Electric Field and Energy Storage of 9V Battery Across Parallel Plates

In summary, the conversation is discussing a scenario where a 9v battery is connected to 2 parallel plates with a 3mm separation. The questions asked are: 1) What is the magnitude of the electric field between the plates? 2) How much charge can be stored on the plates, given that they have an area of 0.5m^2? 3) How much energy can be stored in this capacitor? In order to answer these questions, one would need to use the formulas for capacitance, surface density of charge, electric field for an infinite planar charge sheet, and energy stored in a capacitor.
  • #1
A 9v battery is connected across 2 parallel plates separated by 3mm.
a. what is the magnitude of the electric field between them?
b. the plates have an area of .5m^2, how much charge can be stored?
c. how much energy can be stored?

please help me with this question. i am lost and have no idea what formulas to use.
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Have done a chapter on capacitors? These questions use very standard formulae. If not, why don't you try to derive the formulae? Let me give you a headstart on the derivations

Capacitance C of a capacitor is defined as C = Q / V, where Q is the postive charged stored on the plates (not the total charge, just the charge on a single plate. Note that the total charge on a capacitor is always Q + (-Q) = 0) and V is the potential difference b/w the two plates.

Given a plate with area A and charge Q, its surface density of charge is [itex]\sigma[/itex] = Q / A.

For any infinite planar charge sheet with surface density [itex]\sigma[/itex], the electric field perpendicular to the sheet is [itex]\texbf{E} = \frac{\sigma}{2\epsilon_0}[/itex].

Energy stored in a capacitor is [itex]\int_0^V q dv [/itex].

This should get you started.

FAQ: Electric Field and Energy Storage of 9V Battery Across Parallel Plates

Q: What is an electric field?

An electric field is a region of space surrounding an electrically charged particle or object, where another charged particle would experience a force.

Q: How is an electric field created?

An electric field is created by placing an electrically charged particle or object in space. The strength and direction of the electric field depend on the magnitude and distribution of the charge.

Q: What is the significance of parallel plates in relation to electric fields?

Parallel plates are commonly used to create a uniform electric field. This is because the electric field lines between two parallel plates are evenly spaced and parallel to each other, creating a constant field strength between the plates.

Q: How does a 9V battery store energy?

A 9V battery stores energy through a chemical reaction that occurs between the positive and negative terminals. This creates an electric potential difference, or voltage, between the terminals, which can then be used to power devices.

Q: How does the electric field and energy storage of a 9V battery across parallel plates differ from other types of batteries?

The electric field and energy storage of a 9V battery across parallel plates is dependent on the voltage and charge of the battery, as well as the distance between the plates. Other types of batteries may have different voltage and charge levels, and may not necessarily use parallel plates to create a uniform electric field.
