Electric Field of a uniformly charged rod

In summary: Yes, sorry about that.In summary, the student is trying to find the electric field caused by a charge at a particular point on a rod. The student has found the formulas for the electric field in terms of the charge, the distance, and the total charge on the rod. The student has also found the formula for the electric field caused by a charge in a particular direction.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A uniformly charged rod of length L and total charge Q lies along the x-axis as shown.

Find the components of the electric field at the point P on the y-axis a distance d from the origin.
There's also a part b but I should be able to figure it out easily enough.

Homework Equations


The Attempt at a Solution

My instructor has not worked any exampled like this yet, and I'm really not sure how to begin.
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  • #2
Mark off a small piece of the rod and label it dx, and its charge dq. You can express dq in terms of dx, the length L and the total charge on the rod.

Write the formula for the dE caused by dq at point P. Integrate it over the length of the rod - the integral will look very much like the equation your posted.
  • #3
Delphi51 said:
...formula for the dE caused by dq at point P...

Would I use



Thats the only equation we have that relates q and distance r, but I'm not sure what to actually plug in.

EDIT: I should plug in dq=(lambda)dL, where lambda is q/L?
  • #4
Yes, that all makes sense.
Put the two formulas together, eliminating Fe.

Your q0 will cancel q2 so your formula is E = k*q/r². This is a more fundamental formula, which surely you have on your list, for the electric field caused by a charge q around itself. Replace q with dq and E with dE in this situation. Integrate dE to get E.
  • #5
Alright, so I have


My professor only worked one example, and it was used because it was symmetrical and most charges canceled out.
I'm looking over the video he did, and he added a cos(theta) in the integral (his reasoning being "this needs to go here"). I'm assuming I will need something like that to show the change in the angle, but not sure where.
  • #6
Good catch! I forgot about the angle. Both the "r" in E = k*q/r² and the direction of dE depend on the angle A. (Sorry, can't make a theta in my paint program.)

You can avoid the first; just express your r in terms of d and x.
Unfortunately there is no symmetry in this problem to cancel out the horizontal part of the field. You can't add contributions to the E field in different directions, so you will have to do the horizontal and vertical components of E separately, with two integrals. One will have a cos A and the other a sin A factor. This brings up another difficulty. The x, r and A all vary! Too many variables. You'll have to pick one for dx, dr or dA and express the other two in terms of the one you choose. I kind of like x for the variable, but it does make cos A and sin A a little awkward. Hope you have an integral table handy. Or www.integrals.com.
  • #7
I can get r in terms of x and d:


I guess I put that in the integral:


I know that's not right, I really have no idea, I'm giving up on this problem.

We have 12, all were super easy (variations of E=F/q) except this one.

I don't even partly understand what the heck I'm doing, and all my instructor will do is point me to his 5 minute video of him working out (and skipping most of the steps) a simple problem.

Thanks for your help, and sorry about the rant. I've literally been looking at this problem for over 6 hours!
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  • #8
Sorry, I had things to do.
We're getting pretty close; might be worth finishing if the integral is in the table.
I have dE = kdq/r², dq = q/L*dx, cos(A) = d/r
For the vertical component of E, use dE*cos(A) = kqd/L/r³*dx
The vertical component of E is kqd/L Integral of dx divided by (x² + d²)³/²
Is that baby in your integral table?
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Related to Electric Field of a uniformly charged rod

1. What is the formula for the electric field of a uniformly charged rod?

The formula for the electric field of a uniformly charged rod is E = λ / (2πε₀r), where λ is the linear charge density of the rod, ε₀ is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance from the center of the rod.

2. How does the electric field of a uniformly charged rod vary with distance?

The electric field of a uniformly charged rod varies inversely with the distance from the center of the rod. This means that as the distance increases, the electric field decreases.

3. Can the electric field of a uniformly charged rod ever be zero?

Yes, the electric field of a uniformly charged rod can be zero at certain points along the axis of the rod, specifically at the center and at infinity.

4. How does the length of the charged rod affect the strength of the electric field?

The length of the charged rod does not affect the strength of the electric field. As long as the charge density remains constant, the electric field will be the same regardless of the length of the rod.

5. What is the direction of the electric field around a uniformly charged rod?

The electric field around a uniformly charged rod is radial, meaning it points away from the rod in all directions. This is because the electric field lines are perpendicular to the surface of the rod.

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