Eigenvalues of Observables A, B, and C in the Eigenstate Problem?

I think I have a good grasp of this problem now. In summary, the Hamiltonian of a quantum-mechanical system with two energy eigenstates |1> and |2> has three other observables, A, B, and C, with normalized eigenstates that may or may not be eigenstates of A, B, or C. By using known matrix elements, it is possible to find the eigenvalues of A, B, and C, but the second eigenvalue of A cannot be determined due to an unknown entry. The observables B and C do not commute with the Hamiltonian, except under the condition that the two eigenstates have the same eigenvalue for H.
  • #1
McLaren Rulez

Homework Statement

The Hamiltonian of a quantum-mechanical system has only two energy eigenstates, namely |1> and |2>. The system has three other properties, denoted by the observables A, B, and C, respectively. The normalized eigenstates |1> and |2> may or may not be eigenstates of A, B, or C. Find, as many as possible, the eigenvalues of the observables A, B, and C by making use of the following known matrix elements:

(a) [itex]<2|A|2> = 1/3, <2|A^{2}|2> = 1/9 [/itex]

(b) [itex]<1|B|1> = 1/2, <1|B^{2}|1> = 5/4, <2|B|2> = 0 [/itex]

(c) [itex]<1|C|1> = 1 , <1|C^{2}|1> = 5/4, <1|C^{3}|1> = 7/4 [/itex]

Comment briefly on whether the observables commute with the Hamiltonian.

2. The attempt at a solution

If a state is an eigenstate I can write it as [itex] a|a> [/itex]. So |2> is an eigenstate of A with eigenvalue 1/3. The states |1> and |2> are not eigenstates of B and C. Is this part correct?

From this, we know that B and C don't commute with the Hamiltonian but A might (depending on whether |1> is also an eigenstate).

That's about all I can get from this problem. I get the feeling that I'm not using a lot of the information so can someone help me figure out more eigenvalues for A, B and C and whether A commutes with H. Thank you
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  • #2
Use the matrix representations of the operators. For example, from the information given, you know that A can be represented by the matrix
[tex]A=\begin{pmatrix} a & b \\ c & 1/3 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]
in the [itex]\{\vert 1 \rangle, \vert 2 \rangle\}[/itex] basis. Then square the matrix and use the fact that [itex]\langle 2 \vert A^2 \vert 2 \rangle = 1/9[/itex] to solve for the other matrix entries, if you can. The fact that A is an observable also places constraints on the allowed values of the entries.
  • #3
vela, how do you know that the matrices are 2x2? Is it because the Hamiltonian is 2x2 (since it has two eigenstates) and so every other observable for this system must be of the same dimension?

Using your argument, I got the following results:

[tex]A=\begin{pmatrix} a & 0 \\ 0 & 1/3 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]B=\begin{pmatrix} 1/2 & b \\ 1/b & 0 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]C=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & c \\ 1/(4c) & 1/2 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

The matrices must be Hermitian but I'm unable to use that condition to get rid of the variables unless the entries are real, and I don't see why that must be the case.
  • #4
McLaren Rulez said:
vela, how do you know that the matrices are 2x2? Is it because the Hamiltonian is 2x2 (since it has two eigenstates) and so every other observable for this system must be of the same dimension?
Using your argument, I got the following results:

[tex]A=\begin{pmatrix} a & 0 \\ 0 & 1/3 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]B=\begin{pmatrix} 1/2 & b \\ 1/b & 0 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]C=\begin{pmatrix} 1 & c \\ 1/(4c) & 1/2 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

The matrices must be Hermitian but I'm unable to use that condition to get rid of the variables unless the entries are real, and I don't see why that must be the case.
Looks good so far, though you should recheck <2|C|2>. I got that it was equal to 1. For matrix B, you found bc=1, and because the matrix is Hermitian, you must also have c=b*. So you get bc=bb*=|b|2=1; therefore, b can be written as e for some θ. You can do a similar thing for matrix C.

With these matrices, you should be able to find all the eigenvalues, and with the matrix H for the Hamiltonian, you should be able to show whether the operators A, B, and C commute with the Hamiltonian. Note that B and C can commute with H if a certain condition holds.
  • #5
vela, how do you know <2|C|2> is 1?

Anyway, as of now, I can find the eigenvalues for B and C by the usual way but I cannot do it for A because the entry a is unknown. So is this as far as we can go for eigenvalues or is there a way to find out the second eigenvalue of A?

Now, regarding the commutation with H, I thought B and C definitely don't commute with H? If they did, |1> and |2> would be eigenstates of B and C but they are not. With A, I realize it does commute.

Thank you for your help.
  • #6
McLaren Rulez said:
vela, how do you know <2|C|2> is 1?
I calculated it. How did you get <2|C|2>=1/2?
Anyway, as of now, I can find the eigenvalues for B and C by the usual way but I cannot do it for A because the entry a is unknown. So is this as far as we can go for eigenvalues or is there a way to find out the second eigenvalue of A?
That's the best you can do.
Now, regarding the commutation with H, I thought B and C definitely don't commute with H? If they did, |1> and |2> would be eigenstates of B and C but they are not.
That's not necessarily true. Suppose, for example, the matrix for H was the identity matrix. Clearly, H would then commute with B and C.

H usually won't commute with B and C, but it will under one condition. You should be able to deduce what that condition is.
  • #7
Ok I see my C matrix was wrong.

Regarding the condition, well now that you pointed it out, any multiple of the identity matrix would allow them to commute i.e. the two states have the same eigenvalue for H. Or is there a stronger condition?
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  • #8
You can deduce what the exact condition is mathematically. Just calculate HB and BH and figure out under what conditions they are equal.
  • #9
Ok here is what I did.

[tex]H=\begin{pmatrix} p & 0 \\ 0 & q \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]B=\begin{pmatrix} 1/2 & b \\ 1/b & 0 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]HB=\begin{pmatrix} p/2 & pb \\ q/b & 0 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

[tex]BH=\begin{pmatrix} p/2 & qb \\ p/b & 0 \end{pmatrix}[/tex]

So, they commute if p=q which is what I got previously.
  • #10
Right, and you can see there's no other condition that allows H and B to commute.
  • #11
Thanks very much vela.

FAQ: Eigenvalues of Observables A, B, and C in the Eigenstate Problem?

1. What is the eigenstate problem in quantum mechanics?

The eigenstate problem in quantum mechanics is a fundamental concept that describes the possible states of a quantum system and their corresponding energy values. It involves finding the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian operator, which represents the total energy of a system.

2. Why is the eigenstate problem important in quantum mechanics?

The eigenstate problem is important in quantum mechanics because it allows us to accurately predict the energy levels and possible states of a system. This is crucial for understanding the behavior of quantum systems and making predictions about their behavior.

3. How is the eigenstate problem solved in quantum mechanics?

The eigenstate problem is typically solved using mathematical techniques such as diagonalization or perturbation theory. These methods allow us to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian operator, which represent the energy levels and states of a quantum system.

4. Can the eigenstate problem be applied to all quantum systems?

Yes, the eigenstate problem can be applied to all quantum systems. It is a fundamental concept in quantum mechanics that allows us to understand and predict the behavior of various physical systems, from atoms and molecules to larger systems such as crystals and superconductors.

5. What is the relationship between eigenstates and observables in quantum mechanics?

In quantum mechanics, eigenstates correspond to the possible states of a system, while observables represent physical quantities that can be measured. The eigenvalues of an observable correspond to the possible outcomes of a measurement, and the corresponding eigenstates are the states in which the measurement will yield that particular value.

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