Ekpyrotic Model: Explaining Big Bang Before It Happened

  • Thread starter SuperStringboy
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    Big bang
In summary, the ekpyrotic model, proposed by Steinhardt and Turok, was a popular explanation for the big bang but has since gone out of fashion among researchers. Other theories such as string theory are being studied to understand the cause of the big bang, and it is suggested to start with a book like "A first course in String Theory" by Barton Zwiebach to understand the mathematics of string theory.
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  • #2
It's my impression that the ekpyrotic idea was made up by Steinhardt and Turok quite a while ago, that interest in it peaked several years back and it has gone somewhat out of fashion.

Could always make a comeback. :smile:

Right now there aren't very many research papers being written about it.
And in conferences about models that extend back before the big bang, they tend to ignore ekpyotic and focus on other stuff.

You can check for yourself. There was a major 3-week workshop about this in January at KITP. KITP has some of the worlds top string thinkers and is directed by David Gross. The workshop was chaired by Gary Horowitz. (If you follow string those names are familiar to you.)

but they did not appear to be much interested in ekpy. Not much in the way of talks scheduled. Not much discussion (compared with more recent ways of modeling back before big bang.)

Check the schedule for yourself, to see what's currently 'hot'.

Just google "KITP spacetime singularities"
Or go directly to the program:
most of the talks can be watched online video
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  • #3
Yeah, I found a link to the first "ekpyrotic" paper

Khoury, Ovrut, Steinhardt, and Turok

as a rough indicator, since that paper appeared there have been 24 papers posted to arxiv that had "ekpyrotic" in the title
and 14 of these were dated 2001 or 2002

while 7 of them were dated 2003-2007

that is the output of technical papers seems to have dwindled at least by this rough keyword indicator

At the KITP workshop, "ekpyrotic" was mentioned but was dismissed for a technical reason. If you want I will try to dredge that up.
But my main impression is just that since 2003 interest has declined among researchers, for whatever reason. (It could have to do with more general trends involving the whole string/M approach. It is hard to put one's finger on these shifts in research activity.)
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  • #4

Thanks for everything.I m just 1st yr undergraduate student of physics .I first saw at discovery channel about this theory.Is there any other theory that explain the cause of big bang.

Specially i m crazy about string theory.As much i read about it i become more crazy.Now learning it through simple articles without maths.But i need learn maths.Can u advise me to prepare myself for string theory.Specaly need guidence about maths...
  • #5
SuperStringboy said:
Is there any other theory that explain the cause of big bang.

Specially i m crazy about string theory.As much i read about it i become more crazy.Now learning it through simple articles without maths.But i need learn maths.Can u advise me to prepare myself for string theory.Specaly need guidence about maths...
There are two ways to approach the issue of the origin of the universe.

One is to postulate a classical regime beyond the big-bang that explains some of the features of the current universe, especially homogeneity and flatness. This approach is taken is Steinhardt's model, for example.

In standard cosmology an inflationary phase is required after the big-bang in order to create homogeneity and flatness of space. The origins and initial conditions of this phase are unclear and require of new high energy physics.

The idea beyond Steinhardt's model is that the contraction phase previous to the big-bang eliminates the need of an inflationary phase after the big-bang.

The other approach is to take the kinematics of the inflationary phase as given and to analize the quantum behaviour of the universe near the big-bang. This is called quantum cosmology. Quantum cosmological models have to be able to explain the dynamics, origins and initial conditions of the inflationary phase.

Quantum cosmological models require a theory of quantum gravity such as string theory. The surprising thing is that string quantum cosmological models predict a classical phase beyond the big-bang called "pre-big-bang". The basic feature of this models is a symmetry of the equations of motion that is called scale factor duality, that makes it possible to associate a contracting solution to every monotonically expanding solution.

If you are interested in string cosmology the best place to find a list of papers is the home page of Maurizio Gasperini at http://www.ba.infn.it/~gasperin/. If you want to start with the mathematics of string theory I guess that the best way is to start with Barton Zwiebach's "A first course in String Theory".
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FAQ: Ekpyrotic Model: Explaining Big Bang Before It Happened

1. What is the Ekpyrotic Model?

The Ekpyrotic Model is a cosmological theory that proposes an alternative explanation for the origin of the universe. It suggests that the Big Bang was not the beginning of the universe, but rather a collision between two branes (higher-dimensional objects) in a larger, pre-existing universe.

2. How does the Ekpyrotic Model explain the Big Bang?

The Ekpyrotic Model proposes that the universe we know today was created through a collision between two branes in a higher-dimensional space. This collision caused a rapid expansion known as "inflation," which is also a component of the traditional Big Bang theory. However, in the Ekpyrotic Model, this inflation is not the beginning of the universe, but rather a transition from a previous phase.

3. What evidence supports the Ekpyrotic Model?

Currently, there is no definitive evidence that supports the Ekpyrotic Model. However, some scientists believe that certain observations, such as the large-scale structure of the universe and the uniformity of the cosmic microwave background radiation, could potentially be explained by this model. More research and observations are needed to confirm or refute the Ekpyrotic Model.

4. How does the Ekpyrotic Model differ from the traditional Big Bang theory?

The traditional Big Bang theory suggests that the universe began with a singularity and has been expanding ever since. In contrast, the Ekpyrotic Model proposes that the universe has existed in some form before the Big Bang and that the Big Bang was the result of a collision between two branes. Additionally, the Ekpyrotic Model does not require the concept of a singularity, which is a limitation of the traditional Big Bang theory.

5. Can the Ekpyrotic Model be tested?

Yes, the Ekpyrotic Model can be tested through various observations and experiments. Scientists are currently looking for evidence of gravitational waves, which could potentially support this model. Additionally, studying the distribution of matter and energy in the universe can also provide insights into the validity of the Ekpyrotic Model.

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