Einstein equation and particle jets

In summary, the conversation discusses the existence of particle jets fired by massive black holes observed by NASA from active galaxies. It is believed that rotating black holes with strong magnetic fields are responsible for the formation of these jets, and that they can extract energy from the black hole's rotational energy. The amount of mass ejected by the jets compared to the mass falling into the black hole is still an active research topic. The concept of black holes creating new mass/energy is also discussed, with the conclusion that they do not create new mass/energy, but rather extract it from their existing mass through mechanisms such as Hawking radiation.
  • #1
Does anyone know if Einstein equation predicts the existence of particle jets fired by massive black holes observed by NASA from active galaxies?

If yes, what would be the predicted relation between the black hole mass and rotation speed to the flux of matter ejected, how long these jets continue to fire particles and what is the total mass ejected by the jets? Is the total mass bigger or smaller than the matter that falls into the black hole?

If not, what is missing in Einstein equation?

Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
People mention rotating magnetic fields as being responsible, but no one has come up with a complete explanation of what really produces the jets.
  • #3
Hi Bill,

I found interesting article discussing Penrose process-


The authors conclude that black hole rotational energy can be reduced and extracted by the escaping particles where the escaping particles becomes more energetic than the first falling in particles.

If we generalize this conclusion, black holes might be seen as energy sources, and since energy and matter are related, this also means that black holes might be seen as sources of matter ejected to space, where more matter is injected out than falling in -
Does it make sense to you?
  • #4
The classic paper on how the jets are formed is Blandford and Znajek, 1977 - see the link below. It is believed that a rotating black hole with a strong magnetic field is responsible. People are actively working on trying to simulate the formation of the jets, but it is not yet completely understood. A more recent paper is also attached below. The simple answer to your question appears to be yes, Einstein's equations of GR, together with Maxwell's equations, do explain the jets.


  • #5
OK, and thanks for the paper's pointers!

What do you think on the other questions and particularly - Is the total mass fired by the jets bigger or smaller than the total matter that falls into the black hole?
  • #6
The question of how much of the mass/energy of the jets comes from infalling material, and how much is extracted from the rotational energy of the black hole, I think is an active research topic at present, and I don't think anybody knows the answer with any confidence.
  • #7
I thought that this might be the answer (not known yet) but I was not sure.

If black holes are active and continuous sources of matter they might replace the big bang theory that assumes that all matter was created in one singular in space and time event and such continuous and scattered all over the universe sources of matter model makes much more sense to me.
  • #8
I think you misunderstand me. Black holes do not create mass/energy. The mass of a black hole is made up of all of the mass that has fallen into it during its lifetime. If a black hole is rotating rapidly, some of the mass/energy can be extracted from it and sent back out into the universe, but this is mass/energy that fell into the black hole at an earlier time. To repeat, they do not create any new mass/energy.
  • #9
I am not sure your answer is what field theory in curved spacetime argues. To my understanding field theory in curved spacetime allows formation of matter in curved space, and spacetime around black holes is curved.

I think the question is quantitative, if matter is formed in very big quantities that fills the universe or is it a negligible effect that does not add much mass to the mass of the universe.
  • #10
Are you talking about Hawking radiation? You are right that Hawking radiation allows black holes to emit particles, but the energy of the emitted particles comes from the mass of the black hole - it doesn't come from nowhere. In other words, if a black hole emits a particle of mass m by Hawking radiation, the black hole's mass is decreased by m.
  • #11
From what I read recently it seems that a different mechanism where the black hole rotation speed is decreased when the particles are ejected was also suggested.
Accordingly rotation energy is transformed to mass
  • #12
Rami.Rom said:
From what I read recently it seems that a different mechanism where the black hole rotation speed is decreased when the particles are ejected was also suggested.
Accordingly rotation energy is transformed to mass

Correct. This is what I said earlier that with rotating black holes it is possible to extract some of the mass/energy of the black hole and send it back out into the surrounding universe. However, since mass and energy are equivalent, this does not "create" any mass/energy. If we have a black hole of mass M, and we extract some quantity of mass/energy Delta-M from the black hole, then the mass/energy of the black hole is decreased by an amount Delta-M. Furthermore, this Delta-M is made up of mass/energy that fell into the black hole at an earlier time. No mass/energy is created.

Related to Einstein equation and particle jets

1. What is the Einstein equation?

The Einstein equation, also known as the Einstein field equations, is a set of ten equations in general relativity that describe the relationship between the curvature of space-time and the distribution of matter and energy within it. It is one of the fundamental equations in modern physics and is essential for understanding gravity.

2. How did Einstein come up with the equation?

The Einstein equation was first proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915 as part of his theory of general relativity. He derived the equations by combining his theory of special relativity with the concept of gravity as a curvature of space-time. He also used the equations to explain the phenomenon of gravity as a result of the warping of space-time caused by massive objects.

3. What are particle jets?

Particle jets are narrow and highly collimated streams of particles that are emitted from the nuclei of some galaxies and quasars. They are believed to be produced by the powerful magnetic fields and high-energy particles near the supermassive black holes at the center of these galaxies. Particle jets are an important source of information about the structure and evolution of galaxies.

4. What is the connection between the Einstein equation and particle jets?

The Einstein equation plays a crucial role in understanding the formation and behavior of particle jets. It describes the curvature of space-time caused by massive objects, such as the supermassive black holes at the center of galaxies. This curvature affects the motion of particles in the vicinity, and can lead to the formation of highly collimated jets of particles that are observed in some galaxies.

5. How are particle jets studied by scientists?

Scientists study particle jets by observing them with telescopes and other instruments that detect different types of radiation, such as radio waves, X-rays, and gamma rays. By analyzing the properties and behavior of these jets, scientists can gain insights into the structure and dynamics of the objects that produce them, such as supermassive black holes. The Einstein equation is then used to model and explain the observed phenomena in these jets.

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