Electric potential inside a spherical shell

In summary, we have a spherical shell with outer radius b and inner radius a, and a total charge of +3q, with a point charge of -q at its center. The electric potential inside the shell is 2q/(4π(b^2)ε0), the same as the electric potential on the outer shell due to the absence of an electric field inside the shell. However, this raises confusion as the electric potential at the inner surface of the shell is -q/(4π(a^2)ε0), while the potential at the center of the sphere is 2q/(4π(b^2)ε0) + -q/(4π(a^2)ε0). This discrepancy can be explained
  • #1
Say we have a spherical shell of outer radius b and inner radius a. The shell has a total charge +3q and at it's center is a point charge of charge -q. I know that the E field for r>b would simply be: E = (3q-q)/(4πr^2ε0) and thus the electric potential inside the shell must be the same as the electric potential on the outer shell since there is no E field inside the shell. This brings me to the conclusion that the electric potential inside the shell is simply 2q/(4π(b^2)ε0).

This confuses me however as can't it be said that if we take the electric potential at A with respect to the point charge, we get -q/(4π(a^2)ε0)? How can this be the case at the inner surface of the shell if the shell itself has an electric potential of 2q/(4π(b^2)ε0)?

Am I looking at this wrong as in one case I'm comparing to infinity and in the other I'm comparing with the point charge? If this is the case does this mean the electric potential at the center of the sphere would simply be 2q/(4π(b^2)ε0) + -q/(4π(a^2)ε0)?
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  • #2
A CONDUCTING shell, right? Spherical, so Gauss' Law applies and the E field outside depends only on the total charge inside the sphere so I think your first thought,
E = (3q-q)/(4πr^2ε0) is correct. Integrating E*dr in from infinity gives V = 2q/(4πr)ε0 (oops, you had r²) and that should be good to radius b. No change going through the conductor. A charge of +q is induced on the inner surface which kills the E field due to the -q at the center (leaving a charge of +2q on the outer surface of the shell). Once r < a, E = (-q)/(4πr^2ε0), the potential change is the integral of this new E going the opposite way so V will get smaller as r gets smaller.

FAQ: Electric potential inside a spherical shell

1. What is the electric potential inside a spherical shell?

The electric potential inside a spherical shell is constant and equal to the potential on the surface of the shell.

2. How is the electric potential inside a spherical shell calculated?

The electric potential inside a spherical shell can be calculated using the formula V = Q/(4πε₀r), where Q is the charge on the shell, ε₀ is the permittivity of free space, and r is the distance from the center of the shell.

3. Does the electric potential inside a spherical shell depend on the charge distribution?

No, the electric potential inside a spherical shell does not depend on the charge distribution. It is solely determined by the charge on the surface of the shell.

4. Is the electric potential inside a spherical shell affected by the presence of other charges outside the shell?

No, the electric potential inside a spherical shell is not affected by the presence of other charges outside the shell. It only depends on the charge on the surface of the shell.

5. How does the electric potential inside a spherical shell compare to the electric potential outside the shell?

The electric potential inside a spherical shell is constant, while the electric potential outside the shell decreases as the distance from the center of the shell increases. This is due to the inverse-square law of electric potential.
