Eigenstates of Dirac Potential in Momentum Space

In summary, eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space are wavefunctions that satisfy the Dirac equation and describe the quantum states of a particle in terms of its momentum. They are different from eigenstates in position space in terms of the variables used to describe them and the mathematical equations used. These eigenstates are significant in understanding the behavior of particles in a Dirac potential and are directly related to energy levels. However, they are not directly observable and can only be observed through experiments and measurements.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider a particle moving in one dimension and bound to an attractive Dirac δ-function potential located at the origin. Work in units such that [itex]m=\hbar=1[/itex]. The Hamiltonian is given, in real (x) space, by:
[tex]H=-\frac{1}{2}\frac{d^2}{dx^2}-\delta (x)[/tex]

The (non normalized) wavefunction [itex]\Psi (x)=<x|\Psi >=e^{-a|x|}[/itex] is an eigenstate of this potential.

a) What is the corresponding wavefunction in wavevector space, [itex]\tilde{\Psi}(k) = <k|\Psi>[/itex]? (Recall that [itex]<x|k>=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{ikx}[/itex])

b) Transform the Hamiltonian from the real space basis |x> to the wavevector space basis |k>. Observe that the kinetic energy is diagonal in k-space, but the δ-function potential scatters all wavevectors into all wavevectors with equal amplitude.

c) Now show, by direct calculation in wavevector space, that [itex]\tilde{\Psi}(k)[/itex] is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian that you found in part (b). You may find the following integral of use: [tex]\int^\infty_{-\infty}\frac{dk}{1+k^2}=\pi[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]\tilde{\Psi}(k) = <k|\Psi>=\int^\infty_{-\infty}<k|x><x|\Psi>dx=\int^\infty_{-\infty}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-ikx}e^{-a|x|}dx[/tex]

[tex]={Re}\left [2\int^\infty_{0}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-ikx}e^{-ax}dx \right ]={Re}\left [\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\int^\infty_{0}e^{-(ik+a)x}dx \right ]={Re}\left [\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\left (\frac{1}{a+ik} \right ) \right ]=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\frac{a}{a^2+k^2}[/tex]

All this looks alright to me.

b) Since we're working with units where [itex]\hbar=m=1[/itex], then [itex]\hat{p}=\hat{k}=-i\frac{d}{dx}[/itex]. So the derivative terms just substitute easily with k. All we need now is to Fourier transform the δ potential:
[tex]\tilde{\delta}(k)=\int^\infty_{-\infty}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}e^{-ikx}\delta(x)dx = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}}[/tex]

This looks okay: term on the left is "diagonal", whereas the term on the right scatters all wavenumbers to another wavenumber without a change in amplitude.

c) This is where I'm realizing something is really screwed up. Obviously we have just changed bases so the wavefunction is still an eigenstate of the potential. But I'm not getting that.
[tex]\hat{H}\tilde{\Psi}(k) = \left ( \frac{1}{2}k^2-\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\pi}} \right )\left (\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}\frac{a}{a^2+k^2} \right )[/tex]
But this looks clearly linearly independent from [itex]\tilde{\Psi}(k)[/itex].

Where have I gone wrong? I didn't use the integral they give you, and I bet I need to use it somewhere to get the right answer. But where?
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  • #2
Please, any help or comments would be greatly appreciated.

Maybe this should be moved to the Quantum forum, since it is a fundamental problem, just in momentum space rather than position space.
  • #3
Hmm I think the mistake here is where you converted the delta potential to k-representation language. It's not just a Fourier transform - it should look more like
[tex]<k|V|\Psi> \; = \int dk' <k|V|k'><k'|\Psi> \; = -\frac{1}{2\pi}\int dk' <k'|\Psi>, [/tex]
which is where their integral comes in. I think everything will then work out ok. Also you can probably fix the constant a right away by normalization (a=1?).
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  • #4
Great! Thanks a lot. I need to remember to treat the potential like an operator, not a ket.
  • #5
Something seems a little off here, though: For the attractive dirac potential well, if E < 0, there is the bound state I believe you have here and a is real, but if E > 0, then the state isn't bound, and a is complex. Then, when you take the Re() part, it's not so simple.

Also, what exactly did you do to simplify the integral between when the limits were (-inf,inf) and (0,inf)?

  • #6
WombRaider said:
Something seems a little off here, though: For the attractive dirac potential well, if E < 0, there is the bound state I believe you have here and a is real, but if E > 0, then the state isn't bound, and a is complex. Then, when you take the Re() part, it's not so simple.

Not sure why you would want to take the real part in this case :confused:

If E>0 we have another standard problem - try searching around for "scattering by a delta function potential".
Also, what exactly did you do to simplify the integral between when the limits were (-inf,inf) and (0,inf)?

Write eikx = cos(kx) + i sin(kx) and take another look at his/her integral. You should find that the imaginary part of the integrand is odd and that the real part of the integrand is even. So it does simplify as advertised.
  • #7
WombRaider said:
Something seems a little off here, though: For the attractive dirac potential well, if E < 0, there is the bound state I believe you have here and a is real, but if E > 0, then the state isn't bound, and a is complex. Then, when you take the Re() part, it's not so simple.

Also, what exactly did you do to simplify the integral between when the limits were (-inf,inf) and (0,inf)?


I forgot to mention that this problem deals exclusively with bound states. The constant a is real, so the wavefunction given above part a is for a bound state.

Oxvillian is right about the integral trick: the i sin term is odd and the the e-a|x| is even, so whatever it contributes to the integral will be odd, so it cancels by symmetry. You only get a contribution from the cosine term, which is even, so notice the two. I guess you don't actually need to take the real part.
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FAQ: Eigenstates of Dirac Potential in Momentum Space

1. What are eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space?

Eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space refer to the wavefunctions of a particle in a Dirac potential that satisfy the Schrödinger equation. These wavefunctions are solutions to the Dirac equation and describe the quantum states of the particle in terms of its momentum.

2. How are eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space different from eigenstates in position space?

The difference between eigenstates in momentum space and position space lies in the variables that are used to describe the quantum states. In momentum space, the eigenstates are described in terms of the particle's momentum, while in position space, they are described in terms of the particle's position. Additionally, the mathematical equations used to describe these eigenstates are different.

3. What is the significance of eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space?

Eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space are important in understanding the behavior of particles in a Dirac potential. They provide a mathematical framework for describing the quantum states of particles and their interactions with the potential, which can have implications in fields such as quantum mechanics and particle physics.

4. How are eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space related to energy levels?

Eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space are directly related to energy levels. Each energy level corresponds to a specific eigenstate, and the energy of the particle in that state is determined by the momentum of the particle. This relationship is described by the energy-momentum dispersion relation in the Dirac equation.

5. Are eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space observable?

No, eigenstates of Dirac potential in momentum space are not directly observable. They are mathematical constructs that describe the quantum states of a particle in a Dirac potential. However, their effects can be observed through experiments and measurements of the particle's momentum and energy levels.
