Electric force cant firgure this out.

In summary, two small plastic balls with a mass of 0.200 and a charge of magnitude q are attached to threads at an angle of 20.0 degrees with the vertical. The problem is to find the tension in each of the threads. The attempt at a solution involved setting the x and y components equal to 0 and using Coulomb's law to incorporate the electric force in the net force equations. The value for q was not given initially, but this was later found to be the source of an error in the calculations. The final part of the problem asks for the charge on the balls, which can be found using Coulomb's law.
  • #1
Two small plastic balls hang from threads of negligible mass. Each ball has a mass of 0.200 and a charge of magnitude q. The balls are attracted to each other, and the threads attached to the balls make an angle of 20.0 with the vertical, as shown in the figure.


so the question is to Find the tension in each of the threads.

okey, so i tried to figure this out. i was pretty sure i was getting this right, but no...

The Attempt at a Solution

so i set each x,y component equal to 0.

y=tcos20-mg =0

so from the y i tried to get the tension which would be mg/cos20..and i am getting .0021.but its not the right answer. does anybody know what i am doing wrong...help would be greatly appreciated.
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  • #2
I think your should incorporate the equation for the electric force in your net force equations since the mass of the balls have charge; Are you familiar with Coulomb's law ?
  • #3
yea i am but how would i put that in there since they did not give my any charges...
  • #4
dkusper said:
yea i am but how would i put that in there since they did not give my any charges...

The problem only specified that the ball had a charged q but did not give a value for q?
  • #5
nope but i actually found the mistake for the tension, it was in my calculations. but the third part of the question ask to find the chrage on the balls. since i found the electric force acting on the balls after i found tension...do i use the Coulombs law?

FAQ: Electric force cant firgure this out.

1. What is electric force?

Electric force is a fundamental force of nature that describes the interactions between electrically charged particles. It can be attractive or repulsive depending on the charges of the particles involved.

2. How is electric force calculated?

The electric force between two charged particles is calculated using Coulomb's Law, which states that the force is directly proportional to the product of the charges and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

3. What are the SI units for electric force?

The SI units for electric force are Newtons (N), which is the unit of force in the International System of Units.

4. How does electric force affect matter?

Electric force can affect matter in many ways. It is responsible for the structure and properties of atoms and molecules, as well as the behavior of materials such as conductors and insulators. It also plays a crucial role in many natural processes, such as the functioning of the human nervous system.

5. Can electric force be shielded or canceled out?

Yes, electric force can be shielded or canceled out by using conductive materials or by creating an equal and opposite charge. This is commonly seen in electrical circuits, where the flow of electrons is controlled by manipulating electric forces.
