Elastic collisions in a nuclear reactor

In summary, for a head-on collision between a neutron and an electron, the energy of the electron is equal to the loss of kinetic energy of the neutron.
  • #1
In a nuclear reactor, neutrons released by nuclear fission must be slowed down before they can trigger additional reactions in other nuclei. To see what sort of material is most effective in slowing (or moderating) a neutron, calculate the ratio of a neutron's final kinetic energy to its initial kinetic energy, Kf / Ki for a head-on, elastic collision with each of the following stationary target particles. (Note: The mass of a neutron is m = 1.009 u, where the atomic mass unit, u, is defined as follows: 1 u = 1.66 10-27 kg.)
(a) An electron (M = 5.49 10-4 u).

I'm not quite sure how to tackle this problem. I know that kinetic energy is 1/2 mv^2, but I don't know how I can calculate the ratio of the final and kinetic energies without an initial velocity of the neutron.
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  • #2
map7s said:
In a nuclear reactor, neutrons released by nuclear fission must be slowed down before they can trigger additional reactions in other nuclei. To see what sort of material is most effective in slowing (or moderating) a neutron, calculate the ratio of a neutron's final kinetic energy to its initial kinetic energy, Kf / Ki for a head-on, elastic collision with each of the following stationary target particles. (Note: The mass of a neutron is m = 1.009 u, where the atomic mass unit, u, is defined as follows: 1 u = 1.66 10-27 kg.)
(a) An electron (M = 5.49 10-4 u).

I'm not quite sure how to tackle this problem. I know that kinetic energy is 1/2 mv^2, but I don't know how I can calculate the ratio of the final and kinetic energies without an initial velocity of the neutron.
Assume an initial velocity of v for the neutron. Then have it collide head on with an electron at rest. The kinetic energy of the electron has to be equal to the loss of kinetic energy of the neutron. What is the energy of the electron in terms of the initial kinetic energy? (hint: you have to apply conservation of energy and momentum).

Better still, work out (or look up) the general relationship for transfer of energy (ie. loss of energy of the incident particle) in a one dimensional collision between objects of mass M1 and M2 where M2 is at rest. Apply that to each of the particles. What is the value for M2 that results in maximum energy loss for M1?

  • #3
I am sorry to bring this up from 2 years ago (lol...), but I am having trouble on this exact problem. I can't find a way to combine the two equations to get the final and initial energies. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Related to Elastic collisions in a nuclear reactor

What is an elastic collision in a nuclear reactor?

An elastic collision in a nuclear reactor is a type of collision between two particles or systems where kinetic energy is conserved. This means that the total amount of kinetic energy before and after the collision remains the same. In other words, the particles or systems bounce off each other without losing or gaining any energy.

Why are elastic collisions important in nuclear reactors?

Elastic collisions are important in nuclear reactors because they help to control and maintain the fission reactions that produce energy. In a nuclear reactor, particles such as neutrons collide with uranium atoms, causing them to split and release energy. Elastic collisions between these particles help to slow them down and keep them within the reactor, allowing for a controlled and sustained chain reaction.

How do elastic collisions affect the safety of a nuclear reactor?

Elastic collisions play a crucial role in ensuring the safety of a nuclear reactor. The controlled and consistent nature of elastic collisions helps to prevent sudden and uncontrolled increases in energy, which could lead to a meltdown or other dangerous scenarios. Additionally, the design and structure of a nuclear reactor are based on the principles of elastic collisions to keep the reactor stable and prevent any potential disasters.

What factors influence the elastic collisions in a nuclear reactor?

There are several factors that can influence the elastic collisions in a nuclear reactor, including the speed and mass of the particles involved, as well as the density and composition of the materials in the reactor. Other external factors, such as temperature and pressure, can also have an impact on the elastic collisions and the overall functioning of the reactor.

What happens in an inelastic collision in a nuclear reactor?

An inelastic collision in a nuclear reactor is a type of collision where kinetic energy is not conserved. In this type of collision, some of the kinetic energy is converted into other forms, such as heat or sound. This can lead to a loss of energy in the system and can potentially disrupt the controlled reactions in the reactor.

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