Electric Flux through a Gaussian Surface

In summary, the electric flux through a spherical surface just inside the inner surface of the sphere is zero.
  • #1
Hi all, I need your help with a question. Here goes,

Homework Statement

There is a hollow conducting sphere with a uniform surface charge density of +[tex]\sigma[/tex]. A charge -q, is placed inside the cavity of the hollow sphere. What is the electric flux through a spherical surface just inside the inner surface of the sphere?

Homework Equations

Gaussian sphere.

The Attempt at a Solution

From my understanding, for a conductor with uniform surface charge density, there is no electric field inside the conductor, assuming electrostatic situation. When a charge -q is placed inside the cavity of the hollow sphere, it will induce positive charges amounting to +q around the cavity to cancel out the effect of -q and hence the net electric field within the conductor is zero. If I consider a Gaussian sphere just inside the inner surface of the sphere, due to symmetrical properties of the sphere, the electric flux [tex]\phi[/tex]= Qenc/[tex]\epsilon[/tex]Since the enclosed net charge is the charge -q and the induced charge around the cavity is +q, the net Qenc is 0, hence the electric flux is 0.

However the answer to this question is q/[tex]\epsilon[/tex] Where have I gone wrong in my reasoning? Thank you so much!

Sorry if the post seems messy, I'm not too sure how to post the Greek Symbols with the subscripts. The 0 should be a subscript 0 for epsilon. My apologies again.
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  • #2
phisci said:
If I consider a Gaussian sphere just inside the inner surface of the sphere, due to symmetrical properties of the sphere, the electric flux [tex]\phi[/tex]= Qenc/[tex]\epsilon[/tex]
That's Gauss's law.

Since the enclosed net charge is the charge -q
Right. Stop right there.
and the induced charge around the cavity is +q,
True, but not relevant.
the net Qenc is 0, hence the electric flux is 0.
Why are you adding those two charges? The only charge enclosed by the Gaussian surface is -q. The induced surface charge is outside the Gaussian surface, so it doesn't contribute to Qenc.

I suspect the problem is that you are interpreting 'just inside the inner surface' as being within the conducting material. But they don't mean that. If the inner radius of the hollow conductor is R, then the radius of your Gaussian surface should be a little less, R - δ.
  • #3
So my Gaussian sphere should be the sphere enclosing -q? inside the cavity?

What would then be the net flux if the Gaussian Sphere is enclosing the entire cavity. The Gaussian sphere having a radius of R+[tex]\delta[/tex]? Do I need to consider the induced charges around the cavity now? Thanks for the quick reply.
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  • #4
phisci said:
So my Gaussian sphere should be the sphere enclosing -q? inside the cavity?
phisci said:
What is the electric flux through a spherical surface just inside the inner surface of the sphere?
By 'just inside' they mean within the cavity. But the language is ambiguous and should have been clearer.
However the answer to this question is q/[tex]\epsilon[/tex]
I'd say that answer has the wrong sign.
  • #5
phisci said:
What would then be the net flux if the Gaussian Sphere is enclosing the entire cavity. The Gaussian sphere having a radius of R+[tex]\delta[/tex]? Do I need to consider the induced charges around the cavity now?
In that case you must include all the enclosed charge include the charge on the inner surface. Just as you did in your first post. The flux through that Gaussian surface will be zero. Of course, this should require no calculation if you recall that the electrostatic field within a conductor must be zero.
  • #6
Ah, i understand now. Thank you so much for your time and your quick response, appreciate it! :)

FAQ: Electric Flux through a Gaussian Surface

1. What is a Gaussian surface?

A Gaussian surface is an imaginary surface used in Gauss's law to calculate the electric field at a point due to a charge distribution. It is a closed surface that encloses the charge(s) and is chosen to simplify the calculation of the electric field.

2. How is a Gaussian surface chosen?

A Gaussian surface is chosen based on the symmetry of the charge distribution. The surface should be chosen in such a way that the electric field is constant and perpendicular to the surface at every point. This simplifies the calculation of the electric field using Gauss's law.

3. What is Gauss's law?

Gauss's law is a fundamental law in electromagnetism that relates the electric flux through a closed surface to the charge enclosed by that surface. It states that the electric flux through a closed surface is proportional to the charge enclosed by that surface.

4. How is Gauss's law used to calculate the electric field?

Gauss's law is used to calculate the electric field at a point due to a charge distribution by choosing an appropriate Gaussian surface and then calculating the electric flux through that surface. The electric field can then be determined by dividing the electric flux by the area of the surface.

5. What are some applications of Gauss's law?

Gauss's law has many practical applications in physics and engineering. It is used to calculate the electric field around conductors and in capacitors, to determine the electric field inside a charged shell, and to analyze the behavior of electric fields in different situations, such as in the presence of multiple charges or conducting surfaces.

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