Electric field and gauss law for different models of sphere

In summary, these doubts about gauss law arise when trying to apply it to different models of spheres, but there is a mathematical relationship between the electric field inside a sphere and its surface charge. Practically speaking, this can be achieved by distributing charges uniformly throughout a sphere.
  • #1
Hello all! I actually have a few doubts regarding "gauss law" when applied "for different models of sphere"

First, If we place a charge 'Q' inside a spherical shell at the center (somehow) then it should come out to its surface that means in no way can we do it. True or False?


Considering a solid sphere having a charge Q uniformly distributed on its outer surface. Thus everywhere inside it is the electric field equal to 0.

But i have somewhere read that the electric field inside a solid sphere is Kqr/R^3.

Or is it that , there is a difference in these two statements
"A charge uniformly distributed on the surface of a solid sphere" and
"A symmetrical spherical distribution of charge" ?

Also, How can we get a spherical symmetrical distribution of charge?
. By placing the charge at the center of the solid sphere? (which is again impossible i guess)

I'll be greatly thankful if someone clears these brain storming doubts?
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  • #2
hello exuberant.me! :smile:

(try using the X2 button just above the Reply box :wink:)
exuberant.me said:
First, If we place a charge 'Q' inside a spherical shell at the center (somehow) then it should come out to its surface that means in no way can we do it. True or False?

sorry, no idea what you mean :redface:
But i have somewhere read that the electric field inside a solid sphere is Kqr/R^3.

Or is it that , there is a difference in these two statements
"A charge uniformly distributed on the surface of a solid sphere" and
"A symmetrical spherical distribution of charge" ?

yes … Kqr/R3 is for a charge uniformly distributed throughout the volume (use gauss law! :wink:)
Also, How can we get a spherical symmetrical distribution of charge?
. By placing the charge at the center of the solid sphere? (which is again impossible i guess

no, by chucking the charges in, and giving them a good old stir

like making a pudding :smile:
  • #3
tiny-tim said:
like making a pudding :smile:

With no lumps, of course... nice and smooth...
  • #4
exuberant.me said:
Also, How can we get a spherical symmetrical distribution of charge?
[tex]\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial \theta} = \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial \phi} = 0 [/tex]
and practically how this could happen for a solid sphere with fixed charges? ...err... maybe in Neutron stars that have a surplus of electrons? The electrons wouldn't be fixed, but in equilibrium the charge distribution would be spherically symmetric... unless it was a pulsar?

So you just have to make a neutron star :) easy-peasy.
  • #5

Hello there! These are great questions about electric field and gauss law for different models of spheres. Let me try to address them one by one.

First, regarding the placement of a charge inside a spherical shell, it is true that the charge will distribute itself evenly on the surface of the shell due to the repulsion of like charges. This is known as the "shell theorem" and is a consequence of gauss law. So in that sense, it is not possible to have a charge placed inside a spherical shell without it coming out to the surface.

Next, you are correct in stating that the electric field inside a solid sphere with a uniform charge distribution is zero. This is because the electric field due to each small element of charge inside the sphere cancels out with the electric field due to another element in the opposite direction, resulting in a net zero field inside the sphere. However, the formula you mentioned, Kqr/R^3, is for the electric field outside of a solid sphere, where 'r' is the distance from the center of the sphere. This formula is derived using gauss law and takes into account the total charge of the sphere and the distance from the center.

The difference between a charge uniformly distributed on the surface of a solid sphere and a symmetrical spherical distribution of charge is that the latter refers to any spherical distribution of charge, not necessarily a uniform one. This can be achieved by placing the charges at specific points on the surface of the sphere, rather than uniformly distributing them.

Lastly, a spherical symmetrical distribution of charge can be achieved by placing the charge at the center of the sphere, as long as the charge is evenly distributed on the surface of the sphere. This is possible in theory, but practically it is difficult to achieve as it would require precise placement of each charge.

I hope this helps to clear up your doubts. Keep exploring and asking questions, that's what science is all about!

Related to Electric field and gauss law for different models of sphere

1. What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical quantity that describes the influence of electric charges on each other. It is a vector field, meaning it has both magnitude and direction, and is measured in units of volts per meter (V/m).

2. How is an electric field created around a sphere?

An electric field is created around a sphere when it has a net charge. The electric field lines originate from positive charges and terminate on negative charges, creating a radial pattern around the sphere.

3. What is Gauss' Law and how is it related to electric fields around a sphere?

Gauss' Law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the net electric charge enclosed by that surface. For a sphere, the electric flux through the surface is equal to the charge enclosed divided by the permittivity of free space (ε0).

4. What are the different models of spheres used in electric field calculations?

The two most commonly used models are the point charge model and the continuous charge distribution model. The point charge model assumes that the charge is concentrated at a single point, while the continuous charge distribution model assumes that the charge is distributed evenly over the surface of the sphere.

5. How is the electric field and charge distribution related for a uniformly charged sphere?

For a uniformly charged sphere, the electric field is directly proportional to the distance from the center of the sphere. The charge distribution is also uniform, meaning the amount of charge per unit area is the same at all points on the surface of the sphere.

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