Electrical Fields within the body

In summary: The brain has an action potential, which is the electrical signal that travels along the axon and causes the neuron to fire. The strength of the action potential is determined by the concentration of ions in the neuron's cell membrane, and the speed of the action potential is determined by the speed of the ions.The brain has an electrical field that extends infinitely. If that is the case can the brains electrical field interact with the real world and influence it?The brains electrical field can interact with the real world, but the influence is very weak.
  • #1
So I was thinking, if the body has its own electrical currents... especially in the brain, then the brain must have an electrical field that extends infinitely. If that is the case can the brains electrical field interact with the real world and influence it. So for example if the field was strong enough (say we are able to concentrate a large current to a single spot in the brain) can we influence scientific experiments that are dependent on the movement of an electron?
Can a human control the strength of his/her electrical field by concentrating an electrical current in his brain. Is this possible?
Can we create a device that reads the current in the brain, translates it to words and then sends it to another persons brain?
For the record, I haven't studied electricity for a while so I expect my questions to be a little on the dumb side?
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
check out https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnetoencephalography
It uses the magnetic fields created in the brain to do scanning.
I got to go see one of these when I was in engineering. The lab was telling us how they can use it to (in a limited fashion) tell what you're thinking of. IE they would have you think about item A and scan your brain. Ask you to think about item B and scan.
Then you'd think of A or B and they'd tell you which. Pretty cool :)

The problem however is the field created by your brain is incredibly weak. So the detectors have to be crazy sensitive. The MEG we saw was in a heavily shielded room to filter out ambient magnetic fields. The lab guy claimed that if they didn't shield the room the detector could pick up the magnetic field created by a cars alternator 100km away.
  • #3
nnope said:
So for example if the field was strong enough
It is not.
If a grain of dust moves on Mars, it changes the gravitational fields here on Earth. Does it matter? Of course not, because the influence is completely negligible. The same applies to electric fields in and around a brain: they are completely negligible.
nnope said:
Can a human control the strength of his/her electrical field by concentrating an electrical current in his brain. Is this possible?
It is possible to measure tiny effects of the electric currents with sensitive equipment directly on top of the head (or inside the head), and those can be influence to some extent, but you cannot say "current - go!".
nnope said:
Can we create a device that reads the current in the brain, translates it to words and then sends it to another persons brain?
No (not yet?)
  • #4
So your saying the brain's electrical field is to weak to have any effect that is large enough for to us to even consider. Even if we managed to concentrate a current in our minds (if)? then scrap my mind control idea. But I just have one more question how weak is the current in the brain? if the electrical field is as weak as you guys are saying then even the electricity in the brain must be small
  • #5
nnope said:
if the electrical field is as weak as you guys are saying then even the electricity in the brain must be small

Yes they are small

have a read through this wiki page on the body's electrical system, it will give you some background

FAQ: Electrical Fields within the body

What are electrical fields within the body?

Electrical fields within the body refer to the natural electric currents that exist within living organisms. These currents are generated by the movement of charged particles, such as ions, within the body's cells and tissues.

How do electrical fields affect the body?

Electrical fields play a crucial role in many physiological processes, including nerve signaling, muscle contraction, and cell communication. They also help regulate the body's internal environment and can be influenced by external factors such as environmental stressors or medical devices.

Can electrical fields be measured in the body?

Yes, electrical fields within the body can be measured using techniques such as electrocardiography (ECG), electroencephalography (EEG), and electromyography (EMG). These methods involve detecting the electrical signals produced by the body's organs and tissues and converting them into a visual or digital display.

What are the potential health effects of disruptions in electrical fields within the body?

Disruptions in electrical fields within the body can lead to various health issues, such as nerve and muscle disorders, heart conditions, and problems with organ function. They can also be a factor in conditions like chronic pain and migraines. Additionally, exposure to external electrical fields, such as those produced by power lines or electronic devices, may have potential health implications that are still being studied.

How can we protect ourselves from harmful electrical fields?

Some ways to protect ourselves from harmful electrical fields include limiting exposure to sources of electromagnetic radiation, such as cell phones and power lines, using proper grounding techniques for electronic devices, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to support the body's natural electrical balance. It is also essential to follow safety guidelines and regulations when operating or working around electrical equipment.
