Einstein's GR & Rotating Earth Dilemma

In summary, Einstein made a last important effort to make his theory of General Relativity valid for rotating objects. He considered an experiment where an observer on the North Pole sees a laser beam going straight, while an observer on a platform turning once every 24 hours sees the beam bent. If the Earth was rotating, A would not see a straight path. If the Earth was hollow and the crust was light, this is essentially a SR experiment, because you are saying gravity is negligible. With a ring laser gyro we could measure the rate of absolute rotation.
  • #1
leo nardo
Einstein, for his GR theory he made a last important effort to make it valid also for rotating objects. So consider the following thought experiment.
There is an observer A standing at the North Pole and another observer B sitting on a platform, turning clockwise once every 24 hours, both with a camera.
The Earth is hollow, with little gravity and a thin crust, turning like the normal earth.
At the equator there is a man sending short laser pulses through an hole in the Earth crust to the opposite side, about 12.000 km away. It takes 40 msec. for the pulses the reach the other side and inside the hollow Earth there is a bit of fog as to show the course of the laser beam.
During the 40 msec. objects at the equator move on for about 18 meters.
At the North Pole there is also a hole in the crust. Both A and B make a pictures during the laser beam crossing the inner earth.
Now, considering the rotating Earth as a reference frame for GR, observer A sees the laser beam going straight.
But B in rotation gets a picture from a laser beam slightly bent.
But then, consider B as part of the non-rotating universe, following the laser beam with his camera, he should find a straight line. Because why should light bent when there is no gravity involved. How to solve this dilemma.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Is the Earth rotating? And is the turntable for B counteracting the rotation or adding to it?

Assuming that the Earth is rotating then A will not see a straight path.
  • #3
If the Earth is hollow and the crust is light, this is essentially a SR experiment, because you are saying gravity is negligible. And this experiment basically tells us that rotation is absolute, not relative.

We can measure the rate of absolute rotation with a ring laser gyro, for instance, as well as your scheme.

To do a GR experiment we would need to consider a case where gravity would make a diference. For example we might consider, as Einstein did, consider a still hollow but massive rotating Earth. Or in any case a "shell".

Then you can ask questions such as "will the frame that you determine to be nonrotating be fixed relative to the distant stars". Einstein's theory answers this one - no it will not.

The general class of effects due to rotating massive bodies is called "frame dragging". Wiki as a short summary on it http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frame-dragging&oldid=518801991
  • #4
Yes, I was already wondering why there was no return after I send the laser beam to the centre of the Earth on to the mirror positioned at the other side.
After reading Einstein’s biography in respect to GR there was talking about rotating objects, gyroscopes etc., which was confusing. And of course there would have been many more conflicts in the universe. The reference article you pointed at was very helpful. Thanks.
  • #5

I would approach this dilemma by first acknowledging that Einstein's theory of General Relativity (GR) is a complex and highly accurate theory that has been proven through numerous experiments and observations. It is considered one of the most successful theories in physics, and it has been able to explain a wide range of phenomena in the universe.

That being said, I would also acknowledge that Einstein himself struggled with incorporating the concept of rotation into his theory. This is evident in his attempts to make GR valid for rotating objects, as mentioned in the content provided. So, it is not surprising that this thought experiment presents a dilemma in terms of the behavior of light in a rotating reference frame.

One possible way to approach this dilemma is to consider the concept of frame dragging, which is a phenomenon predicted by GR. This is the idea that a massive object, such as the Earth, can "drag" the space-time around it as it rotates. This can cause light to appear to bend in a rotating reference frame, as seen by observer B in this thought experiment.

However, in order to fully understand this phenomenon, we must also consider the concept of inertial frames of reference. This means that an observer in a non-rotating universe, as mentioned in the content, would not experience the same effects of frame dragging as an observer in a rotating reference frame. Therefore, it is not necessarily a contradiction for observer B to see a slightly bent laser beam while also observing a straight beam from a non-rotating perspective.

In conclusion, while this thought experiment may present a dilemma in terms of the behavior of light in a rotating reference frame, it is important to consider the complexities of Einstein's theory of GR and the concept of frame dragging. This dilemma does not invalidate the theory, but rather highlights the need for further exploration and understanding of the effects of rotation on space-time.

FAQ: Einstein's GR & Rotating Earth Dilemma

1. What is Einstein's General Theory of Relativity (GR)?

Einstein's General Theory of Relativity is a theory of gravity proposed by Albert Einstein in 1915. It describes how the force of gravity arises from the curvature of space and time caused by the presence of massive objects.

2. What is the Rotating Earth Dilemma?

The Rotating Earth Dilemma refers to the apparent contradiction between Einstein's GR and the observed fact that the Earth is rotating. According to GR, the rotation of an object should cause it to curve and warp the fabric of space-time around it, but this does not seem to be happening with the Earth.

3. How did Einstein resolve this dilemma?

Einstein resolved this dilemma by incorporating the concept of frame-dragging into his theory. This means that the rotation of a massive object, like the Earth, causes a dragging effect on the fabric of space-time around it, but this effect is extremely small and difficult to observe.

4. What evidence supports Einstein's solution?

There have been several experiments and observations that support Einstein's solution to the Rotating Earth Dilemma. One of the most significant is the Gravity Probe B mission, which measured the frame-dragging effect of the Earth's rotation with unprecedented precision.

5. Are there any remaining questions or challenges regarding this dilemma?

While Einstein's solution to the dilemma has been supported by evidence, there are still some remaining questions and challenges. For example, some scientists are still trying to understand why the frame-dragging effect is so small, and there are ongoing efforts to improve the precision of measurements to further confirm Einstein's theory.

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