Electric field on two charged spheres

In summary, the charge on the left is positive, and the charge on the right is negative. We know this because the convention for my class is that electric fields come outward from positive charges. The charge on the left is trying to move away from the electric field, but it's being repelled. The charge on the right is trying to move towards the electric field, but it's being repelled.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two tiny spheres of mass m = 7.90 mg carry charges of equal magnitude, 72.0 nC, but opposite sign. They are tied to the same ceiling hook by light strings of length 0.530 m. When a horizontal uniform electric field E that is directed to the left is turned on, the spheres hang at rest with the angle θ between the strings equal to 50.0 degrees in the following figure.
What is the magnitude of E?

Homework Equations

qE = F

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that I need the total force acting on a sphere in order to calculate the electric field strength. I just can't seem to solve for that force.
Does the attraction force of the oppositely charged spheres need to be accounted for as well? Or is the angle separation only caused by the electric field force?
Thanks for helping me out here!


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  • #2
Yes, the attraction force needs to be accounted for. What will the extra electric force do? Well, actually, even for myself to answer that question I'd need to know which charge is on the left/right so hopefully you're given that.
  • #3
Mindscrape said:
Yes, the attraction force needs to be accounted for. What will the extra electric force do? Well, actually, even for myself to answer that question I'd need to know which charge is on the left/right so hopefully you're given that.

The charge on the left is positive, and the charge on the right is negative. We know this because the convention for my class is that electric fields come outward from positive charges.

Ok, so since there is an attractive force, then at the equilibrium shown, would it just be ƩF= [itex]F_{E}[/itex] - [itex]F_{q}[/itex] ?
Or: force due to electric field - force due to attraction = the total force causing the angle ?
  • #4
Oh, yeah, duh, the electric field has to be repelling because the coulomb force is attractive in this case, which means positive on left and negative on right.. I was just checking to make sure you were paying attention. <_< >_>

You're getting there. You're missing another important force vector. What is the vector that the electric forces are giving? What else contributes to making the angle?
  • #5
Assume Electric field intenisty due to Charge +Q around it is constant
and it's value is 5N/C and then an other +q0 charge of 2C is place in +Q charge field +q0 experience force that is F=5*2=10N because(F=Eq0)

Q:tell me how much force is required to move +q0 charge against electric filed to 1m?
  • #6
No, you tell me how much force is required. People here help with homework, not do homework. :)

FAQ: Electric field on two charged spheres

What is an electric field?

An electric field is a physical field that surrounds a charged object and exerts a force on other charged objects within its range. It is measured in units of force per unit charge, such as Newtons per Coulomb.

How is the electric field on two charged spheres calculated?

The electric field on two charged spheres can be calculated using Coulomb's Law, which states that the magnitude of the electric field is directly proportional to the product of the charges on the spheres and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

What factors affect the strength of the electric field on two charged spheres?

The strength of the electric field on two charged spheres is affected by the magnitude of the charges on the spheres, the distance between them, and the medium in which the spheres are located. In a vacuum, the electric field will be stronger compared to a medium with a higher dielectric constant.

Can the electric field on two charged spheres be negative?

Yes, the electric field on two charged spheres can be negative. A negative electric field indicates that the force exerted on a positive test charge by the electric field is in the opposite direction of the electric field itself.

How does the electric field on two charged spheres change as the distance between them changes?

The electric field on two charged spheres follows an inverse square law, meaning that as the distance between the spheres increases, the electric field strength decreases. This relationship is important in understanding the behavior of electric fields in different situations.
