Einstein field equations and scale invariance

In summary, the Einstein's field equations are scale invariant if the stress-energy density in the Universe is zero. However, the addition of the cosmological constant breaks the scale invariance.
  • #1

Are Einstein's field equations without the cosmological constant scale invariant?

If so does the addition of the cosmological constant break the scale invariance?

Space news on Phys.org
  • #2
After looking at the web it seems that the Einstein's field equations would only be scale invariant if the stress-energy density in the Universe was zero. Is that right?
  • #3
if the actual density equals the critical density the universe would be static

[itex]\rho_{crit} = \frac{3c^2H^2}{8\pi G}[/itex]
  • #4
Mordred said:
if the actual density equals the critical density the universe would be static

[itex]\rho_{crit} = \frac{3c^2H^2}{8\pi G}[/itex]

Hi Mordred, I rather think the universe would be spatially flat in that case.
[itex]\rho_{crit} = \frac{3c^2H^2}{8\pi G}[/itex] combined with the first Friedmann equation yields k = 0.
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  • #5
Einstein's field equations are invariant under coordinate transformation. To my knowledge this is generally true regarding the laws of physics.
  • #6
timmdeeg said:
Hi Mordred, I rather think the universe would be spatially flat in that case.
[itex]\rho_{crit} = \frac{3c^2H^2}{8\pi G}[/itex] combined with the first Friedmann equation yields k = 0.
as far as I know the definition of critical density is the density at which stops expansion granted its also related to the curvature. Mind you dark energy complicates this definition.


Its also the definition in my textbooks which I can't post one of them being Barbera Ryden's introductory to cosmology

more accurately its the density at which expansion stops without the cosmological constant. Ignoring the cosmological constant it would describe the fate of the universe a flat is static, positive curvature is open and expanding forever, negative would be collapsing. However the cosmological constant complicates this older reasoning.


see the link above for further details on the effect of geometry has on expansion
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  • #7
Mordred said:
as far as I know the definition of critical density is the density at which stops expansion granted its also related to the curvature. Mind you dark energy complicates this definition.



I'm afraid that timdeeg is right in post #4, and you are wrong. The definition of the critical density is the density at which the universe is neither spatially open nor closed, but flat (zero curvature). In the link you posted above, you seem to have missed a very important part of the description:

Mordred's link above said:
The mass density of the universe which just stops the expansion of space, after infinite cosmic time has elapsed.

Indeed, (for the zero lambda case), if the density is critical, the universe expands forever, so it is incorrect to say that the expansion ever stops. The rate of expansion slows, of course, but for the critical case it never reaches zero. It approaches zero asymptotically as t → ∞. That's what the statement in boldface above is saying.

EDIT: also this whole discussion is kind of off topic, it seems unrelated to what the OP was asking.
  • #8
fair enough, good to know and yes I did miss that aspect thanks for the clarification
  • #9
I think you should be more focused on the Friedmann equations, not Einstein's field equations. Einstein inserted lambda mainly to avoid the obvious problems posed by a static universe.
  • #10
Let me address the original question since the friedmann issue has been cleared up:

The EFE do not single out a length scale, hence are 'scale invariant' in that sense. Simply put, gravity on its own knows only about c and G, out of which a length scale cannot be formed. Given matter fields in the form of a stress energy tensor, one can again construct a length scale: [itex] \ell \sim \left(G c^{-4} < T > \right)^{-1/2}[/itex]

The addition of Lambda does also introduce a length scale (one can after all think of it as a stress energy). The dimensions of Lambda are L^-2, so obviously 1/sqrt(Lambda) is a preferred length.
  • #11
Just to add some context after the previous good reply to the OP, precisely this lack of scale invariance of GR in the presence of mass-energy was what prevented from succeding Weyl's first attemp of unification of gravity with EM in 1918. But his flawed idea was the seed of a more fruitful "gauge incariance" in the years to come.

Also to answer #2, it is kind of true that in the absence of matter-energy scale invariance should be recovered, however in practice this is not so at least in the Schwarzschild case as it is usually interpreted physically (weak field), as mass-energy manages to sneak in thru the boundary condition(central mass) that makes it lose the scale invariance.
But the equation by itself is trivially scale invariant.

Related to Einstein field equations and scale invariance

1. What are the Einstein field equations?

The Einstein field equations are a set of ten partial differential equations that describe the relationship between the curvature of space-time and the energy and momentum of matter and radiation. They are a fundamental part of Einstein's theory of general relativity and are used to explain the behavior of gravity.

2. What is scale invariance in the context of Einstein's equations?

Scale invariance refers to the property of the equations remaining unchanged under a change in scale. In the context of the Einstein field equations, this means that the equations remain valid at any scale, from the smallest subatomic particles to the largest structures in the universe. This is a crucial aspect of the equations as it allows for the description of the behavior of gravity at all scales.

3. How do the Einstein field equations relate to the concept of spacetime?

The Einstein field equations describe the curvature of space-time, which is a fundamental concept in Einstein's theory of general relativity. They show how the presence of matter and energy can cause a distortion in the fabric of space-time, leading to the force of gravity. In other words, the equations explain how the structure of space-time is affected by the distribution of mass and energy.

4. Can the Einstein field equations be solved analytically?

The Einstein field equations are highly complex and non-linear, making them difficult to solve analytically. In fact, there are only a few exact solutions that have been found, such as the Schwarzschild solution which describes the gravitational field outside a spherically symmetric mass. In most cases, numerical methods are used to solve the equations and make predictions about the behavior of gravity.

5. How have the Einstein field equations been tested and confirmed?

The predictions of the Einstein field equations have been extensively tested and confirmed through various experiments and observations. Some notable examples include the precession of the perihelion of Mercury, the bending of starlight by massive objects, and the detection of gravitational waves. These confirmations have solidified the validity of the equations and the theory of general relativity as a whole.

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