Electric potential - doubt in sign convention

In summary: In general, the magnitude of a charge is the measured quantity of charge. In the context of electric circuits, the magnitude of a charge can be determined by various methods, including using Ohm's Law, Coulomb's Law, or the relation between potential and electric field E=-grad (U).
  • #1
Electric potential --- doubt in sign convention

Homework Statement

Revered members,
I know dV = -E.dx so
E = -dV/dx
So E should be E = -V/x . But while deriving capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when dielectric medium is introduced we use E = V/x.
But how E = V/x?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

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  • #2

logearav said:
I know dV = -E.dx so
E = -dV/dx
So E should be E = -V/x .
Where have you seen a negative sign like this? If E is positive, then voltage increases with x. So E and dV/dx have the same sign.
  • #3

logearav said:

Homework Statement

Revered members,
I know dV = -E.dx so
E = -dV/dx
So E should be E = -V/x . But while deriving capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor when dielectric medium is introduced we use E = V/x.
But how E = V/x?
When it comes to study of capacitances we are concerned to calculate charges on the capacitor not the direction in which potential increase or decrease.
However if you want to calculate the increase, decrease in potential with the help of electric field then you can with proper signs.
writing E=-V/x may create problem in soecases. so you should always us E=-dV/dx.
  • #4

NascentOxygen said:
Where have you seen a negative sign like this? If E is positive, then voltage increases with x. So E and dV/dx have the same sign.
There are some confusions when using the term potential and voltage.

The electric field [itex]\vec{E}[/itex] is negative gradient of the potential U: [itex]\vec{E}[/itex]=- grad(U). E points in the direction of potential drop: from positive to negative potential.

In a homogeneous electric field, parallel to the x axis,
E=-dU/dx. The integral of E between two points A and B is the work W done by the field on a unit positive charge when it moves from A to B:

[tex]W(A\rightarrow B)=\int_{x_A}^{x_B}{E dx}=-\int_{x_A}^{x_B}{(dU /dx)dx}[/tex]
[tex]\int_{x_A}^{x_B}{E dx}=E(x_B-x_A)[/tex]
[tex]-\int_{x_A}^{x_B}{(dU /dx)dx}=-\int_{x_A}^{x_B}{dU}=-U(x_B)+U(x_A)[/tex]
[tex]W(A\rightarrow B)=E(x_B-x_A)=-U(x_B)+U(x_A)[/tex]
If X_B-x_A= D ,
[tex]W=E D = U_A-U_B[/tex]

The work done by he field when a unit positive charge moves from A to B is equal to the negative of the potential difference between points A and B. The work of the electric field is positive if UA >UB.

"Voltage" V is used in practical texts in the meaning of potential drop when going from A to B: It is the negative potential difference V(AB)=-(UB-UA)=-Δ U.

The potential drops on a resistor in the direction of the current flow from A to B. Ohm's law states that the voltage V measured between points A and B is V=IR. This means V=-ΔU=UA-UB=IR. Across a capacitor, the potential of the positive plate UA minus potential of the negative plate UB is equal to ED: UA-UB=-ΔU=ED, that is V=ED.

  • #5

Thanks for the detailed explanation, ehild. What is the position of the two points A and B in a electric field? For example, i draw a straight line XY. Where should i position the points A and B that satisfies your explanation?
  • #6

When you choose a direction it means you go from the initial position to the final one. ΔU means the potential at the final position - the potential at the initial position.

  • #7

Thanks ehild. Now, if i choose a point A say 5 cm from X and B at 9 cm from X, which is the point with higher potential?
  • #8

The more positive one.

  • #9

Thanks again. How could we find which point is more positive?
  • #10

logearav said:
Thanks again. How could we find which point is more positive?

First you get information from the problem.
It is given either the charge (plus or minus) or the potential or the electric field somewhere. A positively charged object has electric field lines originating from the charges and pointing away from it. Do not forget that the direction of electric field is +-----> - The electric field points in the direction of decreasing potential. Using the information given, you can find out which point is positive or negative with respect to an other point, applying Coulomb's Law, Ohm's Law or the relation between potential and electric field E=-grad (U).

It has no sense asking which points of a line are positive without giving the electric details. I suggest to read this page.


  • #11

ok. Now i am confronted with the magnitude of test charge and source charge. Should they be of same magnitude? I presume the test charge is unit positive charge. But i can't get an idea of magnitude of source charge, in the concept of electric potential
  • #12

A test charge is a little (positive) charge which is used to measure the electric field. It is so small that does not change the field. The source charge makes the electric field. The electric field has potential.

  • #13

Thanks a lot ehild. The link you have given is so wonderful. I understood the concept. Thanks again.

FAQ: Electric potential - doubt in sign convention

1. What is electric potential?

Electric potential is the amount of potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in an electric field. It is a measure of the work required to move a unit charge from one point to another in an electric field.

2. What is the difference between electric potential and electric potential energy?

Electric potential is the potential energy per unit charge, whereas electric potential energy is the total potential energy of a system. Electric potential is a scalar quantity, while electric potential energy is a vector quantity.

3. What is the sign convention for electric potential?

The sign convention for electric potential is that the potential is defined to be positive when a positive test charge moves from a point of lower potential to a point of higher potential. Conversely, the potential is negative when the test charge moves from a point of higher potential to a point of lower potential.

4. How is electric potential calculated?

The electric potential at a point in an electric field is calculated by dividing the electric potential energy at that point by the amount of charge. Mathematically, it is expressed as V = U/Q, where V is electric potential, U is electric potential energy, and Q is charge.

5. How does distance affect electric potential?

The electric potential at a point is inversely proportional to the distance from the source charge. As the distance increases, the electric potential decreases. This is known as the inverse-square law and is represented by the formula V ∝ 1/r, where V is electric potential and r is distance.
