Electric field charge density question

In summary, the electric field in some region is found to be E = kr^3 \bf{\hat{r}}. The charge density and total charged contained in a sphere of radius R, centered at the origin are found using Gauss's law and the divergence in spherical polar coordinates.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Suppose the electric field in some region is found to be [tex] \bf{E} = kr^3 \bf{\hat{r}} [/tex], in spherical coordinates, (k is some constant).

(a) find the charge density [tex] \rho [/tex]

(b) find the total charged contained in a sphere of radius R, centered at the origin. (do it two different ways)

Homework Equations

All of them,

[tex] \bf{E(r)} = \frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon_o} \int_V \frac{\rho (\bf{r'})}{\varsigma^2} \hat{\varsigma} d\tau' . [/tex]

[tex] \nabla . \bf{E} = \frac{1}{\epsilon_o} \rho [/tex] <- Gauss's law

noting that [tex] \varsigma = \bf{r - r'} [/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

re aranging the equation above for rho

[tex] \epsilon_o \nabla . \bf{E} = \rho [/tex]

I know i can use the partial derivative of the vector r for the divergence instead of the traditional partial derivative of x,y,z

[tex] \epsilon_o \frac{\partial}{\partial r} . \bf{E} = \rho [/tex]
substituting in the given E, kr^3 into E

[tex] \epsilon_o \frac{\partial}{\partial r} . (k r^3) = \rho [/tex]

computing the derivative d/dr of r I get,

[tex] \epsilon_0 3kr^2 [/tex]



I've been told that the answer is [tex] 5\epsilon_0 kr^2 [/tex]
can someone please tell me how they got to that?
i'm missing a factor of 2?


using gauss's law,

[tex] \oint \bf{E} . d\bf{a} = \frac{1}{\epsilon_o} Qenc [/tex]
where Qenc is the enclosed charge within the surface/shape/sphere

solving for Qenc,
[tex] \epsilon_o \oint \bf{E} . d\bf{a} = Qenc [/tex]

[tex] \epsilon_o \oint (kr^3) . da = Qenc [/tex]

because the E field is a constant,
taking it outside of the integral, leaves me with having to integrate the integral over a closed surface da,

and because it's a sphere, the area of the sphere is just 4pir^2 (if i remember correctly)

making the equation end up as

[tex] \epsilon_o (kr^3) . (4\pi r^2) = Qenc [/tex]
leaving the final charge contained in the sphere to be

[tex] 4\pi \epsilon_o k r^5 [/tex]

- The question asks me to find this equation in two different ways,
I've found it using the only way I know how, using gauss's law
can someone help me think of a different way to find this equation?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
vorcil said:
I know i can use the partial derivative of the vector r for the divergence instead of the traditional partial derivative of x,y,z
How do you know that? Because you can't. Look up the definition of divergence in spherical coordinates.

For the other part, try finding it from the charge density you calculated in part (a). (That would be a good way to check your calculations, if you hadn't been given the answer)
  • #3
[tex]\vec{r}=rsin\Theta cos\varphi\vec{e}_x+rsin\Theta sin\varphi\vec{e}_y+rcos\Theta\vec{e}_z[/tex]
  • #4
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FAQ: Electric field charge density question

1. What is electric field charge density?

Electric field charge density is a measure of the amount of electric charge per unit volume in a given space. It is represented by the symbol ρ and is typically measured in coulombs per square meter (C/m²).

2. How do you calculate electric field charge density?

Electric field charge density can be calculated by dividing the total amount of charge in a given volume by the volume itself. Mathematically, it can be represented as ρ = Q/V, where Q is the total charge and V is the volume.

3. What is the unit of measurement for electric field charge density?

The unit of measurement for electric field charge density is coulombs per square meter (C/m²). This is the same unit used for electric charge, as charge density is a measure of the amount of charge per unit area.

4. How does electric field charge density affect electric fields?

Electric field charge density is directly related to the strength of an electric field. The higher the charge density in a given area, the stronger the electric field will be. Additionally, changes in charge density can cause changes in the electric field strength.

5. What is the importance of electric field charge density in physics?

Electric field charge density plays a crucial role in understanding and predicting the behavior of electric fields in various systems. It helps determine the strength of the electric field and how it will interact with other objects or charged particles. Additionally, it is an important concept in fields such as electromagnetism and electrostatics.
