Electric field needed to excite electrons to conduction band

In summary, increasing electric field strength only increases the probability of multiphoton excitation for photon energies lower than the resonance one-photon energy. To induce a core electron into becoming a conduction electron, one would need a much higher electric field than what is possible with a "strong electric field".
  • #1
What's the electric field strength needed to get one of lithium's core electrons into the conduction band? How do you figure this out?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
First of all I have never heard people talking about energy band in a single atom, bands of energy are formed when many atoms or molecules are bound together forming what we know as solid. And be it energy bands or well separated individual energy levels, what determines, among others, whether an excitation is likely to take place or not is the photon energy, the probability of which is higher for photon energies closer to the energz difference between levels or bands in question. Increasing electric field strength only increases the probability of multiphoton excitation for photon energies lower than the resonance one-photon energy.
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  • #3
Northprairieman said:
What's the electric field strength needed to get one of lithium's core electrons into the conduction band? How do you figure this out?

Assuming that you are talking about solid lithium metal, then you need to figure out the binding energy corresponding to that core level. Find a good XPS data on it.

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  • #4
blue_leaf77 said:
First of all I have never heard people talking about energy band in a single atom, bands of energy are formed when many atoms or molecules are bound together forming what we know as solid. And be it energy bands or well separated individual energy levels, what determines, among others, whether an excitation is likely to take place or not is the photon energy, the probability of which is higher for photon energies closer to the energz difference between levels or bands in question. Increasing electric field strength only increases the probability of multiphoton excitation for photon energies lower than the resonance one-photon energy.

I was just thinking of a lithium wire in a strong electric field (a field surrounding the wire, not just the field along the axis of the wire to get current) and how strong of an electric field you would need to excite a core electron into becoming a conduction electron.
  • #5
One has to know the energy difference between the mentioned bands.
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  • #6
Northprairieman said:
I was just thinking of a lithium wire in a strong electric field (a field surrounding the wire, not just the field along the axis of the wire to get current) and how strong of an electric field you would need to excite a core electron into becoming a conduction electron.

While to some extent, one can induce the Stark Effect in these things, I don't believe that you can do such excitation using simply a "strong electric field". This is because, in the practical sense, you might induce a breakdown on the surface of the conductor first before you can achieve the E-field necessary. I say this because at ~60 MV/m, conductors such as Cu already will experience vacuum breakdown. All this before you actually see any kind of indication that at fields below this, such core-level excitation have occurred. This means that it will require substantially higher E-field than this. So you will induce a breakdown on the surface first before anything else.

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FAQ: Electric field needed to excite electrons to conduction band

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical quantity that describes the force experienced by a charged particle in the presence of other charged particles. It is typically represented by the symbol E and is measured in volts per meter (V/m).

How does an electric field excite electrons to the conduction band?

When an electric field is applied to a material, it exerts a force on the electrons within that material. This force can cause the electrons to gain energy and move to higher energy levels, such as the conduction band.

What is the conduction band?

The conduction band is a range of energy levels in a material where electrons can move freely and conduct electricity. Electrons in this band have higher energy levels than those in the valence band and are able to move more easily through the material.

How is the strength of the electric field related to the excitation of electrons?

The strength of the electric field determines the amount of force exerted on the electrons. The stronger the electric field, the greater the force and the more energy the electrons can gain. Thus, a stronger electric field is needed to excite electrons to the conduction band.

What factors can affect the electric field needed to excite electrons?

The electric field needed to excite electrons can be affected by a variety of factors, including the type of material, its temperature, and its physical structure. In general, materials with higher conductivity require lower electric fields to excite electrons, while materials with lower conductivity may require stronger electric fields.

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