

HT= h^2/2m *( d^2/dy^2 + d^2/dz^2) + Uy.z (writing in terms of y,z isn't a real space representation again? This was meant to be eigenstate representaion)
The Hamiltonian doesn't change because of the representation, the wave function (or rather, its representation) does. The wave function is sampled on a series of grid points ##x_n## along with a finite basis of eigenfunctions ##\chi_\mathbf{k}(y,z)##.

Arya_ said:
k and ρ are both 2D vectors.
You truncated the quotation: "both 2D vectors in the y–z plane." I take it that ##\rho = (y,z)##.

FAQ: Eigenstate and real space representation

1. What is an eigenstate?

An eigenstate, also known as an eigenvector, is a state vector in quantum mechanics that represents a specific quantum state of a physical system. It is a solution to the Schrödinger equation and is associated with a specific eigenvalue.

2. What is real space representation?

Real space representation is a way of representing a quantum state using position coordinates, as opposed to abstract mathematical operations. It allows for a more intuitive understanding of the physical properties of a system.

3. How are eigenstates and real space representation related?

Eigenstates are often represented in real space as they provide a visual representation of the physical properties of a system. The shape and position of the wave function can provide information about the location and momentum of a particle.

4. What is the significance of eigenstates in quantum mechanics?

Eigenstates are important in quantum mechanics because they represent the possible states of a system and their associated energy levels. They also play a crucial role in the measurement process, as the act of measurement causes a system to collapse into one of its eigenstates.

5. Can all physical systems be represented using eigenstates and real space?

No, not all physical systems can be accurately represented using eigenstates and real space. Some systems, such as systems with continuous energy levels, require different mathematical representations. However, eigenstates and real space are widely used and are very effective in representing many physical systems.
