Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Contours

In summary, the conversation revolved around finding the value of a point charge at the origin, given the equipotential contours shown in the diagram. It was discussed that using Gauss's Law and integrating along a radial path would be a longer way to find the charge, as opposed to using the equation V = kq/r. There was some confusion over the difference between electric field and electric potential, but it was ultimately determined that the equation V = kq/r is the correct one for finding electric potential.
  • #1

Homework Statement

The adjacent figure shows the E-field lines (with arrows) and equipotential contours for a certain charge configuration. Determine for each of the following statements whether it is true or false.


Assuming that these contours are those of a point charge at the origin, calculate the value of the charge.

Homework Equations

Instructor says "Yes - read off the "r" values right from the diagram.

I don't think you'll need to integrate anything to solve this one. (Unless you feel like repeating the integral we already solved for a point charge.)

Also - looks like the diagram is assuming V is zero at r = infinity."

The Attempt at a Solution

okay, the first contour line of -9000V is at 1.00 meters and the third of -7000V is at 1.24 meters.

I use dV = kQ/rf - kQ/ri = kQ ( 1/rf - 1/ri)
Q = 2000 / (8.99E9 * (1/1 - 1/1.24))

then I switch it to negative since the E-field lines are pointing toward the charge

<the question is what am i doing wrong... grr...>
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  • #2
Was there a question behind this? If not, I have one. If it's a point charge, the potential at a single distance should be able to give you the charge. It looks as though the -9000V potential at 1.0m is the most easily obtained with any accuracy from the diagram, so why not go with that?
  • #3
Equipotential surface + value of charge needed. Sounds like gauss's law to me.
  • #4
Piyu said:
Equipotential surface + value of charge needed. Sounds like gauss's law to me.

Can we use Gauss's law without the E field? I don't think so. We have electric potential. V = E * r --- I don't know...?

I don't think if V = Er it would help us?
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  • #5
E is -del V = -dV/dR.

E = (9000-6000V)/0.4 = 7500 N/C

Checking back to the graph, it seems true if the 7000V line is at 1.27m and 8000V line at 1.133m. (which seems quite reasonable comparing to the graph) unless u already know exactly where the lines are placed, this approach seems fine.
  • #6
Going via Gauss' Law would be the long way round to the same thing. First you would find the form of the electric field produced by a point charge, then integrate it along a radial path to find the potential at distance r from the charge. Which we already have an expression for:

V = k*q/r^2

It's plug and play from this point. Pick a distance and potential (V). Solve for q.
  • #7
Piyu said:
E is -del V = -dV/dR.

E = (9000-6000V)/0.4 = 7500 N/C

Checking back to the graph, it seems true if the 7000V line is at 1.27m and 8000V line at 1.133m. (which seems quite reasonable comparing to the graph) unless u already know exactly where the lines are placed, this approach seems fine.

At exactly what radius will you assign this value of the E field? The field is dropping as 1/r^2 (you get a hint of this in the spacing of the equipotential lines in the figure). You've taken an average over a linear distance for a field that varies as 1/r^2, and the charge that you calculate is going to be pretty sensitive to the distance chosen.
  • #8
Ah, sorry you're right, I am assuming a constant E in this case. Didn't think to use the equation for point charge cause the top part of the post said it was a charge configuration. Just read the line below the picture and it's actually just a point charge.
  • #9
gneill said:
Going via Gauss' Law would be the long way round to the same thing. First you would find the form of the electric field produced by a point charge, then integrate it along a radial path to find the potential at distance r from the charge. Which we already have an expression for:

V = k*q/r^2

It's plug and play from this point. Pick a distance and potential (V). Solve for q.

It's not V = kq / r^2.

It's E = kq / r^2... for Electric field. But that doesn't have voltage anywhere...

We don't know the value of the electric field anywhere I don't think...
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  • #10
i think just use V = kq/r. then solve for q.
  • #11
Piyu said:
i think just use V = kq/r. then solve for q.

That's not a correct equation. It's not V = kq/r

I'm pretty sure that won't work - that is the equation for electric field, not electric potential.
  • #12
Whats the equation for e field between 2point charges? and what's the equation for potential between 2 point charges?
  • #13
jaguar7 said:
That's not a correct equation. It's not V = kq/r

I'm pretty sure that won't work - that is the equation for electric field, not electric potential.

No, it's correct. Electric potential in volts is given by kq/r. Check the units!

FAQ: Electric Field Lines and Equipotential Contours

1. What are electric field lines?

Electric field lines are an abstract concept used to visualize the direction and strength of an electric field. They represent the path that a positive test charge would follow if placed in an electric field.

2. How are electric field lines and equipotential contours related?

Electric field lines and equipotential contours are both ways to represent an electric field. Electric field lines show the direction and strength of the field, while equipotential contours show the points in the field that have the same potential energy.

3. What do the spacing and density of electric field lines represent?

The spacing and density of electric field lines represent the strength of the electric field. The closer the lines are together, the stronger the electric field is at that point.

4. What is the significance of perpendicular electric field lines?

Perpendicular electric field lines indicate that the electric field is uniform and has the same strength and direction at every point. This is often seen between two parallel plates with opposite charges.

5. Can electric field lines and equipotential contours cross?

No, electric field lines and equipotential contours cannot cross. This is because at the point of intersection, there would be two different values for the electric field and potential energy, which is not physically possible.
