Electric Forces & Motion: Analyzing Wall with Negative Charge

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Since the ball is still stationary in the y direction, these two forces must cancel each other out. Therefore, the electrostatic force must be equal in magnitude to the gravitational force. Since you know the values of the mass and charge of the ball, you can solve for the magnitude of the electrostatic force. And since you know the magnitude of the force and the mass of the ball, you can solve for the acceleration using F=ma. Hope that helps!
  • #1

A wall has a negative charge distribution producing a uniform horizontal electric field. A small plastic ball of mass 0.01kg, carrying a charge of -80.0uC is suspended by an uncharged, nonconducting thread of 0.30m long. The thread is attached to the wall and the ball hangs in equilibrium, as shown above, in the electric and gravitational fields. The electric force on the ball has a magnitude of 0.032 N

a) Draw and label the forces acting on the ball
I already know how to do this

b) Calculate the magnitude of the electric fields at the ball's location due to the charge wall.
I used E= F(electric)/q and got -400 N/C as the answer

c) Determind the perpendicular distance from the wall to the center of the ball.
I'm stuck at this one. I knew it has something to do with breaking things into component then find the angle between the thread and the wall. If I know the angle I can use trigonometry to solve for the distance. But ahh! I don't know how to find the angle.

d) The string is now cut:
a) Calculate the magnitude of the resulting acceleration of the ball, and state its direction.
I have no idea what to do with this one

b) Describe the resulting path of the ball.
Well, for this one I think it will fall down eventually but curve to the right.

Please help me with these question :cry:
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  • #2
Good work so far, you're very close to the solution :)

In part (a) you should have three forces: the gravitational force, the electric force, and the force of tension from the string. The tensional force will have both x and y components, determined by the magnitude of the tension times the cosine and sine of the angle which the string makes with the horizontal.

If you use the fact that the ball isn't going anywhere and therefore the sum of the forces must be zero you should be able to solve for both the magnitude of the tension in the string and what the angle must be.

For part (d) the force of tension has been removed. What does this mean with regards to the sum of the forces acting on the ball?
  • #3
Thanks a lot for the help. But I'm still stuck/confuse at some part hahaha...:biggrin: so is the tension times sine of the angle is the x component and tension (T) times the cosine of the angle is the y component?

Also in part d, I know there are 2 type of acceleration there. One in the x and one in the y direction. The y direction one is 9.8 since it's the gravity. But I still don't know how to find the one that act in the x direction. I was thinking about using F(net)=ma but what's the F(net)

sorry about all the question :blushing:
  • #4
For the x & y components of the tension, it depends on what angle you're using. From the equations for the components you gave that would be the angle which the string makes with respect to the vertical wall in your figure.

After the string is cut we've removed the force of tension, so the only two forces left are gravity and the electrostatic force.

FAQ: Electric Forces & Motion: Analyzing Wall with Negative Charge

1. What is an electric force?

An electric force is a type of force that exists between two charged objects. Like charges repel each other, while opposite charges attract each other. The strength of the electric force is determined by the magnitude of the charges and the distance between them.

2. How does a negatively charged wall affect the motion of objects?

A negatively charged wall exerts an electric force on any charged object near it. This force can either attract or repel the object, depending on its charge. If the object is positively charged, it will be attracted to the negatively charged wall. If the object is negatively charged, it will be repelled.

3. How can we analyze the motion of objects near a negatively charged wall?

To analyze the motion of objects near a negatively charged wall, we can use the principles of electrostatics and Newton's laws of motion. We can calculate the electric force exerted on the object by the wall and use this to determine the direction and magnitude of the acceleration of the object.

4. Can the strength of the electric force change with distance?

Yes, the strength of the electric force between two charged objects changes with distance. As the distance between the objects increases, the force decreases. This is described by Coulomb's Law, which states that the force is inversely proportional to the square of the distance between the charges.

5. How does the amount of charge on the wall affect the electric force on objects?

The amount of charge on the wall directly affects the strength of the electric force on objects near it. The greater the magnitude of the charge, the stronger the electric force will be. This means that a wall with a higher negative charge will exert a stronger force on nearby objects compared to a wall with a lower negative charge.
