Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the lowering operator

In summary, we are considering the lowering and rising operators in the harmonic oscillator problem. The eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the lowering operator can be found by applying it to the wavefunction and solving the resulting differential equation. The resulting eigenfunction is not an eigenfunction of the lowering operator, but the raising operator can be applied to it to find the eigenvalue. The spectrum of the lowering ladder operator is the entire complex plane, and more information can be found in Galindo and Pascual's treatment in volume 1.
  • #1
Ed Quanta

Homework Statement

Consider lowering and rising operators that we encountered in the harmonic oscillator problem.
1. Find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the lowering operator.
2. Does the rising operator have normalizable eigenfunctions?

Homework Equations

a-= 1/sqrt(2hmw) (ip + mwx)
a+ = 1/sqrt(2hmw) (ip - mwx)

a-Ψ(x) = yΨ(x) where y is the eigenvalue

The Attempt at a Solution

So I applied a-, the lowering operator to Ψ(x) and eventually ended up with the differential equation

dΨ(x)/dx + (mwx/h - sqrt (2hmw)y/h)Ψ(x)=0

I believe I solved this differential equation correctly using separation of variables and ended up with

Ψ(x)= A exp (-(mwx^2)/h + sqrt(2hmw)(y)x/h)

What do I do now? How do I find eigenvalue y? I know that a-Ψn(x)= sqrt(n)Ψn-1(x)?

Am I supposed to be able to come up with this result? If so, how? Thanks
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  • #2
a-Ψn(x)= sqrt(n)Ψn-1(x) in this example Ψ is not an eigenfunction of a-, this have no use here as far I can think of..
I'm thinking of applying a+ to the eigenfunction of a-, and see what it should give you..
  • #3
You're looking for the wavefunctions of the coherent states for the harm. osc. See the treatment in Galindo and Pascual, vol. 1. It turns out that the spectrum of the lowering ladder operator is the entire complex plane.

FAQ: Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the lowering operator

1. What are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the lowering operator?

The lowering operator, denoted by 'a', is a mathematical operator used in quantum mechanics to lower the energy state of a quantum system. The eigenvalues of 'a' represent the possible energy values that a system can have, while the corresponding eigenfunctions represent the probability amplitudes associated with those energy levels.

2. How are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the lowering operator calculated?

The eigenvalues of the lowering operator can be calculated by solving the characteristic equation, which is obtained by setting the determinant of the operator's matrix representation equal to zero. The eigenfunctions can then be found by applying the operator on the eigenvalues.

3. What is the significance of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions in quantum mechanics?

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions play a crucial role in quantum mechanics as they provide a way to describe the energy levels and corresponding wavefunctions of a quantum system. They also allow for the prediction of the behavior of a system and the probability of obtaining a certain measurement.

4. Can the eigenvalues of the lowering operator be negative?

Yes, the eigenvalues of the lowering operator can be negative. This indicates that the system has a lower energy state than the ground state, and it can be excited to this state by applying the raising operator.

5. Are the eigenfunctions of the lowering operator unique?

Yes, the eigenfunctions of the lowering operator are unique for a given system. This means that each eigenfunction corresponds to a specific energy level and cannot be duplicated. However, different systems can have the same eigenfunctions if they have the same energy levels.
