Electric potential energy - how is it conserved?

In summary, the conservation of electric potential energy is an important principle in physics. In the given scenario, two particles with different masses and the same charge are initially held in place and then released, flying apart with a certain separation between them. The conservation of energy equation can be used to determine the initial separation between the particles, but it is important to also consider the conservation of momentum in order to correctly solve for all variables.
  • #1
Electric potential energy - how is it conserved?

obviously the answer is yes , its conserved.. but something bugs me about it.

One particle has a mass of 3.00×10–3 kg and a charge of +8.00 mC. A second particle has a mass of 6.00×10–3 kg and the same charge. The two particles are initially held in place and then released. The particles fly apart, and when the separation between them is 0.100 m, the speed of the 3.00×10–3-kg particle is 125 m/s. Find the initial separation between the particles.

Am i doing this correctly?
Ebefore = Eafter
kq1q2/r = kq1q2/(r+0.1) + m1v1^2/2

is this correct? if so, does that mean (according the the equation) all the energy is in the 1st particle.. then the other one should be stationary? obviously not.. then why is my equation wrong? what am i missing?

should it be
kq1q2/r = kq1q2/(r+0.1) + m1v1^2/2 + m2v2^2/2 ?
but now how can u solve for 2 unknowns? (r and v2) would you use m1v1 = m2v2 to solve for v2? why (if u can) can u use this?
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  • #2
Energy is only conserved in an inertial reference frame. That is to say, energy is only conserved if momentum is too. So you need to pick a frame where the total momentum of the system (or the velocity of the center of mass) is the same before and after, then apply conservation of energy. The conservation of momentum condition will give you a relation between v1 and v2 and then the conservation of energy condition allows you to solve for them.
  • #3
im so confused :'(

is what I am doing correct?
  • #4
vaxopy said:
obviously the answer is yes , its conserved.. but something bugs me about it.

One particle has a mass of 3.00×10–3 kg and a charge of +8.00 mC. A second particle has a mass of 6.00×10–3 kg and the same charge. The two particles are initially held in place and then released. The particles fly apart, and when the separation between them is 0.100 m, the speed of the 3.00×10–3-kg particle is 125 m/s. Find the initial separation between the particles.

Am i doing this correctly?
Ebefore = Eafter
kq1q2/r = kq1q2/(r+0.1) + m1v1^2/2

is this correct? if so, does that mean (according the the equation) all the energy is in the 1st particle.. then the other one should be stationary? obviously not.. then why is my equation wrong? what am i missing?

should it be
kq1q2/r = kq1q2/(r+0.1) + m1v1^2/2 + m2v2^2/2 ?
but now how can u solve for 2 unknowns? (r and v2) would you use m1v1 = m2v2 to solve for v2? why (if u can) can u use this?

Why is there an (r + 0.1) in one of the denominators ? Just use "0.1" as the final distance of separation.

You're only dealing with conservation of energy as applied to the less massive particle. The work done on that particle by the repulsive electrostatic force is equal to the change in its kinetic energy. So you don't have to "worry" about the other particle at all.
  • #5
You just have to make sure that whatever v1 and v2 are, momentum is conserved, as you mentioned at the end of your post. The reason for this is that conservation of energy only holds if conservation of momentum is holding as well.

FAQ: Electric potential energy - how is it conserved?

1. What is electric potential energy?

Electric potential energy is the energy that a charged particle possesses due to its position in an electric field. It is a form of potential energy that is associated with the interaction between two or more charged particles.

2. How is electric potential energy conserved?

Electric potential energy is conserved because it cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be converted from one form to another, such as from electric potential energy to kinetic energy, or vice versa. This conservation of energy is a fundamental principle in physics and is known as the law of conservation of energy.

3. What affects the amount of electric potential energy?

The amount of electric potential energy is affected by the magnitude of the charges involved and the distance between them. The greater the charges and the closer they are, the higher the potential energy. Additionally, the type of material between the charges can also affect the amount of potential energy.

4. How is electric potential energy related to work?

Electric potential energy is related to work through the equation W = qΔV, where W is the work done, q is the charge, and ΔV is the change in electric potential energy. This equation shows that work is required to move a charged particle against an electric field, and the amount of work done is equal to the change in potential energy.

5. Can electric potential energy be negative?

Yes, electric potential energy can be negative. This occurs when the charges involved have opposite signs, causing the electric potential energy to be negative. This means that work would need to be done to bring the charges together, and the resulting system would have lower potential energy than if the charges were separated.
