Electric Charge Equilibrium Calculation

In summary, the problem involves finding the magnitude of a third charge in a system of three point charges that are in static equilibrium. To solve this problem, one must draw free body diagrams for each charge and set up equations for each particle's net force being equal to zero. By solving these simultaneous equations, one can determine the magnitude of the third charge, which is found to be 1.75 times the magnitude of the other two charges.
  • #1
[SOLVED] Electric Charge

Homework Statement

Two point charges q and 4 q are distance L apart and free to move. A third charge is placed so that the entire three-charge system is in static equilibrium. What is the magnitude of the third charge?

Homework Equations

F = kq1q2 / r^2
k ~= 8.988x10^9

The Attempt at a Solution

Not a clue. All I've figured out is that for this to work in perfect equilibrium, the third charge must be directly in between the first two.

Not looking for an all-out solution from anyone (Although that'd be cool too), but more looking for just a push in the right direction.

In theory, it'd involve drawing free body diagrams for the three charges, and then working with the charge q3 to balance the equilibrium... but I can't grasp my head around that.
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  • #2
Goldenwind said:
In theory, it'd involve drawing free body diagrams for the three charges, and then working with the charge q3 to balance the equilibrium... but I can't grasp my head around that.
yes! just need to go ahread and write down some simultaneous equations and solve them... obviously the variables will be the charge for the unknown/3rd particle, and its distances from each one.
  • #3
Particle 3:
Net Force = 0 = F1 + F2
-F1 = F2

-kq1q3/(r13)^2 = kq2q3/(r23)^2
The problem here is that I don't know the distance between 1 and 3, or between 2 and 3.
Also, the q3 cancels out on each side. /boggle
  • #4
also need equations for particle 1 and 2, all particles must have net force add to zero, since particle 3 is in between the two, the the two distances (13, 23) should add to L which gives u another equation... I haven't solved this, but that's how you go about it.
  • #5
Particle 1:
Net Force = 0 = F2 + F3
-F2 = F3

-kq1q2 / L^2 = kq1q3 / (r13)^2
-4q / L^2 = q3 / (r13)^2

Particle 2:
Net Force = 0 = F1 + F3
-F3 = F1 (Doing it the other way, since the force would be in the other direction)

-kq2q3 / (r23)^2 = kq1q2 / L^2
-q3 / (r23)^2 = q / L^2

L = r13 + r23
r13 = L - r23

-4q / L^2 = q3 / (L - r23)^2
Unsure where to go from here. Could simplify the above line a little, but then I'd still have two unknowns: q3 and r23.

Wait, I have an idea..
-Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q) + L = r23
Which means:
r13 = L - r23
r13 = Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q)

Then from the particle 3 formula... plugging in r13 and r23...
-q3/(r13)^2 = 4q3/(r23)^2
-q3/(Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q))^2 = 4q3/(-Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q) + L)^2
-1/(Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q))^2 = 4/(-Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q) + L)^2
-((q3*L^2) / -4q) = ((-Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q) + L)^2) / 4
q3*L^2/q = ((-Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q) + L)^2)

Just checking, am I on the right path? Computing the right side is going to be a HUGE mess, I don't want to do it if I'm already doing things wrong.
  • #6
I haven't checked the last bit but once you have got those equations it is just a matter of solving them... and method of substition seems to be the way to go.. so you are on right track
  • #7
Sigh... here goes nothing.

q3*L^2/q = (-Sqrt((q3*L^2) / -4q) + L)^2
q3*L^2/q = 2L^2 - q3*L^2/4q3
q3*L^2/q = 2L^2 - L^2/4
q3/q = 2 - 1/4
q3 = 2q - 1/4q
q3 = 8/4q - 1/4q
q3 = 7/4q
q3 = 1.75q

Trying this result...
  • #8
I just want to point out that I'm almost completely certain that the mistake is mine somewhere along the line. Just saying that the answer I came up with happened to be incorrect, not saying that your advice is off or that. I do appreciate you helping me at this ungodly hour.
  • #9
I can't see where you've gone wrong, but it is.
It may be easier to first solve for L concentrating on the added particle.
  • #10
Goldenwind said:
I just want to point out that I'm almost completely certain that the mistake is mine somewhere along the line. Just saying that the answer I came up with happened to be incorrect, not saying that your advice is off or that. I do appreciate you helping me at this ungodly hour.

ungodly hour? :smile:

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FAQ: Electric Charge Equilibrium Calculation

What is electric charge?

Electric charge is a fundamental physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. It can be either positive or negative, and is measured in units of coulombs (C).

What is the difference between conductors and insulators?

Conductors are materials that allow electric charges to flow freely, while insulators are materials that do not allow electric charges to move easily. This is due to the difference in the number of free electrons in each type of material.

What is the law of conservation of charge?

The law of conservation of charge states that electric charge cannot be created or destroyed, but can only be transferred from one object to another. This means that the total amount of electric charge in a closed system remains constant.

How is electric charge calculated?

Electric charge is calculated by multiplying the amount of current (in amperes) by the amount of time (in seconds) that the current flows. This can be represented by the equation Q = I x t, where Q is electric charge, I is current, and t is time.

What is the difference between positive and negative charge?

Positive charge is associated with protons, which have a positive electric charge. Negative charge is associated with electrons, which have a negative electric charge. Objects with the same type of charge repel each other, while objects with opposite charges attract each other.
