Electric Field in Conductor w/ Infinite Length & Density ƍ

In summary, the electric field in a point between a and b will be zero if the conducting cell is infinitely long, and will be proportional to the charge on the inner cylinder if the cell is not infinitely long.
  • #1
Frank Einstein
Hello, I have a doubtaboutthe use of Gauss theorem in the presence of a coductor.

If I have a infinite cylindric long shell with a charge density ƍ of radius b and inside of it a cylindrical conductor of radius a, also of infinite lenght, what will be the electric field in a point located between a and b.

I think it will be zero because there is no charge into the shell, but I am nt 100% sure
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  • #2
If the conducting cell is infinitely long, than you're right.
This is like a Faraday cage.
  • #3
Thanks for your anwer, I thought that some charge might be in the surface of the conductor; then I gess the potential will also be a constant inside of the radius b.
  • #4
zoki85 said:
If the conducting cell is infinitely long, than you're right.
This is like a Faraday cage.
Wait a minute! Are we talking about the region inside an infinite cylinder of constant charge density but outside a smaller concentric conductor?
  • #5
I think we do.
  • #6
No, I might have said it wrong, there is a cylinder of radius a and infinite length which is a conductor and it is uncharged. there also is a cylindric shell of radius b; this one has a density of charge RO.
  • #7
Give us the sketch Einstein. I don't trust you o0)
  • #8
Ejemplo de teoría (evaluación continua)
Se tiene un cilindro conductor descargado de radio a y longitud infinita. Dicho
conductor está rodeado de una cáscara cilíndrica de radio b y densidad de carga
uniforme .
1) Calculad el campo electrostático en todos los puntos del espacio.
2) Calculad el potencial electrostático en todos los puntos del espacio
3) Analizad el comportamiento del campo y del potencial a grandes distancia y discutid
su significado.

This is the sketch; the best translation I can provide is:
Given an uncharged conductor cylinder of radius a and infinite lenght, said conductor is surrounded by a cylindric shell of radius b and uniform density of charge RO.
Calculate the electrostatic field in every point of space
Calculate the electrostatic totential in all points of space
Analyze the behaviour of the field and potential at big distances and discuss its meaning
  • #9
Ok then. Everywhere inside the cylindric shell E-field =0 (as said before)
  • #10
Thanks again for all your help, now I only have to find a suitable point to put the orygin of potential.
  • #11
Just put your origin somewhere on the cylinder's axis, which we choose as the [itex]z[/itex] axis. The problem is translation invariant along this axis and under rotations around this axis. So you introduce cylinder coordinates [itex](r,\varphi,z[/itex]. I guess that the whole question is about electrostatics. Then the electric field has a potential [itex]\vec{E}=-\vec{\nabla} \Phi[/itex], and due to the symmtries this potential depends only on [itex]r[/itex].

Then Gauß's Law tells you
[tex]\vec{\nabla} \cdot \vec{E}=-\Delta \Phi=\rho. \qquad (1)[/tex]
The charge density is
[tex]\rho=\sigma \delta(\rho-b).[/tex]
The Poisson equation (1) reads for our case
[tex]\frac{1}{r} \frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d} r} \left (r \frac{\mathrm{d} \Phi}{\mathrm{d} r} \right )=-\rho.[/tex]
Now we have nearly everywhere [itex]\rho=0[/itex]. So we solve the differential equation for [itex]\rho=0[/itex]. We simply can multiply by [itex]r[/itex] and integrate ones. This gives
[tex]r \frac{\mathrm{d} \Phi}{\mathrm{d} r}=C_1.[/tex]
Dividing by [itex]r[/itex], and integrating again gives
[tex]\Phi(r)=C_1 \ln \left (\frac{\rho}{\rho_0} \right ). \qquad(2)[/tex]
Here, I have written the second integration constant such as to make the log's argument dimensionless as it must be.

Now we need to work out the boundary conditions. First of all in the conducting inner cylinder we must have [itex]\vec{E}=0[/itex] and thus [itex]\Phi=\text{const}.[/itex] For convenience we set [itex]\Phi(r)=0[/itex] there. Now there is no charge on this inner cylinder, and the potential must be smooth on the boundary [itex]r=a[/itex]. Thus we have
[tex]\Phi(r)=0 \quad \text{for} \quad r \leq b.[/tex]
Now we must work in the surface-charge density at [itex]r=b[/itex], where according to (1) the potential must be continuous but its first derivative must jump such that the [itex]\delta[/itex] distributions singularity is correctly described. Multiplying (1) with [itex]r[/itex] and integrating wrt. [itex]r[/itex] between [itex]r=b-0^+[/itex] and [itex]r=b+0^+[/itex] yields
[tex]b \left [\Phi'(b+0^+)-\Phi'(b-0^+) \right ]=-\sigma b.[/tex]
Since [itex]\Phi'(b-0^+)=0[/itex], we must have
Taking the derivative of our solution (2), we find
[tex]\frac{C_1}{b}=-\sigma \; \Rightarrow \; C_1=-\sigma b.[/tex]
The constant [itex]\rho_0[/itex] must be chosen such that [itex]\Phi(b)=0[/itex], i.e., [itex]\rho_0=b[/itex]. Thus our solution for the potential reads
0 & \text{for} \quad r \leq b, \\
-\sigma b \ln \left (\frac{r}{b} \right ) & \text{for} \quad r>b.
The electric field is
[tex]\vec{E}=-\vec{e}_r \Phi'(r)=\begin{cases}
0 & \quad \text{for} \quad r<b \\
\sigma b/r \vec{e}_r & \quad \text{for} \quad r>b.
Note, that the normal component of [itex]\vec{E}[/itex] which is [itex]E_r[/itex] makes the correct jump at [itex]r=b[/itex], namely the surface-charge sensity [itex]\sigma[/itex]. So we have found the complete solution of the problem.
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Likes Greg Bernhardt

Related to Electric Field in Conductor w/ Infinite Length & Density ƍ

1. What is an electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ?

The electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ refers to the distribution of electric charge within a conductor that has an infinite length and a constant charge density. This means that the charge is evenly distributed throughout the conductor and there is no variation in the charge density along its length.

2. How is the electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ calculated?

The electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ is calculated using the formula E = ƍ/ε, where E is the electric field, ƍ is the charge density, and ε is the permittivity of the material.

3. What is the significance of an infinite length in a conductor when calculating the electric field?

An infinite length in a conductor means that the charge density is constant and does not vary along the length of the conductor. This allows for a simpler calculation of the electric field, as there is no need to account for any changes in the charge density along the length of the conductor.

4. How does the electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ compare to that of a finite length conductor?

The electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ is constant throughout the conductor, whereas in a finite length conductor, the electric field may vary depending on the distance from the charge. Additionally, the electric field in a finite length conductor may also have edge effects, which are not present in an infinite length conductor.

5. What are some real-life applications of the concept of electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ?

The concept of electric field in a conductor with infinite length and density ƍ has many applications in the field of electrostatics, such as in the design of capacitors and in the study of conductive materials. It is also important in understanding the behavior of electric charges in electric fields and is used in the development of technologies such as photocopiers and inkjet printers.

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