Electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate

In summary, the electric field and potential for an infinite non-conducting plate of thickness ##d## and charge density ##\rho=\rho_0 z/d## in the ##xy## plane are determined by using Poisson's equation and Gauss' law. The electric field and potential are found to be symmetric w.r.t the plate and depend on the distance from the plate. The constants in the equations are obtained by imposing boundary conditions, including the symmetry of the electric field outside the plate and the use of Gauss' law with different Gaussian surfaces.
  • #1

Homework Statement

An infinite non-conducting plate of thickness ##d## lies in the ##xy## plane. The bottom surface of the plate lies in the plane ##z=0##. The charge density of the plate is ##\rho=\rho_0 z /d~,~\rho_0>0##.
Find the electric field in the regions ##z<0~~,~~0<z<d~~,~~z>d## and the potential (assume it's zero at ##z=0##).

Homework Equations

Poisson's equation ##{\displaystyle {\nabla }^{2}\varphi =-{\frac {\rho }{\varepsilon_0 }}}## and ##\vec{E}=-\operatorname{grad} \varphi##

The Attempt at a Solution

The charge distribution does not depend on ##x## or ##y## and the plate is symmetric therefore both the potential and the electric field can't depend on ##x## or ##y##. We know that ##\vec{E}=-\operatorname{grad} \varphi##. The Poisson's equation for the region inside the plate is
$$\frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial z^2}=-\frac{\rho_0 z}{\varepsilon_0 d}$$
Assuming ##\varphi(z=0)=0## we obtain
$$\varphi(z)=C_1z-\frac{\rho_0 z^3}{6\varepsilon_0 d}~~~,~~~0<z<d$$
Poisson's equation for the region outside the plate
$$\frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial z^2}=0$$
The potential must be continuous everywhere and particularly at ##z=d## so
$$C_2=C_1-\frac{\rho_0 d}{6\varepsilon_0}$$
In other words
Cz-\frac{\rho_0 z^3}{6\varepsilon_0 d} & z\in(0,d)\\
Cz-\frac{\rho_0 dz}{6\varepsilon_0} & z\notin(0,d)
But I can't figure out what other condition should I impose in order to obtain the last missing constant.
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  • #2
gj2 said:

Homework Statement

An infinite non-conducting plate of thickness ##d## lies in the ##xy## plane. The bottom surface of the plate lies in the plane ##z=0##. The charge density of the plate is ##\rho=\rho_0 z /d~,~\rho_0>0##.
Find the electric field in the regions ##z<0~~,~~0<z<d~~,~~z>d## and the potential (assume it's zero at ##z=0##).

Homework Equations

Poisson's equation ##{\displaystyle {\nabla }^{2}\varphi =-{\frac {\rho }{\varepsilon_0 }}}## and ##\vec{E}=-\operatorname{grad} \varphi##

The Attempt at a Solution

The charge distribution does not depend on ##x## or ##y## and the plate is symmetric therefore both the potential and the electric field can't depend on ##x## or ##y##. We know that ##\vec{E}=-\operatorname{grad} \varphi##. The Poisson's equation for the region inside the plate is
$$\frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial z^2}=-\frac{\rho_0 z}{\varepsilon_0 d}$$
Assuming ##\varphi(z=0)=0## we obtain
$$\varphi(z)=C_1z-\frac{\rho_0 z^3}{6\varepsilon_0 d}~~~,~~~0<z<d$$
Poisson's equation for the region outside the plate
$$\frac{\partial^2 \varphi}{\partial z^2}=0$$
The potential must be continuous everywhere and particularly at ##z=d## so
$$C_2=C_1-\frac{\rho_0 d}{6\varepsilon_0}$$
In other words
Cz-\frac{\rho_0 z^3}{6\varepsilon_0 d} & z\in(0,d)\\
Cz-\frac{\rho_0 dz}{6\varepsilon_0} & z\notin(0,d)
But I can't figure out what other condition should I impose in order to obtain the last missing constant.
For a second-order equation, you need to give two boundary conditions. What can they be?
Do not forget that the Poisson equation is derived from the original Maxwell equations, so you can use Gauss' Law.
  • #3
If you are going to find ##\varphi## by integrating Poisson's equation, you have three separate regions to deal with. You cannot assume that the mathematical expression for ##\varphi(z)## when ##z>d## is the same as for when ##z<0##.

Adding a bit to ehild's hint, it might be easier to first find ##\mathbf{E}## and then use it to find ##\varphi(z)##.
  • #4
ehild said:
For a second-order equation, you need to give two boundary conditions. What can they be?
Do not forget that the Poisson equation is derived from the original Maxwell equations, so you can use Gauss' Law.

TSny said:
If you are going to find ##\varphi## by integrating Poisson's equation, you have three separate regions to deal with. You cannot assume that the mathematical expression for ##\varphi(z)## when ##z>d## is the same as for when ##z<0##.

Adding a bit to ehild's hint, it might be easier to first find ##\mathbf{E}## and then use it to find ##\varphi(z)##.
Yes, thank you both. I realized beforehand that I did a mistake. In fact, it is much more complicated. But anyways I managed to solve it. In order to obtain the constants I used three things: 1) the fact that the electric field outside the plate is symmetrical w.r.t the plate (and not just constant) 2) Gauss law where the two bases of the Gaussian cylinder/box are outside the plate 3) Gauss law where one base is inside the plate and the other base outside it.

FAQ: Electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate

1. What is an electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate?

The electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate refers to the distribution of electric charges on the surface of a plate that extends infinitely in all directions. It is a vector field that describes the strength and direction of the electric force on a charged particle at any point in the space surrounding the plate.

2. How is the electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate calculated?

The electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate can be calculated using the Gauss's law, which states that the electric flux through a closed surface is equal to the total charge enclosed by that surface. In the case of a thick infinite non-conducting plate, the electric field can be calculated by considering a Gaussian surface that intersects the plate perpendicularly.

3. Does the thickness of the plate affect the electric field?

Yes, the thickness of the plate does affect the electric field. As the thickness of the plate increases, the electric field becomes stronger. This is because a thicker plate has a larger surface area, allowing for more charges to be distributed on its surface and creating a stronger electric field.

4. How does the electric field vary with distance from the plate?

The electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate is inversely proportional to the distance from the plate. This means that as the distance from the plate increases, the electric field decreases. This relationship is known as the inverse-square law, and it holds true for any infinite non-conducting plate regardless of its thickness.

5. Can the electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate be uniform?

Yes, the electric field of a thick infinite non-conducting plate can be uniform under certain conditions. For the electric field to be uniform, the plate must be infinitely thick and have a constant surface charge density. In this case, the electric field will have the same magnitude and direction at all points in space surrounding the plate.

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