Electric Potential Energy Among Multiple Charges kinda a

In summary, the problem involves four point charges forming a square with side length d. A charged particle is released and given a push, acquiring a speed v and eventually coming to rest at the center of the square. The task is to find the initial speed v in terms of q, d, m, and appropriate constants. Using the equations for electric potential energy and relative kinematics, the solution is v = [(2kq^2)/dm)(4.192)]^0.5. However, the correct solution should be v = [(6.24kq^2)/dm]^0.5.
  • #1
Electric Potential Energy Among Multiple Charges kinda aurgent

1. Homework Statement

Four point charges, fixed in place, form a square with side length d. (See image)


The particle with charge q is now released and given a quick push; as a result, it acquires speed v. Eventually, this particle ends up at the center of the original square and is momentarily at rest. If the mass of this particle is m, what was its initial speed v?
Express your answer in terms of q, d, m, and appropriate constants. Use k instead of 1/4πe (where e = epsilon). The numeric coefficient should be a decimal with three significant figures.

2. Homework Equations

- Electric Potential Energy equation: U = k((Q1*Q2)/r)
- Relative Kinematics Equations

The Attempt at a Solution


you get following

getting the potential for each charge
solving for v
v==[((2kq^2)/dm)((9/(.5^.4))-5-((5/(2^.5))]^.5 then simplifying
i got v=[((2kq^2)/dm)(4.192)]^.5
is this correct
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Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2

Show your work, please.

  • #3

i got it
  • #4

v==[((2kq^2)/dm)((9/(.5^.4))-5-((5/(2^.5))]^.5 then simplifying
i should not get this v=[((2kq^2)/dm)(4.192)]^.5
i should get the following (6.24kq62/dm)^.5
  • #5

Based on your attempt at a solution, it seems like you have a good understanding of the concepts involved in this problem. However, in order to provide a more accurate response, I would need to see your work and the specific values you used for each variable. Also, it would be helpful to know what specific units you used for each variable, as this could affect your final answer. Additionally, please clarify what you mean by "simplifying" in your solution process. Overall, your approach seems reasonable and you appear to have used the correct equations. If you could provide more details and show your work, I would be happy to review and provide feedback on your solution.

FAQ: Electric Potential Energy Among Multiple Charges kinda a

What is electric potential energy among multiple charges?

Electric potential energy among multiple charges refers to the amount of energy that is stored in a system of multiple charges due to their positions and interactions with each other. It is a measure of the potential for work to be done by these charges.

How is electric potential energy calculated among multiple charges?

The electric potential energy among multiple charges can be calculated using the equation: U = k(q1q2)/r, where k is the Coulomb's constant, q1 and q2 are the charges of the two objects, and r is the distance between them. This equation takes into account the magnitude and distance of the charges, as well as the medium in which they are located.

What is the relation between electric potential energy and electric potential?

Electric potential energy and electric potential are closely related concepts. Electric potential is the amount of potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in an electric field. In other words, it is the electric potential energy per unit charge. The higher the electric potential, the more potential energy the charge has.

How does the presence of multiple charges affect electric potential energy?

The presence of multiple charges can greatly affect electric potential energy. When there are multiple charges in a system, the electric potential energy is determined by the sum of the potential energies between each pair of charges. This means that the total electric potential energy among multiple charges is dependent on the positions and interactions of all the charges in the system.

What is the significance of electric potential energy among multiple charges in real-life applications?

Electric potential energy among multiple charges is an important concept in understanding and predicting the behavior of electric fields. It is used in various real-life applications such as designing electrical circuits, calculating the potential energy of charged particles in a particle accelerator, and understanding the behavior of lightning strikes.
