Electric field sphere with inner cavity

In summary, the problem involves a spherical conductor with a cubic inner cavity that contains a charge y. The surface of the sphere has a charge density z. The goal is to calculate the electric field at a point g outside the sphere. This can be done using Gauss' Law by creating a Gaussian surface of radius g and equating the electric flux through the surface to the total enclosed charge divided by ε0. The enclosed charge can be found by adding the charge inside the cavity to the additional charge on the conductor, which can be determined using the charge density.
  • #1

Homework Statement

I have :
Spherical conductor of radius=x;
Spherical conductor has a inner cubic cavity of side = b;
inside the cubic cavity we have a charge = y;
the surface of the sphere has a charge density = z;
I need to calculate the electric field at some point g, where g>r;

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

E=(1/4*pi*eo)*∫ p d(tao)

= (1/4*pi*eo)*∫chargedensity(z) *radius(x)^2 * sin(theta) d(x) d(theta) d (phi)

will that work?
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  • #2
You did not define point "r", so it is not clear where "g" is. If g > x, then you can use Gauss' Law. Th shape of the cavity does not affect the electric field outside the spherical conductor.
  • #3
g is a point outside the sphere.

so do i use just

E= y/4*pi*eo*x^2


= (1/4*pi*eo)*∫chargedensity(z) *radius(x)^2 * sin(theta) d(x) d(theta) d (phi)


my question is how o i use the charge density?
  • #4
Construct a Gaussian surface of radius g. Use Gauss' Law to say that the total electric flux through the surface of the sphere is equal to the total enclosed charge divided by ε0. You already know that there is charge y inside the cavity. You can then use the charge density to find the additional charge on the conductor. Add y to that and you have the total enclosed charge.
  • #5
what about the electric field...i am so lost...
  • #6
jackxxny said:
what about the electric field...i am so lost...

WHat about it? What does Gauss' Law? How do you use it when you have a spherical distribution?
  • #7
gauss law for a sphere is

E= pR3/(3eor2)

that's all i have to do?
  • #8
jackxxny said:
gauss law for a sphere is

E= pR3/(3eor2)

that's all i have to do?

That is not Gauss' Law for a sphere. That is the electric field outside a uniformly charged sphere of volume charge density ρ.

Gauss' Law for a uniform spherical distribution says that the field outside the distribution is given by

E (4πr2)=qenclosed0

where qenclosed is the charge enclosed by a Gaussian surface of radius r. E in this case is the electric field at radius r. Reread my second posting and do what I suggested to finish this problem.
  • #9
i think i kinda got it

ε0*E (4πr2)=qenclosed

i can then substitute

qenclose= integral rho d tau

then take the derivative on both sides

  • #10
What does taking the derivative do for you? You need to find the electric field. Find how much charge is enclosed, then solve for the electric field.
  • #11
E =integral rho d tau/((4πr2)*ε0)

sorry i simplify for E

how do i do the integral of rho d tau?
  • #12
You can find the enclosed charge without doing the integral. Just read the statement of the problem very carefully.
  • #13
the problem gave a number for charge density

so should i pull the number in front of the integral and do

[tex]\int between 0 and x of 4 \ pi r^2 da [/tex]

  • #14
If I can read your mathematical expression correctly, yes integrate the charge density over the area. This is a surface integral, not a volume integral.

Related to Electric field sphere with inner cavity

What is an electric field sphere with inner cavity?

An electric field sphere with inner cavity is a three-dimensional shape that has a hollow space or cavity in its center and a uniform electric field surrounding it. This is typically created by a charged object placed inside the cavity, which causes the electric field lines to be directed towards the walls of the sphere.

How is the electric field strength affected by the presence of an inner cavity?

The electric field strength is affected by the presence of an inner cavity as it changes the distribution of the electric charges inside the sphere. This causes the electric field to be weaker inside the cavity and stronger outside of it. The electric field strength is directly proportional to the amount of charge inside the sphere and inversely proportional to the distance from the center of the sphere.

What is the equation for calculating the electric field strength at any point outside the sphere?

The equation for calculating the electric field strength at any point outside the sphere is E = kQ/r^2, where E is the electric field strength, k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge inside the sphere, and r is the distance from the center of the sphere to the point.

How does the electric field sphere with inner cavity differ from a solid charged sphere?

The main difference between an electric field sphere with inner cavity and a solid charged sphere is the distribution of electric charges. In a solid sphere, the electric charges are evenly distributed throughout the entire volume, while in a sphere with inner cavity, the charges are concentrated on the surface of the inner cavity. This results in a different electric field strength and direction at different points outside the sphere.

What are some real-world applications of an electric field sphere with inner cavity?

An electric field sphere with inner cavity has many practical applications, such as in particle accelerators, where the charged particles are accelerated by the electric field created by the cavity. It is also used in Van de Graaff generators, which produce high-voltage static electricity for various experiments. Additionally, it is used in electrostatic precipitators to remove dust and pollutants from industrial exhaust gases.

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