Electric field across a parallel plate capacitor

In summary, the electric field across the capacitor depends on the circuit setup. If the resistor is in series with the capacitor, then the electric field can be expressed as E = (V - IR)/L initially, but will become E = V/L once the capacitor is fully charged. If all components are in parallel, then the electric field will always be E = V/L.
  • #1

If I had a potential source (V) , a resistor R, and a parallel plate capacitor,

would the Electric field across the capacitor become

E = (V - IR)/L

L = distance between capacitor

or would the electric field simply become E = V/L


thank you!
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  • #2
How is the circuit set up? Your E = (V - IR)/L would be correct for a purely series circuit. But the current would be zero (or quickly become zero as the capacitor charges) so your second formula is then correct.
  • #3
johnj7 said:

If I had a potential source (V) , a resistor R, and a parallel plate capacitor,

would the Electric field across the capacitor become

E = (V - IR)/L

L = distance between capacitor

or would the electric field simply become E = V/L

That very much depends on whether the resistor is in series or in || with the capacitor doesn't it?
  • #4
Ah ic, oh okay I understand now.

so if in series,
clearly initially it is

E = (V-IR) /L
but after the capacitor is fully charged then E = V/L

however if in parallel from the start then

E = V/L, always

would this be correct?
  • #5
If the V, R and C are all in parallel then they all have the same potential V.

Related to Electric field across a parallel plate capacitor

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts a force on other charged particles within its range. It is a vector quantity and is measured in units of volts per meter.

2. How is the electric field across a parallel plate capacitor calculated?

The electric field across a parallel plate capacitor can be calculated by dividing the voltage between the two plates by the distance between the plates. This can be represented by the equation E = V/d, where E is the electric field, V is the voltage, and d is the distance between the plates.

3. What is the significance of the electric field in a parallel plate capacitor?

The electric field in a parallel plate capacitor is responsible for creating a potential difference between the two plates, which allows for the storage of electric charge. It also determines the capacitance of the capacitor, which is a measure of its ability to store charge.

4. How does the electric field change when the distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is increased?

As the distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor is increased, the electric field decreases. This is because the electric field is inversely proportional to the distance between the plates, according to the equation E = V/d. Therefore, a greater distance between the plates results in a weaker electric field.

5. Can the electric field across a parallel plate capacitor be uniform?

Yes, the electric field across a parallel plate capacitor can be uniform if the plates are perfectly parallel and the distance between them is constant. This means that the magnitude and direction of the electric field are the same at all points between the plates, which is ideal for many practical applications of capacitors.
