Electric field due to a spherical charged shell (direct integration)

In summary, the conversation discusses finding the electric field at a distance z from the center of a spherical surface with uniform density σ and radius R. The solution involves treating the case for both inside and outside the spherical surface and using the electric field equation and the integral for calculating the electric field. The conversation also includes a discussion on simplifying the integral and using Gauss's theorem as an alternative method.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Find the electric field a distance z from the center of a spherical surface of radius R which carries a uniform density σ. Treat the case z<R (inside) as well as z>R (outside). Express the answers in terms of the total charge q on the sphere.

Homework Equations

[itex] E = \int \frac{dq~\hat({r-r'})}{(r-r')^2} [/itex]
where r is the vector from origin to the point where electric field will be evaluated and
r' is the vector from origin to the location of dq (source of electric field)

Let [itex] r-r' = ζ [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

(Attached is the sketch of the figure for reference.)

We treat it as a hollow thin shell and divide it in into infinitesimal dA. In spherical coordinates,
[itex] dA = R^2~sinθ~dθdψ [/itex]
[itex] dq = σdA [/itex]
[itex] dA =σ R^2~sinθ~dθdψ [/itex]

Also, the ζ vector is just
[itex]ζ^2=z^2+R^2 - 2Rz cosθ[/itex] via cosine law

Clearly, the total electric field felt at point p (a distance z) above the sphere is just in the z direction since the other components cancel. Therefore, we can just get the z component of E-field due to charge dq and add all of them together for the entire sphere.

[itex]dE_{z} = dE \hat{z} [/itex]
[itex]dE_{z} = dE sin ω [/itex]
[itex]dE_{z} = dE \frac {z-Rcosθ}{ζ} [/itex]

Electric field therefore is
[itex] E = \int \frac{dq~\hat{ζ}}{ζ^2} [/itex]
[itex] E = \frac{1}{4πε_o}\int\frac{σR^2~sinθdθdψ}{z^2+R^2-2Rzcosθ}\frac{z-Rcosθ}{\sqrt{z^2+R^2-2Rzcosθ}} [/itex]

since [itex]\int_0^{2π} = ψ~dψ = 2π [/itex]
and if we let u = Rcos du = -Rsinθ dθ
and noting that u=1 when θ=0 and u=-1 when θ=π

[itex]E = \frac{2πσR^2}{4πε_oR}~\int_{-1}^{1}\frac{(z-u)du}{(z^2+R^2-2zu)^\frac{3}{2}}[/itex]

Now, how do I integrate this? Any ideas? Thanks a lot. :biggrin:


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  • #2
Nice work so far!

The final integral is:
$$2k\pi\sigma R^2\int_0^{\pi} \frac{z-R\cos\theta}{(z^2+R^2-2Rz\cos\theta)^{3/2}}\sin\theta\,d\theta=2k\pi \sigma \int_0^{\pi} \frac{a-\cos\theta}{(a^2-2a\cos\theta+1)^{3/2}}\sin\theta\,d\theta$$
where ##a=\dfrac{z}{R}##.

Next, use the substitution ##a^2-2a\cos\theta+1=t^2 \Rightarrow \sin\theta\,d\theta=\dfrac{t\,dt}{2a}##. Can you simplify the integral now? Notice that the new limits for integral are perfect squares!
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  • #3
Hmm.. That was simpler.. Thank you very much! I think I can take it from here.. Also, sorry for the very late reply.. I had a very busy week. Many thanks again! :)
  • #4
physicsjn said:
Hmm.. That was simpler.. Thank you very much! I think I can take it from here.. Also, sorry for the very late reply.. I had a very busy week. Many thanks again! :)

Glad to help! :smile:
  • #5
I have a doubt in the very starting we should have found the magnitude of (r-r') and then square it. So, in this case why it is not (r2+z2 ) because of its magnitude first and then square. Please Explain
  • #6
Vishesh Sharma said:
I have a doubt in the very starting we should have found the magnitude of (r-r') and then square it. So, in this case why it is not (r2+z2 ) because of its magnitude first and then square. Please Explain
Can you explain why you believe that ##|\vec{r} - \vec{r}'|^2## is equal to ##r^2 + z^2##? If would be helpful if you could show a diagram with ##\vec{r}##, ##\vec{r}'##, and ##z## labeled.
  • #7
I got my mistake I was taking angle between r and z to be 90. Thank you for pointing out the mistake,and also the integration method was really good.
Thanks again.
  • #8
rude man said:
Am I missing something? Why not just go with Gauss's theorem?
Its probably because that relevant equations work for every surface, although gauss law is also applicable to any surface but we can find out easily only for symmetrical surfaces. This was just for practice. I believe gauss law is much better technique in this question.

Related to Electric field due to a spherical charged shell (direct integration)

What is the formula for calculating the electric field due to a spherical charged shell?

The formula for calculating the electric field due to a spherical charged shell is E = kQr/R^3, where k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge on the shell, r is the distance from the center of the shell, and R is the radius of the shell.

Is the electric field inside the shell zero?

Yes, the electric field inside the shell is zero. This is because the charge inside the shell is evenly distributed and cancels out the electric fields from each other.

How does the electric field vary outside the shell?

Outside the shell, the electric field varies inversely with the square of the distance from the center of the shell. This means that as the distance increases, the electric field decreases.

Can the electric field be negative?

Yes, the electric field can be negative. This occurs when the charge on the shell is negative and the direction of the electric field is towards the center of the shell.

How does the electric field due to a spherical charged shell compare to that of a point charge?

The electric field due to a spherical charged shell is the same as that of a point charge located at the center of the shell. This is because the shell can be treated as a collection of point charges, and the electric fields from each point charge add up to give the overall electric field.

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