Electric Field and Energy of Parallel Plate Capacitor

In summary, a parallel plate capacitor with a plate area of 1.8 m^2 and a separation of 0.1 mm is charged to 200V. To find the electric field between the plates, use Gauss's law in integral form and solve for the field of each plate, then add them together. The energy density in the space between the plates can be found using the electric field. To find the capacitance, use equations from a textbook. The total energy stored in the capacitor can be calculated by multiplying the voltage and capacitance.
  • #1
A parallel plate capictor with a plate area of 1.8 m^2 and a separation of 0.1 mm is charged to 200V.
a. what is the electric field bwt. the plates?
b. what is the energy/unit volume in the space between the plates?
c. Find the capacitance C
d. Calculate the total energy stored in this capacitor
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #3
I know how to find the capiciatnce in a parrallel but have no idea how to find out the electric field. Any help? I don't have a textbook with me so I am pretty much screwed :)
  • #4
Do you know the electric field for a surface charge?

If so, a parallel plate capacitor is two charged surfaces with separation d. The field can be found by adding the field of each plate.
  • #5
Use gauss's law in intgral form. Some times called the gaussian pilbox.
\int \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{A} =\frac{Q_{Enclosed}}{\epsilon_0}
Sove for the electric field for one plate, then solve for the other plate and use vector addtion to add them together.

Use the elctric field to find the voltage and the energy density.
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  • #6
can't get any easier than this, simply use equations in your text.

Related to Electric Field and Energy of Parallel Plate Capacitor

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region in which electrically charged particles experience a force. It is represented by electric field lines, which show the direction and strength of the electric field at any given point.

How is an electric field created?

An electric field is created by electrically charged particles. When two oppositely charged particles are brought close together, an electric field is formed between them. Similarly, an electric field is also created by a single charged particle, such as a charged particle in an electric circuit.

What is a parallel plate capacitor?

A parallel plate capacitor is a device that stores electrical energy in the form of an electric field. It consists of two parallel conducting plates separated by a small distance, with a dielectric material in between. When a voltage is applied across the plates, an electric field is created between them, and the capacitor can store electrical energy in this field.

What is the energy of a parallel plate capacitor?

The energy of a parallel plate capacitor is equal to the product of the voltage applied across the plates and the charge stored on the plates. This can be calculated using the equation E = ½ CV², where C is the capacitance of the capacitor and V is the voltage applied.

How does the distance between the plates affect the electric field and energy of a parallel plate capacitor?

The distance between the plates of a parallel plate capacitor affects both the electric field and energy stored. As the distance between the plates increases, the electric field decreases, and the energy stored also decreases. This is because a larger distance between the plates means a larger distance for the electric field to act over, resulting in a weaker field and less energy stored.
