Electric Charges: Opposite Attract, Same Repel

In summary: By convention, the electric field lines radiate from the positive particle and move to the negative particle. This means that when an electron is next to a proton, the field lines will move from positive (proton) to negative (electron) and act like an attractive force. Similarly, if two protons are next to each other, there is no reason for the field lines to move from + to +, so instead they repel each other.In summary, electric charges of opposite sign attract each other because the electric field lines radiate from the positive particle and move to the negative particle, creating an attractive force. On the other hand, charges of the same sign repel each other because there is no reason for the field lines to move from
  • #1
Soaring Crane
Why do electric charges of opposite sign attract each other but charges of the same sign repel each other?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Well there is something called the electric field. By convention, the electric field lines radiate from the positive particle and moves to the negative particle. With that said, once a electron in next to a proton, the field lines will move from positive(proton) to the negative(electron) and act like an attractive force. Likewise, if two protons are next to each other, there is no reason for the field lines to move from + to +, so instead they repel each other.

Note these field lines are abstract and are just used to visualize the electric field.
  • #3
Here is a simulator that shows how the field lines are affected by different particles (electron and proton). It is very useful, you can even drop a test charge (+ or -) into the electric field and trace is path to see which particle it will move towards.

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  • #4
I don't think anyone has come up with a suitable explanation as to why this is, (if anyone has I would love to hear it) it's one of those fundamental things that cannot be explained using a 'more fundamental' concept.

  • #5
I was thinking about just the same question today. Atoms need to stay neutral, so that's why they attract opposite charges, but why do they repel positive charges. It doesn't help them gain neutrality, does it?
  • #6
americanforest said:
I was thinking about just the same question today. Atoms need to stay neutral, so that's why they attract opposite charges, but why do they repel positive charges. It doesn't help them gain neutrality, does it?

I'm confused by what you are trying to say.
  • #7
ranger said:
I'm confused by what you are trying to say.

Atoms want a full valence shell. To achieve this they attract positive or negative charge as necessary. This makes sense and gives an explanation of why opposite charges attract. Now I'm trying to think of an explanation of why charges of the same sign repel. It doesn't bring the atom any closer to a full valence shell, so that is not a valid explanation.
  • #8
americanforest said:
Atoms want a full valence shell. To achieve this they attract positive or negative charge as necessary. This makes sense and gives an explanation of why opposite charges attract. Now I'm trying to think of an explanation of why charges of the same sign repel. It doesn't bring the atom any closer to a full valence shell, so that is not a valid explanation.

Ah, okay. Well atoms don't "attract" charges because atoms are neutral. It is not necessary to have a full shell either, the shell can also be empty. Example, sodium which has 2/8/1 electron configuration, will easily give up an electron and become 2/8 sodium ion. Also only electrons are exchanged among atoms, they don't attract positive charges (protons). Can you imagine electrons and protons "orbiting" the nucleus of the atom?

As for the explanation of attraction and repulsion among electric charges, the best explanation that I know of is by using the electric fields.
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FAQ: Electric Charges: Opposite Attract, Same Repel

1. What is the concept behind the phrase "opposite attract, same repel" when it comes to electric charges?

The concept behind this phrase is based on the fundamental principles of electrostatics. According to Coulomb's Law, opposite electric charges (positive and negative) exert a force of attraction towards each other, while like charges (positive and positive, or negative and negative) exert a force of repulsion away from each other.

2. How do electric charges interact with each other?

Electric charges interact with each other through the electromagnetic force. This force is caused by the exchange of virtual particles called photons, which create an attractive or repulsive force between charged objects.

3. Why do opposite electric charges attract each other?

Opposite electric charges attract each other because they have different amounts of electric potential energy. When these charges are brought closer together, they experience a decrease in potential energy, leading to an attractive force between them.

4. Can two objects with the same type of electric charge ever attract each other?

No, two objects with the same type of electric charge (both positive or both negative) will always repel each other. This is because they have the same amount of electric potential energy, and bringing them closer together would require an increase in potential energy, resulting in a repulsive force.

5. What is the role of electrons in electric charges?

Electrons are the subatomic particles that carry negative electric charge. They play a crucial role in the formation of electric charges as they are constantly moving and can be transferred from one object to another, creating a net positive or negative charge.
