Electric potential, Can Someone Check This?

In summary, a particle charge of 7.6μC is in an electric field that acts on it in addition to a force that pulls it to the right. After it has moved 8cm, the additional force has done 6.5x10^-5J of work and the particle has 4.35x10^-5 J of kinetic energy.
  • #1

Homework Statement

A particle charge of 7.6μC is in a uniform electric field directred to the left. Another force, in addition to the electric force, acts on the particle so that when it is released from rest it moves to the right. After it has moved 8cm, the additional force has done 6.5x10^-5J of work and the particle has 4.35x10^-5 J of kinetic energy.

  1. Calculate work done by Electric Field
  2. Find the potential of the starting point with respect to the end point
  3. Find the Magnitude of Electric Field
  • W(F) = 6.5x10^-5J
  • W(E) = unknown
  • Kb = 4.35x10^-5J
  • Ka = 0
  • Ua = unknown
  • Ub = unknown
  • q = 7.6μC
  • r = 0.08m

Homework Equations

W = Ua - Ub = Kb - Ka
K = 0.5MV^2
U = V = 1/4πε * q/r
E = 1/4πε * q/r^3 * r

The Attempt at a Solution

  1. Using the work-energy theorem, I can say that the work done by the electric field is 4.35x10^-5J - 6.5x10^-5J.
  2. The potential between 2 points equals the amount of work that would be required to move a unit charge between those points: So I Believe I should just plug in variables for V.
  3. Same as 2. I'll plug in for E, using the -i unit vector to represent the direction.
Am I over simplifying the equations? This seems not right, but I can't be sure. Thank you!
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  • #2
1. Agree
2. plug in where ? What do you get ?
3. plug in where ? What do you get ?
Am I over simplifying the equations?
No, but I don't see what the last two equations have to do with the problem at hand: you are given an E field and it isn't coming from a point charge.
This seems not right, but I can't be sure.
Let me "reassure" you: it isn't right
Thank you!
You're welcome :wink:

Sorry, I couldn't resist. On a serious note: 2. for 7.6μC you know the energy difference. All you have to do (as you say) is convert to 1 C.
For 3.: I leave you to it, in the hope that with the insight won in 2. you can figure out 3. by yourself.
  • #3
I'm sorry, maybe I'm naive, but I don't see how converting units will help me in this endeavor... It's 7.6x10^-6 C, but I don't see how that helps me. Especially if my equations were wrong.
  • #4
I suppose I created some comfusion, sorry. In 1. you found how much work was needed and gave an answer. I get the same result.

In 2. You only say: plug in variables for V. But you don't say where you plug them in, or what else you "plug in", or what you calculate.

Your notation doesn't help: you have a V in equation 2 and in equation 3. OK, it's not the one in 2. But equation 3 isn't applicable -- aside from it being utterly wrong (check the dimensions). The second = is for a point charge. A point charge doesn't give the E-field you were given in this exercise.

In the part 'on a serious note' I make a little jump: I figured you had by now realized that it isn't U = V in the second equation, but U = qV.

One way for you to avoid this kind of thing in the future is to make a list of given/unknown variables with their dimensions and check that the equations you bring in have the correct dimensions. (That's why the template is so extremely useful). It sounds corny, I know. On the other hand you are already doing the right thing most of the way, so it's not much of an extra effort. And after a while it's a mental routine and you don't have to spell it all out. Up to you.
From U = qV ( with a known q and U ) it's really only a small step to V. And it is not a unit conversion.

Part 3 is equally easy. I leave it to you. (but please do post... :wink:)

  • #5
Equations 2,3 and 4 are not relevant. You need delta potential energy = qEr in the right units.
And WF+WE=Kb-Ka or something similar.
In words: some work is put in by F but the final kinetic energy is less than that amount. The difference is what it took to move the charge against the electric field.
You can write down all the equations you like but if you don't have a grasp of what is going on your answer will be a gamble.
This problem is the electromechanical equivalent of the following gravitational problem. You are riding a bike putting in work (ignore the drag). You're going faster so your kinetic energy increases, but your riding up a slope. So you are not accelerating as fast as you would on a flat road. On top of the slope your kinetic energy is disappointing. (But the ride down will be fun). Invent some numbers and ask the student what the slope of the road is.
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  • #6
my2cts said:
Equations 2,3 and 4 are not relevant. You need delta potential energy = qE. In the right units.
Think before you post, please. And give the thread starter a chance to digest the reply.

Related to Electric potential, Can Someone Check This?

1. What is electric potential?

Electric potential is the measure of the amount of electric potential energy that a unit charge has at a specific point in space.

2. How is electric potential different from electric field?

Electric potential is a scalar quantity that describes the potential energy of a charge, while electric field is a vector quantity that describes the force experienced by a charge placed in an electric field.

3. What is the unit of electric potential?

The unit of electric potential is volts (V).

4. Can electric potential be negative?

Yes, electric potential can be negative. This indicates that the electric field is directed towards the charge, rather than away from it.

5. How is electric potential calculated?

Electric potential is calculated by dividing the electric potential energy by the charge. The equation is V = U/q, where V is electric potential, U is electric potential energy, and q is charge.

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