Electrical charge problem (need assurance on an answer)

In summary, the conversation discusses the breakdown of dry air generating a spark when the electric field exceeds 3.0\times 10^6 N/C. The question at hand is how much charge can be packed onto a green pea with a diameter of 0.81cm before it spontaneously discharges. Using the equation Q = Er^2/ k, the correct answer is determined to be 5.5 *10^-9.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Dry air will break down and generate a spark if the electric field exceeds about 3.0\times 10^6 N/C How much charge could be packed onto a green pea (diameter 0.81cm ) before the pea spontaneously discharges?

Homework Equations

E = kQ/r^2
Q = Er^2/ k <-------this is the equation to use I believe

The Attempt at a Solution


resulting in an answer of 4.845160214*10-9 = 5*10-9

does this look right to you guys?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
The radius is not 3.81*10-3 m. Check.

  • #3
figured it out, the diameter is .405
so the answer would be
(3*106)(4.05*10-3)2/8.988*109 = 5.5 *10^-9
Thank you for your help
ehild said:
The radius is not 3.81*10-3 m. Check.


FAQ: Electrical charge problem (need assurance on an answer)

What is electrical charge?

Electrical charge is a fundamental property of matter that describes the amount of electricity an object possesses. It can be either positive or negative, and objects with opposite charges are attracted to each other, while objects with the same charge repel each other.

What causes an electrical charge?

Electrical charges are caused by the presence and movement of charged particles, such as electrons and protons. When these particles are in motion, they create an electric field which results in an electrical charge.

What is the SI unit for electrical charge?

The SI unit for electrical charge is the Coulomb (C). One Coulomb is equivalent to the charge carried by approximately 6.24 x 10^18 protons or electrons.

How is electrical charge measured?

Electrical charge is measured using a device called an electrometer. This device measures the amount of charge present on an object by detecting the electric field created by the charged particles.

Can electrical charge be created or destroyed?

According to the Law of Conservation of Charge, electrical charge cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred from one object to another, or converted into another form of energy. This means that the total amount of charge in a closed system remains constant.
