Electricity and magnetism field lines

In summary, electricity and magnetism field lines are not the same. They are both created by charged particles but are of a different nature. Field lines are simply a visual representation of the fields themselves.
  • #1
Are electricity and magnetism field lines the same? please be detailed!
Physics news on Phys.org
  • #2
Instead of writing a book on the subject (since many others did), I will keep my answer short.

To make it simple, a charged particle creates an electric field. A moving charged particle creates also a magnetic field. Both of them are of the same nature, but not the same.

  • #3
DrDanger said:
Are electricity and magnetism field lines the same?
DrDanger said:
please be detailed!
Your question is not terribly detailed. I don't know how you expect a detailed response. In any case, pay more attention to the fields themselves than the field lines. The field lines are just a graphical tool for plotting the fields.

FAQ: Electricity and magnetism field lines

1. What are electric and magnetic field lines?

Electric and magnetic field lines are imaginary lines used to represent the direction and strength of an electric or magnetic field. Electric field lines represent the direction in which a positive test charge would move if placed in an electric field, while magnetic field lines represent the direction in which a compass needle would point if placed in a magnetic field.

2. How are electric and magnetic field lines related?

Electric and magnetic field lines are related because they are both created by the movement of charged particles. An electric field is produced by stationary or moving charges, while a magnetic field is produced by moving charges. Additionally, a changing electric field can create a magnetic field and vice versa.

3. What is the significance of the spacing between electric and magnetic field lines?

The spacing between electric and magnetic field lines represents the strength of the field. The closer the lines are together, the stronger the field is in that region. Field lines that are further apart indicate a weaker field.

4. How do field lines behave around different types of charges?

In an electric field, field lines originate from positive charges and terminate on negative charges. In a magnetic field, field lines form closed loops around the direction of the current. If the current is parallel to the field lines, the field lines will be straight and parallel, and if the current is perpendicular, the field lines will form circles around the current.

5. Can electric and magnetic field lines intersect?

No, electric and magnetic field lines cannot intersect. This is because the direction of the field at any point is determined by the tangent to the field line at that point. If two field lines were to intersect, there would be two different directions for the field at that point, which is not possible.

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