Elastic vs Inelastic Collisions: Understanding the Difference

  • Thread starter meloettakawaii
  • Start date
In summary, rebounding occurs when objects collide and bounce off each other, resulting in a change in direction and a large velocity and momentum change. This can happen in both elastic and inelastic collisions, with elastic collisions resulting in the objects retaining most of their kinetic energy and inelastic collisions causing the energy to be absorbed by deformation.
  • #1
What causes rebounding?

is my reasoning correct? :
I've come to conclude that when things collide with one another, the force is absorbed by the molecular bonds of the material and depending on the material, either the force causes molecular 'crumpling' like when cars collide, or the force 'stretches' the molecular bonds, which 'snaps back' like a rubber band causing an opposite force that causes the rebound.


The Effect of Rebounding

Occasionally when objects collide, they bounce off each other as opposed to sticking to each other and traveling with the same speed after the collision. Bouncing off each other is known as rebounding. Rebounding involves a change in the direction of an object; the before- and after-collision direction is different. Rebounding was pictured and discussed earlier in Lesson 1. At that time, it was said that rebounding situations are characterized by a large velocity change and a large momentum change.


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  • #2
Yes. That is essentially correct. For example in an elastic collision kinetic energy is conserved; during the collision the colliding bodies deform, storing elastic potential energy, and then release the potential energy as they separate. During inelastic collisions the kinetic energy is 'lost' to other forms of energy like thermal energy.
  • #3
Yes, what you're talking about is elastic collisions versus inelastic collisions.

Elastic collisions occur when the material can absorb the energy and re-emit almost all of it. Most things do this, including really hard things like billiard balls.
Inelastic collisions occur when the kinetic energy is absorbed by deformation, like cars or like globs of putty.

FAQ: Elastic vs Inelastic Collisions: Understanding the Difference

What causes rebounding?

Rebounding is a phenomenon that occurs when an object bounces back after hitting a surface. It can be observed in various situations, such as a ball bouncing off the ground or a stock market rebounding after a downturn. Here are the five most frequently asked questions about what causes rebounding:

1. Why do objects bounce back?

Objects bounce back because of the conservation of energy. When an object hits a surface, some of its kinetic energy is transferred to the surface, causing it to deform or compress. The surface then exerts an equal and opposite force on the object, pushing it back up and allowing it to regain its original shape. This back-and-forth transfer of energy causes the object to rebound.

2. Does the material of the object or surface affect rebounding?

Yes, the material of both the object and the surface can affect rebounding. Objects made of materials that are more elastic, such as rubber, have a higher rebounding ability compared to objects made of less elastic materials. Similarly, surfaces that are more rigid, like concrete, will cause objects to bounce back higher compared to surfaces that are more flexible, like a trampoline.

3. Does the velocity of the object affect rebounding?

Yes, the velocity of the object does affect rebounding. According to the law of conservation of energy, the faster an object is moving, the more kinetic energy it has. This means that a faster-moving object will transfer more energy to the surface upon impact, resulting in a higher rebound. This is why a ball dropped from a greater height will bounce back higher than a ball dropped from a lower height.

4. Can the angle of impact affect rebounding?

Yes, the angle of impact can affect rebounding. When an object hits a surface at an angle, the force of impact is not directly opposed by the surface, causing the object to bounce off at a different angle. This is because the energy transfer is not completely vertical, resulting in a change in direction for the object upon rebounding.

5. Are there any other factors that can affect rebounding?

Aside from material, velocity, and angle of impact, other factors that can affect rebounding include air resistance, temperature, and the presence of other objects or obstacles. Air resistance can slow down the velocity of an object, resulting in a lower rebound. Temperature can also affect the elasticity of materials, causing them to rebound differently. And the presence of other objects or obstacles can alter the trajectory of an object upon rebounding.

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