Electric force distance problem

In summary: I subtracted the first equation from the second to get a "y-intercept" (the point where the two lines intersect), and then used that point to solve for y. In summary, two point charges lie on the y-axis. A third charge q is placed somewhere in space such that the resultant force on it is zero. If the third charge is placed at the y-intercept of the line connecting the first two charges, the resultant force on it is zero.
  • #1
Two point charges lie on the y-axis. A third charge q is placed somewhere in space such that the resultant force on it is zero. What distance from the origin must this third charge be placed such that the resultant force on it is zero? Answer in units of m.
The first charge is 8[tex] \mu C[/tex] and is located at 0.5 m.
The second charge is -37 [tex] \mu C[/tex] and is located at -1 m
The third charge is 8 [tex] \mu C [/tex].
I know that this third charge needs to be on the y-axis and for the force to be zero, the forces have to cancel each other out.
so I found the F on 1 & 2 by k(8e-6 *37e-6)/ (1.5^2)
and got this to be 1.184
Then I found F from 1 & 3 by k(8e-6*8e-6)/r^2
solving for r gave me .697, which I added to .5, b/c the third charge is above the 1st one. This gave me 1.2 m,which isn't right.. can someone please help?
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  • #2
when you place the third charge at position r with respect to the origin of the XY-plane, you will have THREE forces in total that have to cancel out.

1) F on charge 1 and 2 (the one you calculated first)
2) F on charge 1 and 3 : what is the equation ?
3) F on charge 2 and 3 : what is the equation ?

Then 1) + 2) + 3) = 0 and solve for r. You will get two r-values of which one shall be correct.

  • #3
Ok so for F_13 I used k(8e-6*8e-6) /R^2 = .576/r^2
and for F_ 23 I used k(37e-6 * 8e-6) / R^2 = 2.664/r^2
then I added 1.184, which was my previous answer for F_12, and .576/R^2 and 2.664/r^2 = 0. Solving for R gave me 1.65... am I doing this right?
  • #4
You are trying to make the net force on the third charge equal zero, so there are only two forces to consider: F_13 & F_23. (F_12 is irrelevant.)

First question to answer is in what region must the third charge be placed to possibly get zero net force on it? Only three choices: y > 0.5; 0.5 > y > -1.0; y < -1.0. Hint: What must be the relative direction of the two forces in order for them to cancel?

Once you've figured out the right region, then you can set up your force equation to solve for the exact position. (Hint: The coulomb constant and the micros will all cancel out, so don't do any arithmetic until the last moment.)
  • #5
I think that it has to be in the positive y-axis, so >0.5.
then would I just do:k*q1*q3 /r^2 = -k*q2*q3/r^2 ?
  • #6
Punchlinegirl said:
I think that it has to be in the positive y-axis, so >0.5.

then would I just do:k*q1*q3 /r^2 = -k*q2*q3/r^2 ?
No, the distances are not equal. (That equation simplifies to q1 = -q2; does that make sense?)

Instead, call the position of the third charge y. Now find the distance between y and the other charges. Then set the magnitude of the two forces equal and solve for y.
  • #7
So would it be q1*q3/ (0.5 + Y)= q2*q3/ (1.5 + Y)?
  • #8
Punchlinegirl said:
So would it be q1*q3/ (0.5 + Y)= q2*q3/ (1.5 + Y)?
That will work. You've defined "Y" as the distance above the first charge--nothing wrong with that. But be sure to express your final answer in terms of distance from the origin as requested in the problem statement.

Edit: You forgot to square your distances; Your equation should read:
q1*q3/ (0.5 + Y)^2 = q2*q3/ (1.5 + Y)^2
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  • #9
Solving for y gave me .224, I add this to 0.5 right?
  • #10
If that's the answer for Y, then you add it to 0.5. But I would check that answer.

Note: I failed to point out that you left out the squares in your last equation. (I assume you were aware of that.)
  • #11
I forgot the squares earlier...
so (8e-6)(8e-6)/(.5+ y)^2= (8e-6)(37e-6)/ (1.5+ y)^2
Solving for y, gave me .369, which I added to .5 to get .869 which still isn't right... what am I doing wrong now?
  • #12
Punchlinegirl said:
Solving for y, gave me .369 ...
I get a slightly different answer. Write out your quadratic equation so we can take a look.
  • #13
I cross multiplied and got,
(6.4e-11)(2.25+3y+y^2) = 2.96e-10(.25+y+y^2)
1.44e-10+1.92e-10y+6.4e-11y^2= 7.4e-11+2.96e-10y +2.96e-10y^2
Then my quadratic came out to be -2.32e-10y^2 -1.04e-10y + 7e-11= 0Then by the quadratic formula I got .369
  • #14
Your equation looks OK to me, but your solution does not. Maybe you messed up in plugging into the formula.
Punchlinegirl said:
I cross multiplied and got,
(6.4e-11)(2.25+3y+y^2) = 2.96e-10(.25+y+y^2)
You can save yourself a lot of exponents (and opportunity for arithmetic error) by canceling things out before going any further. I'd write this step as:
8(2.25+3y+y^2) = 37(.25+y+y^2)

Do you see what I did?

FAQ: Electric force distance problem

What is the electric force distance problem?

The electric force distance problem, also known as the inverse-square law, is a principle in physics that describes the relationship between the distance between two charged objects and the strength of the electric force between them. It states that as the distance between the objects increases, the force between them decreases in proportion to the square of the distance.

How is the electric force distance problem calculated?

The electric force distance problem is calculated using Coulomb's law, which states that the force between two charged objects is equal to the product of their charges divided by the square of the distance between them. This can be represented mathematically as F = k(q1q2)/d^2, where F is the force, k is the constant of proportionality, q1 and q2 are the charges of the objects, and d is the distance between them.

What are some real-world applications of the electric force distance problem?

The electric force distance problem has many real-world applications, including understanding the behavior of electric charges, predicting the motion of charged particles in electric fields, and designing electrical systems such as circuits and power grids. It also plays a crucial role in technologies such as radios, televisions, and cell phones.

Why is the electric force distance problem important?

The electric force distance problem is important because it helps us understand the fundamental principles of electricity and magnetism. It allows us to predict and control the behavior of charged particles and is essential for many modern technologies. Additionally, the electric force distance problem is a fundamental law of nature and plays a key role in many other areas of physics.

How does the electric force distance problem relate to gravity?

The electric force distance problem and gravity are both inverse-square laws, meaning that the strength of the force between two objects is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. However, the electric force is much stronger than the force of gravity between two objects with the same charges or masses. Additionally, while gravity only attracts objects, the electric force can both attract and repel charged objects.
