Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the permissible values of b for the differential equation -{d\over dx}(-e^{ax}y')-ae^{ax}y=be^{ax}y with boundary conditions y(0)=y(1)=0. The simplest way to approach this problem is to rewrite the equation in the form y''+ay'- (a+b)y=0 and find the general solution. The permissible values of b are found by setting the characteristic equation equal to 0 and solving for b. The conversation also mentions the possibility of complex roots in the characteristic equation.
  • #1

Homework Statement

How does one find all the permissible values of [itex]b [/itex] for [itex]-{d\over dx}(-e^{ax}y')-ae^{ax}y=be^{ax}y[/itex] with boundary conditions [itex]y(0)=y(1)=0[/itex]?


Homework Equations

See above

The Attempt at a Solution

I assume we have a discrete set of [itex]\{b_n\}[/itex] where they can be regarded as eigenvalues? After that how does one find the corresponding [itex]\{y_n\}[/itex]? I am sure we substitute the [itex]\{b_n\}[/itex] into the equation, but then I still don't know how this equation is solved. Please help! Perhaps it is easier to find the permissible [itex]b[/itex]'s if we write the equation in the form [itex]y''+ay'+(a+b)y=0[/itex]?
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  • #2
Well, it would be y''+ ay'- (a+b)y= 0, but yes, that is the simplest way to approach this problem. What is the general solution to that equation? What must b equal in order that there be a solution to this boundary value problem? Remember that the characteristice equation may, depending upon b, have real or complex roots.
  • #3

Would the general solution be [itex]y(x)=A\exp[\frac{-a+\sqrt{a^2+4(a+b)}}{2}]+B\exp[\frac{-a-\sqrt{a^2+4(a+b)}}{2}][/itex]
And then the BC's mean that [itex]A+B=0[/itex] and [itex]\exp[\frac{-a+\sqrt{a^2+4(a+b)}}{2}]-\exp[\frac{-a-\sqrt{a^2+4(a+b)}}{2}]=0[/itex], therefore we need [itex]\sqrt{a^2+4(a+b)}=0[/itex] i.e. [itex]b={-1\over 4}(a^2+4a)[/itex]? Is this the only permissible [itex]b[/itex]?

  • #4
No. You are assuming, incorrectly, that the solution must be of the form [itex]Ce^{r_1x}+ De^{r_2x}[/itex]. That is true only if the characteristic equation has two real roots. In fact, what you give is NOT a "permissible value of b". With that value of b, your characteristic equation reduces to [itex](r+ a/2)^2= 0[/itex] so that the only solution is [itex]-a/2[/itex]. In that case, the general solution to the equation is [itex]y(x)= Ce^{-ax/2}+ Dte^{-ax/2}[/itex]. The condition that y(0)= 0 gives C= 0 and then the condition that y(1)= 0 gives [itex]De^{-a/2}= 0[/itex] so that D= 0. That is not a non-trivial solution.

As I said before, look at complex roots to the characteristic equation.
  • #5

Thanks. So the general solution is [itex]y(x)=\exp({-ax\over 2})[A\sin({\sqrt{-a-4(a+b)}\over 2}x)+B\cos({\sqrt{-a-4(a+b)}\over 2}x)].[/itex]

Then [itex]B=0[/itex] and we need [itex]A\sin({\sqrt{-a-4(a+b)}\over 2}x)=0[/itex] for [itex]A\neq 0[/itex] so [itex]{\sqrt{-a-4(a+b)}\over 2}=n\pi[/itex]

Thanks again.

FAQ: Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions

1. What are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions?

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are mathematical concepts used in linear algebra to describe the behavior of a linear transformation. Eigenvalues represent the scalar values that a linear transformation scales its corresponding eigenvectors by, while eigenfunctions are the corresponding vectors that remain unchanged by the transformation.

2. How are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions used in science?

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions have various applications in science, including in quantum mechanics, signal processing, computer vision, and data analysis. In quantum mechanics, they are used to describe the energy levels of a system, and in signal processing, they are used to decompose complex signals into simpler components. They are also used in image analysis to identify patterns and features in images and in data analysis to reduce the dimensionality of large datasets.

3. What is the significance of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions?

Eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are essential in understanding the behavior of linear systems. They provide information about the stability and dynamics of a system, and their properties can be used to simplify complex mathematical problems. In addition, they have numerous practical applications in various fields of science and technology.

4. How are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions calculated?

To calculate eigenvalues and eigenfunctions, one needs to solve a characteristic equation, which involves finding the roots of a polynomial. This can be done using techniques such as Gaussian elimination or the QR algorithm. In some cases, analytical solutions can also be obtained, making use of properties of matrices and linear transformations.

5. Are eigenvalues and eigenfunctions always real numbers?

No, eigenvalues and eigenfunctions can be complex numbers in some cases. For example, in quantum mechanics, the eigenfunctions of a Hermitian operator (representing an observable quantity) can be complex. However, for real symmetric matrices, the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions are always real numbers.
