Eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian

In summary, the eigenvectors provide a basis that spans the space of the Hamiltonian, and are important for interpreting the results.
  • #1
Hey guys (this is not a HW problem, just general discussion about the solution that is not required for the assignment),

So I am doing this problem where I had to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian:

H = A*S[itex]_{x}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex] + B*S[itex]_{y}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex] + C*S[itex]_{z}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex].

Easy enough, just basic linear algebra.

However, I want to interpret what the results I get. So I understand the eigenvalues of H represents the energy levels of the system but what physical interpretation should i take to the eigenvectors?

So by finding the eigenvectors, I find a basis that spans the space I am working in. Why is this important to know? I don't want to lose the forest for the trees and just trying to grapple with why the eigenvectors are important or what they physically mean? (eg energy levels have a physical meaning to me, so the eigenvalues make sense but the eigenvectors seem abstract to me). I know I should follow the math in QM but I like to understand the world, not just apply math tricks... Thanks!
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  • #2
Ajihood said:
Hey guys (this is not a HW problem, just general discussion about the solution that is not required for the assignment),

So I am doing this problem where I had to find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian:

H = A*S[itex]_{x}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex] + B*S[itex]_{y}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex] + C*S[itex]_{z}[/itex][itex]^{2}[/itex].

Easy enough, just basic linear algebra.

However, I want to interpret what the results I get. So I understand the eigenvalues of H represents the energy levels of the system but what physical interpretation should i take to the eigenvectors?

So by finding the eigenvectors, I find a basis that spans the space I am working in. Why is this important to know? I don't want to lose the forest for the trees and just trying to grapple with why the eigenvectors are important or what they physically mean? (eg energy levels have a physical meaning to me, so the eigenvalues make sense but the eigenvectors seem abstract to me). I know I should follow the math in QM but I like to understand the world, not just apply math tricks... Thanks!

Eigenvectors are state of definite eigenvalue. In the case of Hamiltonian, eigenvectors are states with definite energy. Now, quantum states evolves by the factor [itex]e^{i E t}[/itex] from the Schrodinger's equation. So a state with definite energy evolves by only multiplying a phase factor in front, i.e. A state with definite energy remains a state with definite energy. They do not become "mixed" with other states of other energy (let's suppose states are non-degenerate) as they evolve in time.

That's why eigenvector of H is important and they are called "stationary states" for this reason.
  • #3
Hi, Ajihood.

Please let me know what kind of system are you dealing with this Hamiltonian.

Thank you in advance.

FAQ: Eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian

1. What are eigenvectors and why are they important in the Hamiltonian?

Eigenvectors are special vectors that do not change direction when multiplied by a matrix. In the context of the Hamiltonian, eigenvectors represent the possible states of a system and their corresponding energy values. They are important because they allow us to solve the Schrödinger equation and accurately describe the behavior of quantum systems.

2. How are eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian calculated?

Eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian are calculated by finding the eigenvalues (corresponding energy values) of the system using the Schrödinger equation. Then, the eigenvectors are determined by solving a system of linear equations using the eigenvalues and the Hamiltonian matrix.

3. Can eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian change over time?

No, eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian do not change over time. They represent the stationary states of a system with a fixed energy value. However, the coefficients of the eigenvectors may change if the system is in a superposition of states.

4. What is the significance of the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian in quantum mechanics?

Eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian are crucial in quantum mechanics as they represent the possible states and energies of a system. They also play a key role in determining the probability amplitudes of a particle in different states, which allows us to make predictions about the behavior of quantum systems.

5. How do eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian relate to observable quantities?

Eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian are directly related to observable quantities in quantum mechanics. The eigenvalues represent the possible energy values of a system, and the eigenvectors represent the corresponding states. By measuring the energy of a system, we can determine which eigenvector it corresponds to and thus gain information about the state of the system.

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