Electric Field in a cavity of a dielectric medium

In summary, The field strength at the centre of a spherical cavity is proportional to the distance from the centre and cosine of the angle between the give axis and the direction of the field.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The polarization charge in the surface of a spherical cavity is [itex] -\sigma_e \cos\theta ,[/itex]at a point whose radius from the centre makes and angle [itex]\theta[/itex] with a give axis Oz. Prove that the field strength at the centre is [itex] \frac{ \sigma_e}{3 \sigma_e} [/itex] parallel to Oz.

If the cavity is in a uniform dielectric subject to a field strength [itex] E_0[/itex] parallel to the direction [itex]\theta = 0[/itex], show that
[tex] \sigma_e = 2 E_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{(\epsilon_r - 1)}{(1+\epsilon_r)} [/tex],
where [itex] \epsilon_r [/itex] is the relative permittivity of the dielectric.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

First to find the field stength i have used Gauss' law:

[tex] \epsilon_0\int E.ds = \int \sigma da [/tex]

[tex] 4\pi R^2 \epsilon_0 E = \int \int \sigma R^2 d\theta d\phi [/tex]

Then for the second part,

I have let [itex] V_1 [/itex] for the potential inside the cavity and [itex] V_2 [/itex] for the potential outside the cavity.

I assume that:

[tex] V_1 = B_1 r\cos\theta + \frac{B_2 \cos\theta}{r^2} [/tex]
[tex] V_2 = -E_0 r\cos\theta + \frac{A_2 \cos\theta}{r^2} [/tex]

then since [itex] V_2 \neq \infty, B_2 = 0 [/itex].

Then since [itex] V_1 = V_2 at r=R [/itex]

[tex] (B_1 + E_0) R^3 = A_2 [/tex]

then find the radial electric field components:

[tex] E^r_1 = - \frac{\partial V_1}{\partial r} = -B_1 \cos\theta [/tex]

[tex] E^r_2 = - \frac{\partial V_1}{\partial r} = E_0\cos\theta+\frac{A_2 \cos\theta}{r^3} [/tex]

then taking the boundary condition

[tex] D^r_1= D^r_2

\epsilon_0 \epsilon_r E^r_2 = \epsilon_0 E^r_1 [/tex]

to give

[tex] B_1 = - \frac{3 \epsilon_r E_0}{2 \epsilon_r + 1} [/tex]

therefore inside the cavity:

[tex] P = (\epsilon_r - 1) \epsilon_0 E_1 [/tex]

[tex] P.n = P \cos\theta = \sigma_e cos\theta [/tex]

[tex] P = \sigma_e = \frac{3(\epsilon_r-1) \epsilon_0 \epsilon_r E_0}{(2\epsilon_r +1)} [/tex]

I am not sure why i have the extra [itex] \epsilon_r [/itex] in the numerator, and I am not sure if there is a simpler method to do this?

Thank you for any help.
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  • #2
XCBRA said:

Homework Statement

The polarization charge in the surface of a spherical cavity is [itex] -\sigma_e \cos\theta ,[/itex]at a point whose radius from the centre makes and angle [itex]\theta[/itex] with a give axis Oz. Prove that the field strength at the centre is [itex] \frac{ \sigma_e}{3 \sigma_e} [/itex] parallel to Oz.
Did you not just asked the same question here: https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=516394 ?

If the cavity is in a uniform dielectric subject to a field strength [itex] E_0[/itex] parallel to the direction [itex]\theta = 0[/itex], show that
[tex] \sigma_e = 2 E_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{(\epsilon_r - 1)}{(1+\epsilon_r)} [/tex],
where [itex] \epsilon_r [/itex] is the relative permittivity of the dielectric.
Write down the spherical harmonic expansion on either side of the boundary and match the appropriate boundary condition. The potential outside is particularly simple. Because at large distance from the cavity, it must reduces to [itex]\vec{E} = \frac{E_0}{\epsilon_r} \hat{z}[/itex], which corresponds to potential: [itex]\phi = - \frac{E_0}{\epsilon_r} z = - \frac{E_0}{\epsilon_r} r \cos\theta[/itex].
  • #3
The question I had asked earlier was indeed the first part of the question, but I am now having trouble with he second part and felt necesary to include the first part answer and soltuion to give the context to the second part.

I just realsied that there is typo in

XCBRA said:
[tex] \sigma_e = 2 E_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{(\epsilon_r - 1)}{(1+\epsilon_r)} [/tex]

and it should indeed be:

[tex] \sigma_e = 3 E_0 \epsilon_0 \frac{\epsilon_r -1}{2\epsilon_r +1} [/tex]

with regards to the expansion. Wouldnt the field outside the cavity need to have an extra term other thant just the term at infinity as the cavity will distort the field around it?

With the expansion i did above,

I get for inside the sphere [itex] V_1 = - (\frac {3\epsilon_r}{1+2\epsilon_r}) E_0 r \cos\theta [/itex]

then for outside: [itex] V_2 = - (1-\frac {R^3(\epsilon_r - 1)}{r^3(1+2\epsilon_r)}) E_0 r \cos\theta [/itex],

however i am not entirly sure i understand how to then go about finding the surface charge density of the cavity?

Thnak you for you time.

Related to Electric Field in a cavity of a dielectric medium

1. What is an electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium?

An electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium refers to the force per unit charge that exists within an empty space surrounded by a material that can be polarized by an electric field. This field is created by the presence of charges within the dielectric material and can be affected by the properties of the material, such as its dielectric constant.

2. How is the electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium calculated?

The electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium can be calculated using the formula E = σ/ε, where E is the electric field, σ is the surface charge density, and ε is the dielectric constant of the material. This formula takes into account the polarization of the material and the presence of charges within the dielectric medium.

3. What factors affect the electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium?

The electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium can be affected by several factors, including the properties of the dielectric material, such as its dielectric constant and conductivity, the shape and size of the cavity, and the presence of any external charges or fields. Additionally, the orientation and alignment of molecules within the dielectric material can also impact the electric field.

4. Can the electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium be manipulated?

Yes, the electric field in a cavity of a dielectric medium can be manipulated by changing the properties of the dielectric material or by introducing external charges or fields. For example, the electric field can be increased by using a material with a higher dielectric constant, or it can be redirected by placing an external charge near the cavity.

5. What are some real-world applications of electric fields in cavities of dielectric media?

Electric fields in cavities of dielectric media have many practical applications, such as in capacitors, where the electric field is used to store and release energy. They are also important in electronic devices, where they are used to control the flow of current and manipulate signals. Additionally, electric fields in cavities of dielectric media are utilized in medical imaging techniques, such as MRI, to create detailed images of the body.

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