Electricity and Magnetism: Verifying the Inverse Square Law

  • #1

I'm currently working through Purcell and Morin, Electricity and Magnetism textbook and came across a problem in which the goal is to verify the inverse square law. I'm worked through and completed the problem. However, I'm confused how this verifies the inverse square law, I'm posting the images of the solution below.
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  • #2
The attached files are not in .pdf format.
How were they produced ?
  • #3
I took images of them on my phone and then airdropped them to my laptop, I'll fix them up when I get back to my laptop and edit the post. Thank you.
  • #4
I've here the 3rd edition, where it seems that the authors try to derive the Coulomb field of a static point charge. As to be expected from this book, it's all buried in some strange pedagogics, making the problem more complicated than it is.

The idea is simply to use the spherical symmetry of the problem. So let the point charge, ##Q##, sit at rest in the origin of a Cartesian coordinate system. We want to calculate ##\vec{E}(\vec{r})## at any position ##\vec{r} \neq \vec{0}##, because at the origin we have obviously a singularity, which is characteristic for the assumption of a "point charge" in classical field theory.

Mathematically the problem is simple because of spherical symmetry. There's no other vector in the problem than ##\vec{r}##, because no direction is in any way special except the direction of the position vector itself. Thus you can make the Ansatz
$$\vec{E} = E_r \vec{e}_r,$$
where ##\vec{e}_r=\vec{r}/r##. The "radial component" ##E_r## can only depend on ##r=|\vec{r}|##, again due to the spherical symmetry.

Now you simply use Gauss's Law in integral form
$$\int_{\partial V} \mathrm{d}^2 \vec{f} \cdot \vec{E}=Q_V/\epsilon_0.$$
It's obvious, again because of the spherical symmetry, to choose a spherical shell of radius ##r## around the origin for ##\partial V##. The surface-normal vectors are ##\vec{e}_r## and thus with our ansatz for ##\vec{E}##
$$E_r (r) 4 \ pi r^2=Q/\epsilon_0 \; \Rightarrow \; E_r(r)=\frac{Q}{4 \pi \epsilon_0 r^2}.$$
That's it! It's simply spherical symmetry and Gauss's Law!

FAQ: Electricity and Magnetism: Verifying the Inverse Square Law

What is the inverse square law in the context of electricity and magnetism?

The inverse square law states that the intensity of an electric or magnetic field decreases in proportion to the square of the distance from the source. Mathematically, it is expressed as \(I \propto \frac{1}{r^2}\), where \(I\) is the intensity and \(r\) is the distance from the source. This principle applies to various phenomena such as the force between two charges (Coulomb's Law) and the strength of a magnetic field from a point source.

How can we experimentally verify the inverse square law for electric fields?

To verify the inverse square law for electric fields, you can set up an experiment using a point charge or a small charged object. Measure the electric field strength at various distances from the charge using an electric field sensor or a voltmeter. Plot the measured field strength against the inverse square of the distance. If the plot is a straight line, it confirms the inverse square law.

What equipment is needed to verify the inverse square law in a magnetic field experiment?

To verify the inverse square law for magnetic fields, you need a magnetic field sensor (such as a Hall effect sensor), a source of a magnetic field (like a bar magnet or a current-carrying coil), a ruler or measuring tape for distance measurements, and a data acquisition system to record the magnetic field strength at various distances. Additionally, you may need a computer to plot and analyze the data.

Why does the inverse square law apply to both electric and magnetic fields?

The inverse square law applies to both electric and magnetic fields because they both originate from point sources and spread out uniformly in all directions in three-dimensional space. As the distance from the source increases, the area over which the field is distributed increases quadratically, leading to a decrease in field intensity proportional to the square of the distance.

What are some common sources of error when verifying the inverse square law experimentally?

Common sources of error in such experiments include inaccurate distance measurements, misalignment of the sensor with the field source, interference from external electric or magnetic fields, and limitations of the sensor's sensitivity and precision. Ensuring proper calibration of equipment and minimizing external influences can help reduce these errors.
