Electrical Circuits 1 and Electrical Circuits 2

In summary, these classes cover a wide variety of topics that may be relevant to electrical engineering. The course outline doesn't give you any indication of what is covered.
  • #1
What exactly do they teach in these classes? My second year I will be taking these classes, heard these are some hard classes. Anyone on this forum ever taken these classes?
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  • #2
The course outline doesn't give you any indication of what is covered??
  • #3
256bits said:
The course outline doesn't give you any indication of what is covered??

Noooooo... I won't take this class until my sophomore year of college. I have several friends who took these classes and they keep telling me it's a hard class.
  • #4
Why not grab a textbook from a friend and flip through it.
That should cover resistors, capacitors, inductors, mostly passive components, time constants, thevenin's thereom, RC , RCL, RL circuits, magnetic circuits, and all that energy stuff that goes with it, with DC currents.
Added to the list is diodes, maybe power supplies and filter, a touch on transistors, transformers, sine wave, square wave, transformers, ..power factor, peak power, rms value, ...

Just listing off some topics here as it has been a while.

Your friends are just pulling your leg because the course is a breeze, it is as easy as pie - except for the examination part where you have to put concepts together to obtain the correct answer
  • #5
Pretty generic name that could cover alot. For instance I had two course called Electronic Circuits 1/2 that covered Diodes and transistors and various circuits built using them (Filters, opamps, amplifiers, etc).

I also had Circuit Analysis I/II that covered passive components, KVL/KCL, Thevenin/Norton, tranisent responses, Laplace/Fourier Circuit analysis, two-port networks, etc.

So your classes prolly cover something along those lines. I didn't find these particularly hard (at least compared to other classes, there's rarely an easy EE class lol)
  • #6
Circuits I and II...Electronics I and II are simply the foundation for electrical engineering.

They better be tough...if they are not tough you just wasted your money!

As far as your easy classes...that's in the past. That's what grade school and high school are for!
  • #7
I would be really surprised if a full specification doesn't exist, stating what the courses will contain. If there is a nationally approved exam at the end of them, the teachers will need to know what syllabus to teach.
I have only been involved with UK Science teaching but it is definitely that way 'over here' - and also in Europe.
  • #8
My Circuits I class covered the basics of resistors, thevenin equivalence, op amps, and I believe we touched on the time domain of RLC circuits. Circuits II focused more on your complex equations, filters, and bode plots. I think we touched on transformers as well. Electronics (which was essentially Circuits III) was a more in-depth learning of op-amps, diodes, and mosfets/bjts. ENJOY! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA
  • #9
DailyDose said:
My Circuits I class covered the basics of resistors, thevenin equivalence, op amps, and I believe we touched on the time domain of RLC circuits. Circuits II focused more on your complex equations, filters, and bode plots. I think we touched on transformers as well. Electronics (which was essentially Circuits III) was a more in-depth learning of op-amps, diodes, and mosfets/bjts. ENJOY! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Yep...sounds about right. Prepare yourself for a boat load of studying if you plan on knowing anything before or after graduation.

FAQ: Electrical Circuits 1 and Electrical Circuits 2

What is the difference between Electrical Circuits 1 and Electrical Circuits 2?

Electrical Circuits 1 typically covers the fundamentals of DC circuits, while Electrical Circuits 2 covers the fundamentals of AC circuits. This includes concepts such as voltage, current, resistance, and power, as well as circuit analysis techniques.

What topics are typically covered in Electrical Circuits 1 and Electrical Circuits 2?

In Electrical Circuits 1, you can expect to learn about Ohm's Law, Kirchhoff's Laws, circuit analysis methods such as nodal and mesh analysis, and basic circuit components like resistors, capacitors, and inductors. In Electrical Circuits 2, you will cover topics such as impedance, phasors, resonance, and AC power analysis.

What are some common applications of Electrical Circuits 1 and Electrical Circuits 2?

Electrical Circuits 1 and 2 are fundamental courses for students pursuing degrees in electrical engineering, as well as other fields such as physics and computer engineering. The principles learned in these courses are also applicable in various industries such as power generation, electronics, telecommunications, and more.

Do I need to have a strong math background to do well in Electrical Circuits 1 and Electrical Circuits 2?

While a strong foundation in algebra and trigonometry is helpful, the courses themselves do not require advanced math skills. However, being able to understand and manipulate mathematical equations is crucial for success in these courses.

Are there any important safety considerations when working with electrical circuits?

Yes, safety is a critical aspect when working with electrical circuits. Always make sure to turn off the power source before working on a circuit and use appropriate personal protective equipment. It is also important to follow proper procedures and guidelines when handling and disposing of hazardous materials used in circuits.

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