Einzel Lens Operating Principle

In summary, the lens seems to work in the first gap, but not in the second. This is presumably because the potential is highest near the center of the lens, and the positive ions are attracted to this region.
  • #1
I'm trying to design an Einzel lens to focus an ion beam. The literature seems pretty consistent that the beam diverges in the first gap and converges in the second gap. (Gaps are between the three electrodes.) What I don't understand is that the potential is lowest at the centre of a cylindrical lens (highest closer to the central electrode). Why should the positive ions be attracted to a region of higher potential?

I have written a simulation which solves for voltage (the laplace equation by the finite difference method), finds the electric field (as the gradient of voltage) and then calculates the particle trajectory. The simulation results show the beam bending towards the axis at the first gap and hardly any change at the second one.

I'm obviously missing something here, can anyone point it out to me?
Science news on Phys.org
  • #2
Ok, I figured it out... just needed to let the laplace solver run to a few (thousand) more iterations to get a better solution for the voltage profile. My initial conditions are V=0 and the centre of the cylinder stayed pretty close to 0, giving a radially inwards electric field everywhere. (Except very close to the axis, where it was very slightly outward, small enough that I dismissed it as a numerical error.)
  • #3
Hello. I've myself developped a software in order to determine trajectories of electrons and ions in every kind of lenses, so I'm interested by your own developpement ...
  • #4
If you (or your company, or your thesis professor) can afford it, there is commercially available software that does this:

  • #5
this was just for a one-off design, so I had a look at the Simion demo but decided to write it myself in Matlab. Oversimplifying for a second, its just solving the Laplace equation to give the potential distribution and then the Lorentz equation for the motion of the particles (later in the trajectory I have a confining magnetic field too). I ignore space charge effects, although I have been warned that at low velocities they can be dangerous.

I used a multi-grid Gauss seidel method to accelerate the convergence of the finite difference equation. These guys explain it really well:
There were a couple of other problems I ran into, but nothing really tricky... And eventually I was able to show that an Einzel lens is unfortunately not going to work for us.

If you have any suggestions, or want to know anything specifically about my simulation I'd be glad to hear from you.
  • #6
Could you tell what application is yours. Mine is an homemade Time of flight Mass spectrometer. To return to your software development, after having solved Laplace equation, you directly use forces (Field) lines, in my software I apply Snell-Descartes law between 2 successive equipotential lines ...
  • #7
I am building an ion beam, and the lens was intended to give real-time control of the beam diameter.

Snell-Descartes is an interesting idea, possibly it solves much faster, but I can't immediately see how to code it. My goal was to visualise particle trajectories, so I find the acceleration at each location and solve kinematic equations to give the velocity and position. The drawback here was that to get a good indication of the dependence on radial position and initial velocity meant I had to take a large number of test particles.

FAQ: Einzel Lens Operating Principle

1. What is the operating principle of an Einzel lens?

The operating principle of an Einzel lens is based on the electrostatic deflection of charged particles. It uses a series of electrodes to create an electric field that can manipulate the trajectory of particles passing through the lens.

2. How does an Einzel lens focus charged particles?

An Einzel lens focuses charged particles by creating a converging electric field that draws the particles towards the center of the lens, causing them to follow a curved path and eventually converge at a focal point.

3. Can an Einzel lens be used for both positive and negative particles?

Yes, an Einzel lens can be used for both positive and negative particles. The direction of the electric field can be adjusted to accommodate different types of charged particles.

4. What are the advantages of using an Einzel lens?

An Einzel lens offers several advantages, including high focusing power, precise control over the trajectory of charged particles, and the ability to focus particles with a wide range of energies.

5. What are some common applications of Einzel lenses?

Einzel lenses are commonly used in electron and ion microscopes, mass spectrometers, and in devices that manipulate charged particles for industrial or scientific purposes. They are also used in particle accelerators and in the production of semiconductors.

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