Electric Field of Continuous Charge Distributions

In summary: And yes, the integral is used to sum up electric fields due to all the small rings that make up the disk.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A disk with a radius of 0.6 m is given a uniform charge density of -7.2*10-9 C/m2. The disk is in the xz plane, and centered at the origin.
A. What is the size and direction of the electric field at the point A, whose coordinates are (0m, 1.5m, 0m)?

B. You now add an infinite line with a uniform charge density of +400 pC/m

What is the position of the line if the electric field at point A now has a size of 100 N/C and points upward
Relevant equations
  • ∫E(vector)*dA(vector)=qenclosed/( ε0)
  • Adisk=πr2
  • ASphere=4πr2
  • σ=Q/A
  • λ=Q/l
  • ε0=1/(4πke)

The Attempt at a Solution

Part A. So I first made a sphere around point A as my gaussian surface. I next solved for Q=σA and used Q as my enclosed charge. Next, I got rid of the dot product in ∫E(vector)*dA(vector) by making it negative. My reasoning was that the surface charge density was - so the E would be opposite the dA(vector). The E is constant at all points of the sphere so I was able to bring the E out of the closed integral. Next I did ∫dA and got the ASphere=4πr2. So, my equation turned into -E(4πr2)=(Adisk)(σ)/(ε0). With algebra I solved for E and got E= 32.54. This doesn't seem like a correct answer and there seems to be some uncertainty in my method which doesn't seem correct.

Part B. I can't seem to understand how I am able to find the position of the line with Gauss's law. I can find the length, but I can't seem to understand how to start this part.
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  • #2
roinujo1 said:
The E is constant at all points of the sphere so I was able to bring the E out of the closed integral.
This is the source of your problem. By symmetry analysis and the fact that the coarge is distributed on a disk, the E field on any sphere cannot be constant. Think of the disk as being composed of concentric rings of varying radius, this way of course you also need to know the E field at the axis of a uniformly charged ring.
roinujo1 said:
points upward
In which Cartesian direction is this "upward" referring to?
  • #3
Thanks for replying. My assumption is that it is in the y direction upward.

So, the E isn't constant around the sphere. Would it be constant if I changed the guassian surface to a disk itself?
  • #4
A surface of constant field magnitude does exist, but it's not a disk. The shape of such surface may be too complicated to be described by the existing mathematical functions. To put it short, using Gauss method here is unwise, try to consider what I suggested above. Do you know the field at the axis of a uniformly charged ring?
  • #5
blue_leaf77 said:
A surface of constant field magnitude does exist, but it's not a disk. The shape of such surface may be too complicated to be described by the existing mathematical functions. To put it short, using Gauss method here is unwise, try to consider what I suggested above. Do you know the field at the axis of a uniformly charged ring?

I don't know the E field of a UC ring(or its not given). Can that be calculated with the information that is given? So, I am a little confused as to what method I should use to answer this problem. I was thinking of using the Fe=qE, but that requires a force to exist(which there probably is, but it is not given).
  • #6
The electric field on an axis of a uniformly charged ring situated on xz plane, centered at the origin is
\mathbf{E} = \hat{\mathbf{y}} \frac{kyQ}{\left(y^2+r^2\right)^{3/2}}
where ##r## the ring radius, ##Q## total charge of the ring, and ##y## distance of the observation point from the ring center.
Now imagine building a disk from concentric rings of thickness ##dr## from zero radius up to the radius of the desired disk. The electric field at the axis due to the disk will then be the sum of fields due to individual rings constituting the disk. So,
\mathbf{E}_{disk} = \int_{r=0}^{r=R} d\mathbf{E}_{ring}
with ##R## the radius of the disk. The next thing to do is to express ##d\mathbf{E}_{ring}## using the first formula above in term of ##dr##.
  • #7
Thanks for the help. So the integral is used because we want to add up all the small rings energies?
  • #8
roinujo1 said:
Thanks for the help. So the integral is used because we want to add up all the small rings energies?
It's electric field, not energy.

FAQ: Electric Field of Continuous Charge Distributions

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical field that surrounds electrically charged particles and exerts a force on other charged particles within its vicinity. It is represented by vectors that indicate the direction and strength of the force at a specific point in space.

What is a continuous charge distribution?

A continuous charge distribution refers to a system of charges that are spread out in a continuous manner, rather than being discrete point charges. This can include objects such as wires, plates, or spheres that have a non-zero charge density throughout their volume.

How is the electric field of a continuous charge distribution calculated?

The electric field of a continuous charge distribution is calculated using the principle of superposition, which states that the total electric field at a given point is the vector sum of the individual electric fields produced by each charge in the distribution. This can be mathematically represented using an integral over the charge distribution.

What is the difference between a uniform and non-uniform charge distribution?

A uniform charge distribution is one in which the charge density is constant throughout the distribution, while a non-uniform charge distribution has varying charge densities at different points. This can affect the shape and direction of the electric field lines and the overall strength of the electric field.

How does the electric field of a continuous charge distribution impact the behavior of particles?

The electric field of a continuous charge distribution can cause charged particles within its vicinity to experience a force, which can result in the particles accelerating or changing direction. This is the basis for many phenomena such as electric current, electromagnetic radiation, and the behavior of charged particles in electric fields.
