Electric charge is distributed inside a nonconducting sphere

In summary: And solve the problem with it.In summary, the electric charge is uniformly distributed inside a nonconducting sphere of radius 0.30 m. The electric field at a point P, which is 0.50 m from the center of the sphere, is 15,000 N/C and is directed radially outward. To find the distance from the center of the sphere where the electric field is the same as it is at P, you can use the equation E = KQ * (1/r^2) and express the charge as a function of the charge density and the volume of the sphere. Alternatively, you can use Gauss' Law to simplify the problem. It is not necessary to find the numerical value of the charge
  • #1

Homework Statement

Electric charge is uniformly distributed inside a nonconducting sphere of radius 0.30 m. The electric field at a point P, which is 0.50 m from the center of the sphere, is 15,000 N/C and is directed radially outward. At what distance from the center of the sphere does the electric field have the same magnitude as it has at P?

Homework Equations

E = KQ * (1/r^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

So I tried using the equation E = KQ * (1/r^2) but I'm not given a charge. What should I do? Is finding the charge of P helpful? Does the charge not matter in this case and I'm just using the wrong equation?
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  • #2
YamiBustamante said:

Homework Statement

Electric charge is uniformly distributed inside a nonconducting sphere of radius 0.30 m. The electric field at a point P, which is 0.50 m from the center of the sphere, is 15,000 N/C and is directed radially outward. At what distance from the center of the sphere does the electric field have the same magnitude as it has at P?

Homework Equations

E = KQ * (1/r^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

So I tried using the equation E = KQ * (1/r^2) but I'm not given a charge.
You should be able to use that to determine the total amount of charge, and thus the charge density. Right?

What should I do? Is finding the charge of P helpful? Does the charge not matter in this case and I'm just using the wrong equation?
  • #3
YamiBustamante said:
So I tried using the equation E = KQ * (1/r^2) but I'm not given a charge. What should I do? Is finding the charge of P helpful? Does the charge not matter in this case and I'm just using the wrong equation?
Often you just have to create an unknown then see what equations you can involve it in.
Let the charge density be ρ. In terms of that, what should the electric field at P be?
  • #4
YamiBustamante said:

Homework Statement

Electric charge is uniformly distributed inside a nonconducting sphere of radius 0.30 m. The electric field at a point P, which is 0.50 m from the center of the sphere, is 15,000 N/C and is directed radially outward. At what distance from the center of the sphere does the electric field have the same magnitude as it has at P?

Homework Equations

E = KQ * (1/r^2)

The Attempt at a Solution

So I tried using the equation E = KQ * (1/r^2) but I'm not given a charge.
You could use that equation to solve for the charge (as a function of E), but I think you'll find that it's not particularly useful.

What should I do? Is finding the charge of P helpful? Does the charge not matter in this case and I'm just using the wrong equation?

Here are some pointers to get you started.

  • Like @haruspex suggests, express the charge as a function of the charge density [itex] \rho [/itex], and the volume of the sphere.
  • Find an expression for electric field inside the sphere. Have you studied Gauss' Law yet? If you are allowed to use Gauss' Law, it makes the problem a lot easier.
  • If at any point you wish to invoke Coulomb's law, don't use the version with "k". Instead, use the [itex] E = \frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0} \frac{q}{r^2} [/itex] version.
  • #5
Am I reading a different problem than others are?
  • The charge is uniformly distributed over the sphere's volume.
  • The magnitude of the electric field is given at a point external to the sphere.
It's clear that the total charge of the sphere can then be obtained immediately. Together with the dimensions of the sphere one readily obtains the charge density.
  • #6
SammyS said:
Am I reading a different problem than others are?
  • The charge is uniformly distributed over the sphere's volume.
  • The magnitude of the electric field is given at a point external to the sphere.
It's clear that the total charge of the sphere can then be obtained immediately. Together with the dimensions of the sphere one readily obtains the charge density.
Correct! :smile:

I'm just saying that solving for the total charge (or even numerically calculating the charge density) isn't necessarily that useful in obtaining the final answer to the problem. Sure, one can do it, but it just doesn't really matter that much.
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  • #7
collinsmark said:
  • Like @haruspex suggests, express the charge as a function of the charge density ρρ \rho , and the volume of the sphere.
  • Find an expression for electric field inside the sphere. Have you studied Gauss' Law yet? If you are allowed to use Gauss' Law, it makes the problem a lot easier.
  • If at any point you wish to invoke Coulomb's law, don't use the version with "k". Instead, use the E=14πε0qr2E=14πε0qr2 E = \frac{1}{4 \pi \varepsilon_0} \frac{q}{r^2} version.
I don't understand how to get the charge density though and it's not even given to me in the problem, so how is that helpful?
  • #8
YamiBustamante said:
I don't understand how to get the charge density though and it's not even given to me in the problem, so how is that helpful?
You do know the field at a certain point. If you can also obtain an expression for what that field ought to be based on the (unknown) charge (or charge density) then that will give you an equation.
  • #9
YamiBustamante said:
I don't understand how to get the charge density though and it's not even given to me in the problem, so how is that helpful?
Perhaps I wasn't clear in my previous post. What I was trying to say is that putting effort into finding the numerical value of the charge or charge density is not helpful (although it's not harmful) in solving this particular problem. It couldn't hurt, but it won't help either.

If it aids in understanding, consider a simple pendulum. Its period is independent of the pendulum's mass. If you were given a problem to derive its period you could first calculate the numerical value of the pendulum's mass if sufficient information was given to you. But it wouldn't really help you to find its period. The simplest approach is just to call the mass of the pendulum m and leave it at that. This problem is kind of along those lines.

FAQ: Electric charge is distributed inside a nonconducting sphere

What is electric charge?

Electric charge is the physical property of matter that causes it to experience a force when placed in an electromagnetic field. It can be positive or negative and is measured in coulombs (C).

What is a nonconducting sphere?

A nonconducting sphere, also known as an insulating sphere, is a spherical object made of a material that does not allow the flow of electric charge. This means that the charge is unable to move freely within the sphere and is instead distributed throughout the material.

How is electric charge distributed inside a nonconducting sphere?

In a nonconducting sphere, the charge is distributed evenly throughout the material. This means that the charge is spread out over the entire surface of the sphere, including the inside and outside. The distribution of charge is determined by the properties of the material and the amount of charge present.

Why is electric charge distributed inside a nonconducting sphere?

Electric charge is distributed inside a nonconducting sphere because the material does not allow the charge to move freely. This means that the charge is unable to accumulate in one area and is instead distributed evenly throughout the sphere. This is known as electrostatic equilibrium.

What are the applications of electric charge distributed inside a nonconducting sphere?

One application of electric charge distributed inside a nonconducting sphere is in electrostatic generators, where the charge is used to create a high voltage. They are also used in capacitors, which store electrical energy, and in electric fields for experiments and demonstrations.
